CBS/OPAG-IOS/ICT-IOS-5, Doc. 2.1, p. 1

Fifth Session
ITEM: 2.1
Original: ENGLISH


(Submitted by Dr James F.W. Purdom, Chairperson of the OPAG-IOS, USA)

Summary and purpose of document
The document reports on selected activity since the last ICT-IOS meeting and provides guidance from the Chairperson of the Open Program Area Group on Integrated Observing Systems with respect to the upcoming CBS Session and future activities of the OPAG-IOS, its Expert Teams and Rapporteurs.


The ICT-IOS is invited to take note of the chairperson’s report and plan its work accordingly.


Appendices:A.Recommendations related to the OPAG-IOS activities adopted by

B.Report of activities within the CBS OPAG-IOS to CBS-MG Meeting,
June 2008

C.Strategic Planning Guidance


The Chair appreciates the efforts and accomplishments of the expert teams and Rapporteurs. He particularly notes the substantial progress with regard to their respective terms of reference. Since each expert team will report on highlights of the various activities, they will not be repeated here. When reviewing the highlights, please note how the reflected activities are spelled out in the ICT’s Terms of Reference. During the ICT Meeting, all Expert Team Chairs and Rapporteurs should report on progress and present appropriate proposals and recommendations. At the ICT meeting we will consider specific proposals, and, as appropriate, make recommendations to CBS-XIV.

This Implementation/Coordination Team (ICT) has several tasks that are addressed through the Open Programme Area Group’s Expert Teams and Rapporteurs'. Expert Teams, Rapporteurs and their Terms of Reference (TOR) and work plans (including the ICT) may be viewed at: changes have occurred within the OPAG IOS since we last met. Dr. Wenjian ZhangandMr. Jeff Wilson resigned their positions as Chairs of ET-SAT and ET-SUP respectively to take new positions within the WMO Secretariat. Mr. James Gurka and Mr. Wolfgang Benesch have agreed to take over the roles of acting Chairs of ET-SAT and ET-SUP, respectively. The OPAG-IOS expresses its thanks to the departing ET Chairs, Dr. Zhang and Mr. Wilson, for their hard work and inspiring leadership. Mr Rainer Dombrowsky was elected as the vice-president of CIMO and resigned from the position as Chair of ET-AWS, effective 1 February 2006. The OPAG-IOSis grateful to Rainer for contributions he made through his Chairmanship of that Expert Team.
Dr Igor Zahumensky has taken position as the Chair of ET-AWS. ET-EGOS remains unchanged. There has also been a change in the AMDAR Rapporteur, with Mr. Dibbern resigning to take over as Director of the EUCOS program. We thank Mr. Dibbern for his hard work as AMDAR Rapporteur.

There are a number of important issues that will be considered during this session of the ICT. They appear in the agenda.

1.1CBS-Ext(06) in Seoul, Korea, November 2006

CBS-Ext.(06), considered in detail the report by OPAG-IOS chair and co-chair and noted with satisfaction that in accordance with standing TORs and work plans, the major activities of the OPAG-IOS were successfully addressed. Based on the proposals developed under various areas of OPAG-IOS, the Commission took specific decisions which are reproduced in AppendixA. Appropriate deliberations of CBS-Ext.(06) on the IOS issues together with progress report were submitted as a separate document to the Fifteenth WMO Congress (Cg-XV, Geneva, 7-25 May 2007) for its consideration and guidance. Revised work plans for OPAG-IOS Expert Teams and Terms of Reference for Rapporteurs confirmed. They may be viewed at the web site referenced in section 1 above.

1.2EC Task Team on WMO Integrated Observing Systems (WIGOS) Meeting, Geneva, 1-3 February 2007

The EC Task Team on WIGOS reviewed a straw man document “Toward Enhanced Integration between the WMO Observation Systems” with the end goal of responding to Executive Council’s, EC-LVIII and was requested to develop a document on this topic for Cg-XV. The straw man document was reviewed, modifications were made to its text, and an abbreviated version was developed for review, potential modification and then for presentation to Cg-XV.

