LincolnshireCounty Netball
Meeting notes
/ LincolnshireCounty Netball Committee MeetingIssued by
/ Justine HealyDate
/ 2ndJuly 2012Location
/ BishopGrossetesteCollegePresent
/ Vanessa McErlain, Paula Hill, Claire Annall, Justine Healy, Louise Key, Carolyn Morton, Ellen McGarell Lizzie SaywellRepresentatives from; Louth, Fenland, Horncastle Belles, Boston Juniors,
1 / Apologies:
M.Hall, Christine Stewart – B2N captain, Helen Coleman
2 / Minutes from last meeting
Minutes from last AGM were read and agreed as a true a good record. Proposed by Paula Hill and seconded by Justine Healy. Vanessa McErlain signed.
3. / Welcome
Welcome and thanks for attending the LCNA AGM.
It doesn't seem like 12 months since I last gave my report of the season - and what a season we have had - the main headlines are :
Our league continues to go from strength to strength give a great competitive structure for all age groups and our league winners and runners up are benefiting from this as they represent us at regional and even national level - congrats to Brigg and Horncastle U14's who finished 3rd and 4th in the regionals and to Brigg U16s who finished 2nd in the regionals and 16th at the nationals.
Lincoln A and Sleaford Barge both retained their places in the regional senior league and Lincoln B and Brigg both qualified for the regional senior league.
4. / Presentation of New venue
Lesley Taylor from Deans Sports and Leisure attended the meeting to give us a presentation on the new Deans Sports Complex at Lincoln college. The CountyLeague are looking to move hereso they have a central venue for some matches.
5. / Appointment of tellers
Dave Thomas – Horncastle
Ellen McGarell – Boston
6.1 / Chairs Report
- We have had many more umpires and coaches qualify and this is our main focus area for the coming season
- All league area's have run successful B2N schemes
- Clubs have re qualified as CAPs and we welcome a new CAPs club
- Acadamies continue to perform well with 2 players selected for England Trials and with 1 player being selected for regional training and 5 for NTL - so the hope is we will see a super league player from Lincs very soon!
- 6 out of 9 awards from the E.Mids goalden globes went to Lincolnshire!
- We have looked at our goverence to bring it in line with AENA
- Our next 4 year development plan has being drawn up and agreed on
- But all the above and much more would not of happened if it wasn't for the great work done by all of you here tonight and many many more - so a BIG THANK-YOU to each and everyone who runs Clubs, Leagues, B2N sessions etc throughout the county who all help make us what we are today and a really big thanks goes to everyone who sits with me on the Lincs committee for their dedication again in all you continue to do for the Netball within Lincolnshire.
6.2 / Treasurers Report
- Report will be published in full on the website.
- Still awaiting final figures but up to the end of March we had £8,800 in the account.
- The County have subsidised umpiring courses and the CountyPresentation Evening.
- Monies have been paid out for CountyLeague, Academies, expenses, affiliation, scholarships and clothing
Incoming - £24,000
Outgoing - £29,000
Affiliations £10,500
6.3 / Umpiring
- This year has been a good year.
- 4 courses have been held and one is to be held in the summer.
- 11 people have passed. 1 B Award, 10 C Awards. 2 ‘B’ trainees and 4 C trainees are to be tested soon.
- Mentoring going well
- We need feedback on all of the courses.
6.4 / Netball Development Officer
Please see attached Report from NDO
6.5 / CountyLeague
- We have kept the same ages U11,U12,U14,U16,U19, 2 Senior, Back 2 Netball
- We have got increased numbers
- Weather has affected the league,Paula welcomed any ideas for how to handle this next year.
- The presentation went well, the venue, food and awards were great.
- Paula thanked everyone who ran the teams who enter the league. As a result we are the envy of the region.
- Paula mentioned the use of a website for leagues. We can link both county and league websites.
7. / Acadamies North and South
23 girls
5 Girls went to 3 Sessions @ Loughborough - they will find out w/c 9/7/12
This has finished for the year and awards were given at the presentation. It was a very strong set of players
North Satellite
23 started, 4 moved up to county. All have had feedback. Most were from Louth, Brigg and Lincoln
26 Athletes attended. They attended a play day at Loughborough.
10 athletes across the satellite and county attended regional trials.
