PTA Meeting
Lindbergh Elementary
October 7, 2014
I.Call to order @ 7:05pm
II.A motion to approve the minutesfrom the September meeting was made bySuelynBoucree. 2nd was made by Eddie Mroczka. Motion carried.
III. Statement of Treasurer – Paul Goddard –
Event/Money procedures – There will be a new procedure for turning in/depositing money at the end of an event due to a small amount of money coming up missing after the book fair. For every event, at the end of the shift/day the 2 people checking the money will count it and put it in the envelope, fill out and sign the Event Tally sheet and then seal the envelope andsign off on the seal. It is then the responsibility of the event chair to get the money to the treasurer for him or her to deposit. If this is not possible, the event chair should take it home for safe keeping until it can be given to the treasurer to deposit. If neither the event chair or the treasurer is available at the end of an event, arrangements for another board member to take the money home must be made. Money is no longer to be left at the school overnight. If the money carries over until the next day or another shift after a break (as in pre-sale tickets), 2 people should open the envelope and count the money together to confirm correct amount.
IV. Committee Reports
Principal – Mrs. Pamela DeNeen
New class opened today 1st/2nd grade split. Lindsey Hornyakis the new teacher to teach that class.
Currently have 338 students.
The new tables arrived.
NWEA testing is going on now – nationwide test 3rd – 5th will do language, read, math and science. K-2 is testing on reading and math. They will take this 3X/year. This is replacing other tests.It is a federal requirement to have some national testing. Results will be posted on report card at least reading and math.
We will still have the MEAP test – most likely in Spring.
The mileage renewal is coming up in November (Hold Harmless Mileage). We want to make sure this continues.
Father Vice President – Eric Mattison
Jim Thorpe has reserved the inflatables and water game for the Fun Fair in June. The Kona Ice snow cone machine has also been reserved.
Mother Vice President – Sara Beauchamp is not present.
Yvette Abela reported that signs for the Holiday Boutique are available for sign out.
Amy Fradkin reported that there is advertising being done at Westborn Mall and on CDTV for the Holiday Boutique. We still need artists.
Scrip orders due on Wednesday October 8th.
Buffalo Wild Wings Dine Out is on October 15th. You can use a gift card you get from Scrip and double dip on the money earned for Lindbergh.
Secretary – Debbie Koehler – Nothing at this time
Teachers – Mrs. Stetz, Mrs. Wright and Mrs. Ruselink
The Kindergarten teachers love their new promethean boards – thank you very much.
The 1st PBIS reward and assembly was on par for where they expected it to be based on previous results. Everything is going well.
Fundraising – Jen Enquist
Mrs. Doman is working on the classes on the art fundraiser – Original Artworks
Jen Enquist is working with KrispyKreme on a coffee and donuts fundraiser for Election Day.
Popcorn – HutaphJadallahis not present.
Sign up for to pop popcorn for the week your child’s classroom is responsible for Friday Popcorn.
Reflections – Amanda LeFranc is not present.
Reflection information has been sent home.
Haunted School – Carrie Thorpe/Maria Buffone
Still need volunteers for Haunted School. A gift card will be raffled off to award volunteers. A meeting will be held next week for those wishing to be involved in Haunted School.
All rooms are filled except the fortune teller room.
A cupcake party will be awarded to the class that brings in the most haunted school donations.
Watch D.O.G.S – Eddie Mroczka
The kick-off pizza party meeting went very well. 44 dads showed up and 39 dads signed up to help.
VII. Announcements
There was a drawing for a gift card for those that attended. Erin Miller won the gift card.
VIII. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 7:53pm.