The EC-TT/WIGOS felt that integration within the context of WMO observing systems should be defined as the effort to establish a comprehensive and coordinated system of observing systems, ensuring interoperability between systems, and aiming to: cost effectiveness, availability of required information, access in real/quasi-real time to observations, ensure quality standards and facilitate archiving and technological innovation.

The EC-TT/WIGOS emphasized that the planning and implementation of the WMO Integrated Global Observing System (WIGOS) should proceed in parallel with the planning and implementation of the WMO Information System (WIS). The combined WIGOS/WIS would allow for an integrated WMO end-to-end system of systems designed to improve Members’ capability to effectively provide the widening range of services and to better serve research program requirements.

The EC-TT/WIGOS identified an extensive list of potential benefits and challenges of the integration to the Organization and to Members themselves. The potential benefits fall into four categories:

  • Improved services;
  • Increased quality and access to observations;
  • More efficient use of resources; and
  • Better preparedness to incorporate new observing systems and to interface with non-WMO systems.

Potential challenges associated with embarking upon WIGOS including:

  • The cross cutting nature of the overall project will require unprecedented cooperation and coordination efforts by all concerned. This is difficult to accomplish.
  • Time is an important risk factor. The development of a detailed, comprehensive Development and Implementation Plan (DIP) and the orchestration of meaningful Pilot Projects must be addressed early in the period.
  • Effective and constructive coordination and collaboration with cosponsoring and cooperating Organizations is a sensitive issue that must be carefully undertaken to minimize misunderstandings and confusion.

1.3WMO Congress, Geneva (Cg-XV), Switzerland, May2007, immediately followed by WMO Executive Council (EC-LIX)

Noting the importance of CBS to its Members, CBS activities in the observational domain should take into account the following additional aspects:

(1)That the substance of the GOS being one of the component of the WWW Programme shall comply with the WMO Strategic Plan 2008-2011 with its major contributions focused on the following Expected Results:

I:Enhanced capabilities of Members to produce better weather forecasts and warnings;

IV:Integration of WMO observing systems;

V:Development and implementation of the new WMO Information System;

VI:Enhanced capabilities of Members in multi-hazard early warning and disaster prevention and preparedness; and

IX:Enhanced capabilities of Members in developing countries, particularly Least Developed Countries, to fulfil their mandates.

(2)That GOS of the WWW should continue to take a leading role for WMO in GEOSS and, in particular, to collaborate with GEOSS to ensure that the surface-based and space-based components of the WWW GOS and the WIS are recognized and strengthened as core systems within GEOSS.

(3)That GOS of the WWW should take a leading role in the technical development and planning of integrated observing systems with a view to a cost-effective and flexible system of systems that can meet in an optimal way the requirements of all WMO Programmes.

1.3aWIGOS in particular: WIGOS is one of the major expected results for WMO and it is very important that the ETs within the OPAG-IOS be involved in this activity. The WIGOS should be discussed in depth during this meeting; WIGOS is to be the theme of the technical conference that immediately precedes CBS in March 2009.

The WIGOS Pilot Projects proposed within he WIGOS DIP are: (1) Integration of WWW/GOS and GAW in WIGOS; (2) Integration of Global Hydrological Network in context of WIGOS; (3) Integration of AMDAR into WIGOS; (4) Elaboration of the underpinning/crosscutting role and responsibilities of the Instrument and Methods of Observations Program in the context of WIGOS; and (5) The Integration of marine meteorological and other appropriate oceanic observations into WIGOS. (Most relevant to these ETs are #s 1 and 5, with perhaps some interest in #2).

1.4Virtual Laboratory (VL) for Satellite Data Utilization Management Group Meeting,
7-8 June 2007, Boulder, Colorado, USA

  • Details of activity within the VL will be addressed by the ET-SUP report;
  • Five year assessment of activity within VL Management Group;
  • Planning for future Virtual Lab activity; and
  • New VL Management Group Co-Chairs.