We have been complimented by RosiePort on our academies and the skill and strength of the girls.
7. / Affiliations
England Netball have announced the affiliation rates for 2012-2013. This year they have decided to do a tier system for juniors, they are as follows;
Over 18yrs - £24.20
14-18yrs - £15.20
Under 14yrs - £8.00
High 5 (under 11yrs) - £5.00
East Mids are adding the following;
Over 18yrs - £1.25
Under 18yrs - £.050
The County committee have proposed the following rates which will be voted on accordingly.
Flat Rate
Over/Under 18yrs- £7.00
Under 11 - £2.00
Over 18yrs - £6.00
Under 18yrs - £8.00
VOTE – Flat rate – 7, Tiered – 4, Abstain – 1
Full Affiliation Rates 2012/2013
Senior - £33.00
Junior - £23.00
Under 14 - £15.50
Under 11 - £7.50
There is no county rate on Back 2 Netball Affiliation. If a B2N Team joins a netball league it is up to the league to decide whether they are happy to take on that level of insurance.
9. / New Governance Structure
There will be a new structure introduced for the 2012/2013 year. This will be headed by the Lincolnshire County Netball Association Management Board. This group will consist of the Chair Person, Treasurer, League Manager, Netball Development Officer and the TSG Leads.
There will then be four groups (see attachment for details); CountyLeague, Excel and Coaching Development, Umpiring and the Development Group.
A vote was taken to agree the structure.
PROPOSAL: Agree structure as presented
FOR – 12
Information about these groups will be on the website.
We are in need of volunteers for each of the groups. It is hoped that by separating out the different areas people can concentrate on what they know/are interested in, instead of sitting in meetings for no reason.
10. / Election of Officers
Chair- Vanessa McErlain
Vice Chair/General Secretary – Paula Hill
Minutes Secretary – Justine Healy
Affiliations/Netball Development Officer – Louise Key
Treasurer – Claire Annall
County League Manager – Paul Hill
TSG Leads
Umpiring – Lizzie Saywell
Development – Louise Key
Excel – Vanessa McErlain
County - Paula Hill
It was suggested that we should make it compulsory for all teams who enter the CountyLeague should attend all the meetings.
12 / Sport Awards
A couple of nominations didn’t meet the criteria.
There were lots of nominations, more than last year
There were also nominations from East Mids which were won.
E. Mids Young Volunteer - Lizzie Saywell
E.Mids Mary BullochAward – Paula Hill
Player of the League – Emily Cooper and E Coulthard
Results will be on the website with a brief synopsis for each award.
It is hoped that we will be able to get sponsors for next years awards.
Young Volunteer – Abby Johnson
Senior Volunteer – Mark McErlain
Administrator – Robyn Rogers,
Community Club of the Year – Fenland Netball Club
Official – Stuart McErlain
Grassroots coach – Jayne Walsh
Netball Educator – Jess Fowlerat Stamford High School
Coach of the Year – Louise Key
Long Service
Bronze – 5yrs
Abby Johnson
Gold (15+yrs)
Dave Thomas – Horncastle
13. / A.O.B
Amendments to the constitution will be made as a result of the new Governance Structure.
Honarary Member – currently the committee does not use this clause in the constitution. It was decided that from next year all people with 20years service to netball in Lincolnshire will be awarded with affiliation for llife.
14 / Next AGM
July 2013exact date and venue TBC
Development Officer Report
Louise Key
South Lincolnshire
10 week pilot has run with an average of 6 – 12 ladies over the 10 weeks. Unfortunately it has ended due to being not sustainable
Louth Meridian LC
10 week pilot started June 7th.2011 Monday evenings 6.00pm till 7.00pm and is still going strongly after 12 months. Now runs an additional session on Thursday evenings at Louth Tennis Centre. The coach is Lindsey Burton and Leanne Harrison, a young volunteer from LouthNC has now qualified as a UKCC Level 1 with funding from ELDC. At present still the scheme is still averaging 18 - 20 ladies.
