Linda Dano
Emmy award-winner Linda Dano is the only actress to have played the same character on four different daytime dramas -- simultaneously!!! Linda's character, "Dr. Rae Cummings", travels through all the ABC daytime dramas and is known for her warmth and caring. Linda shares these traits with her character. In addition to her work to raise awareness about Alzheimer's disease, Alzheimer's patients, and their caretakers, Linda Dano has been a champion for osteoporosis education. Here she is with Dr. Donnica at the National Osteoporosis Foundation Gala (October 2000) where she received an award for her efforts. /

Caring for those with Alzheimer's Disease

Linda recently was a radio guest on "Dr. Donnica's Women's Health Report" discussing her real life role as a care-giver to her father who had Alzheimer's disease, and her mother who had been suffering the effects of caring too much. That interview is abstracted here.

Linda: "My father had Alzheimer's, and because of the trauma that I went through and my mother went through, I want to share my story to help everybody else so I can spare them from going through it. . .It was enormously difficult for my mother and I to see my father deteriorate the way he did. The strain was different for my mother and me. I went right to food, gained 50 pounds, and my mother went every date to see my father. . .and I could see HER starting to go under!

"My mother could NEVER have handled this all by herself. The one thing that came out of this, was that I had saved my mother. I gave her a new life, a new direction. . .she had help, support, she never felt isolated or afraid the moment she came and lived with me".

Dr. Donnica: Linda, what resources are available for those caring for loved ones with Alzheimer’s disease?

Linda: I’m offering everyone for free a care givers’ survival kit. Call 1-877-439-3566 or go to the web site NFCA or mine, It’s a kit, it’s free, GET IT!

For more information on Alzheimer’s disease, click here.
For more information on Linda Dano, go to

Created: 11/16/2000-Linda Dano

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