1.5CBS Management Group Meeting, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-20 June 2007

  • Work plan and achievements within OPAG-IOS appreciated and confirmed.

1.6WMO Global Satellite Optimization Workshop, Geneva, 30 June – 1 July 2007

  • To be discussed elsewhere in this meeting.

1.7WIGOS GOS/GAW Pilot Project Meeting, Geneva, 25-27March 2008

Experts from CAS and CBSmet in Geneva for three days from 25 to 27March 2008. The end result of the meeting was a draft proposal for a pilot project to improve availability of Ozone and Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD) and surface Particulate Matter (PM) observations to the user community and prepare documentation to help other communities make their observing practices compatible.

The pre-meeting papers for the joint expert group meeting can be accessed on the WMO website: meeting successfully met its goal of developing the project plan for the joint GOS-GAW pilot project. That project builds off the work done within OPAG-IOS’ Expert Team on Evolution of the GOS (ET-EGOS). Initially there were three pilots that were proposed, 2.1 and 2.2 as below, plus Pilot project 2.3 “Develop a Vision for a satellite constellation for atmospheric composition.” It was felt that pilot project 2.3 did not fit in the context of “a pilot project to accelerate the implementation of WIS/WIGOS” and that this topic could be handled through cooperation between appropriate Expert Teams within OPAGs in CBS and CAS, as well as through appropriate interaction with CGMS and CEOS. Pilot projects 2.1 and 2.2 are summarized below. It should be noted that while pilot 2.1 was accepted in its entirety, the scope of pilot 2.2 awaits Dr. Wehrli’s coordination with the various CAS data centers that would be affected by that project.

Pilot project 2.1 - Improve the dissemination of ozone (total column, profiles and surface) and aerosol observations on the GTS/WIS.

This project supports Task 6.1 of the GAW Strategic Plan and Recommendation G6 of the EGOS-IP.

Goal: To expand significantly the number of stations submitting ozone and aerosol observations to operational users in near real time via GTS/WIS.

Pilot project 2.2- Map the current situation of GAW data providers and review the existing services and tools.

Goal: To simplify the data submission processes of data providers in order to increase the submission of data, preferably in near real time, for better access by data users.

1.8Fourth WMO Workshop on the Impact of Various Observing Systems on NWP, Geneva, Switzerland, 19-21 May, 2008

  • Experts in the field of NWP from major forecast centers presented results of their studies on the impact of various observing systems on NWP forecast skill;
  • Results from the workshop will help guide the vision and redesign of the Global Observing System; and
  • The results from this workshop will be discussed elsewhere during this ICT meeting.

1.9WMO Executive Council (EC-LX), Geneva, 18-23June 2008

The Council affirmed the importance of Integration ofWMO Observing Systems (WIGOS). The Council recognized that WIGOS and WIS Pilot and Demonstration Projects and the eventual implementation of WIGOS/WIS will provide great benefits to all WMO Members, particularly developing and least developed countries. Regarding the Implementation of the WIGOS Concept, Council noted that WIGOS should be seen clearly as an integration of WMO observing systems in coordination with partner organizations such as JCOMM and GEOSS and other international organizations that deal with surface-based and space-based systems.

The Council recognized satellites as an important component of the Global Observing System (GOS) that provide vital information to WMO Members for carrying out their missions. The Council also voiced great appreciation for the support provided by both operational and research space agencies to WMO Members.

Strong support was expressed for the GCOS Upper-Air Reference Network (GRUAN) effort and EC applauded Deutscher Wetterdienst for their significant contribution to getting the GRUAN effort underway with the site at Lindenberg, Germany. Note from OPAG Chair: Noting the addition of non-traditional sites (such as ARM sites) proposed for the GRUAN network makes this an ideal activity for a WIGOS Pilot Project.