A new scheme started on the 18th July11 at the Hammond Hall Sports Centre. 7 till 8.30pm on a Monday Evening. After a break for winter the scheme has restarted. Coach is Louise Muir. The Hammond Hall have submitted a bid to Sport England’s Inspired Facilities Funding for £40,000 for the refurbishment of the courts.
Grantham have relaunched another scheme after the success of the last one. Another new team, Fenland Lynx, is in the making. Coach Louise Key
Sleaford are launching 4 weeks of Back to Netball as a taster for September. Coach Claire Annall
New League started with some come and try it sessions run alongside….3 teams formed
One team plays every week two or three teams play every three to four weeks
New scheme started Vale of Ancholme School Brigg, Thursdays, KedebySchool, Brigg on Monday.
Back to Netball Tournaments
Inaugural Tournament held at the Louth Tennis Centre. 8 teams entered from across the County (see the website for the full report) 5 tournaments have been planned for the next season as part of the CountyLeague 12/13. Lincolnshire teams also entered the Newark and the Regional B2N Tournaments.
Sportivate – Social/B2N
4 bids have been submitted to the CSP for July and September projec
Children and Young People
All of Lincolnshire clubs have SCL agreements in place.
Pink Ladies, Grimsby and Gainsborough clubs are working towards their Bronze Awards.
The County website has just had a revamp to make it user friendly form mobile devices. Needs information!
All CAPs registered clubs are published on the site, and on the new flyer which is distributed throughout the County in schools, at competitions, through Sports Development Officers and many more avenues as they appear. The flyer will be updated annually and the website weekly.
All clubs and teams will receive updated information from me daily as I receive it so please ensure I have up to date email contacts.
We also have a pop up banner to use at events to publicise Netball in our County.
Coaching and Officiating
2 Beginner courses have run one in Lincoln and Cranwell, and a C course in Lincoln. 50 people have attended. We will now be looking at arranging testing for those at the required level
Testing has been done in Grimsby, Lincoln , Brigg and Boston
Mark McErlain Naylor is now a certified C tester
Stewart McErlaine has achieved his B Award
Helen Coleman, Lizzie Saywell, Laura Spavin and Lisa Hinchcliff have received mentoring towards their B Awards
Horncastle have completed their annual health check.
Vanessa McErlain achieved her UKCC Level 3 Award
Washingborough Imps have achieved Bronze Clubmark
Brigg Club has achieved Gold Clubmark Accreditation.
Fenland have succeeded with their 4 year reaccreditation.
Sleaford Barge to resubmit in the next round.
Numerous new UKCC Level 1's, Level 2's across the county
UKCC level 1 course booked at Cherry Willingham September 2012
Please see the website for application forms and details of how to apply for a CountyBursary.
Brigg and DistrictNC received the Community Club of the Year Award
Paula Hill the Mary Bullock Administration Award
Jess Fowler Teachers Award
Lizzie Saywell the Young VolunteerAward
Claire Annall the Regional Coach Award
Christine Stewart the Back to Netball Awardat the Regional Goalden Globes held in Loughborough on the 16th June 2012. They will now go forward the the National Awards in Birmingham on September 22nd 2012
Workshops across the region can be found by following the link from the county website
Young Officials
Young Netball Organiser course in Grantham. Three volunteers accessing FenlandNC.
Stewart McErlain has hit 300 hours and Molly Brown 120 hours on their Pass on Your Passion
30 Young people signed up to POP
Courses run in the schools to aid our volunteers of the future. Sports Leaders need placements within the clubs. Many of our Sports Leaders are helping run our High Five competitions across the County
Pass on Your Passion : for 12 – 25 year olds to log their voluntary hours for England Netball recognition and rewards.
Sports Makers: Recruiting and placing of new volunteers 16+years
School Games
Another successful School Games hosted by Christ’s HospitalSchool Lincon/ Yarborough Leisure Centre.
16 teams entered, top two from each district. Umpires from Grantham, Brigg, Lincoln, Newark and Boston. (full results will be on the website by the end of the week)
Mini Games
Hosted in Grantham. 720 7 and 8 year olds experienced taster sessions in numerous Sports including High Five Netball.. The event was organised by Young Leaders form the South West SSP.
LincolnshireCounty Netball Association