1.9aCBS Management Group Meeting (CBS-MG-8), 16-17June 2008 (immediately preceded EC-LX)

The report by OPAG-IOS was by far the most complete report presented (thanks to the Secretariat for help in that matter). When the final report of the meeting is posted to the web, you will note that it was decided to shorten the OPAG-IOS report rather than lengthen the other OPAG reports. The full report of the CBS-MG Meeting can be obtained from the WMO website: report that I presented concerning the activities within OPAG-IOS is appended at the end of this report (you don’t need to read it all). The OPAG Chairs were asked to prepare a one page PowerPoint slide for use by the president of CBS in his report to Executive Council which followed immediately in the days after the CBS MG. The points I prepared for him are below:

Major Deliverables of OPAG-IOS:

  • Draft Vision of the GOS in 2025;
  • Revision of Evolution of GOS-IP;
  • Important outcomes of the 4th Workshop on Impact of Various Observing Systems on NWP;
  • Virtual Laboratory for training in Satellite Meteorology and Regional Focus Groups
  • Progress in Integrated Global Data Dissemination System (IGDDS) and Regional ATOVS Retransmission Systems (RARS);
  • Functional Specifications for AWS; and
  • Requirements for robust AWS particularly suitable to remote locations.

Obviously there were many more, but being limited to one readable page and striving for balance between ETs, I choose the ones above.

I presented nominations for CBS Certificatesof achievement to that meeting, but because of their sensitive nature (i.e., not being decided upon and inconsistencies between numbers of nominations and nomination completeness between the various OPAGs) they are not appended to this report. They will likely be a subject for further consideration at this ICT-IOS meeting as well as another meeting of the CBS-MG meeting in November 2008.

It agreed upon by the CBS-MG that the necessary steps for CBS to take within the new WMO Strategic Planning Process as well as review improved working methods for CBS needed to be addressed, and there is no doubt that the OPAG-IOS ETs will become involved in and help with this strategic alignment and planning process. I expect to work with the ET Chairs to move this agenda forward by working with them on various levels of their ETs’ work plans.

The session discussed CBS’s role in the new WMO strategic planning system. In particular, the session discussed how to increase the effectiveness (and visibility) of the Commission including possible changes in the structure of the Commission. The session discussed the need to develop a CBS vision of indicators for strategic planning since it was noted that the present indicators in the WMO Operating Plan are only for the WMO Secretariat and do not appropriately articulate a WMO-wide Operating Plan and thus should be reviewed and updated where required. While this issue was basically tabled by the MG and be brought up after further study to the next MG meeting, I proposed that ET’s work plans should be able to be linked to expected results with more detail on how they link as well as expected outcomes from the various portions of the work plans. By and large there was great confusion amongst the OPAG Chairs, and I suggest leading rather than following a confused mass.

The MG felt that it was necessary to convene another meeting of the MG before the end of 2008 to consolidate the outcome of various CBS Expert Teams and to further discuss their composition and needs in order to make adjustments in the current structure of the OPAGs. Thus, it agreed to have the Ninth session from 13 to 15 November 2008 (starting the afternoon of the 13th immediately after the Sub-Group on WIGOS).


  • Some plans are in place and some plans are still under development for the various THORPEX experiments. Of particular immediate interest are IPY and T-PARC.
  • Guidance from the ETs to THORPEX is still desired concerning experiment activities that would benefit the work of the ETs; for example, helping to provide guidance for WMO Members on areas such as targeted observations and better use of satellite remote sensing observations.

3.0Strategic Planning: It is apparent that the work plans of the various ETs will be linked to expected results of WMO. This process is not straight forward, since the expected results are so broad in scope, and are likely to be further modified. Further, since the CBS has no strategic operating plan, ways forward are being developed within the CBS-MG that will lead toward such development. I have appended portions of a document presented at the CBS-MG meeting that deals with the WMO Strategic plan (CBS-MG-8 (RED)/Doc. 5. It is important that we look at the work plans of the ETs as how they might fit into the strategic goals of the CBS (yet to be developed); thus helping guide the CBS into its strategic planning activities.