SAU #68

DATE: January 26, 2010



Judy Boyle-Chairperson Michael Cosgriff, Superintendent of Schools

Suzanne Fadden-Vice Chair Bob Nelson, Principal

Julie Rolando Debbie O’Connor, Financial Manager

Holly Harrington Joanne Osgood, SAU Administrative Assistant

Ken Osgood Nancy Bartlett, Teacher Representative

Sheila Rich

Maureen Polimeno


Judy Boyle called the meeting to order 6:30 pm.


Sue Fadden made a motion to accept the public minutes of January 12, 2009. Ken Osgood seconded. All present voted in favor.

Sue Fadden made a motion to accept the non public portion of the January 12, 2009 minutes. Holly Harrington seconded. All present voted in favor.

Sue Fadden made a motion to accept the return to the public minutes of January 12, 2009. Ken Osgood seconded. All present voted in favor pending correction.


The School Board Chairperson, Judy Boyle polled the Board to enter Non-Public Session pursuant to RSA 91-A: 3 at 6:40 pm. All members polled voted in the affirmative.

Return to public session at 6:45 pm.

Sue Fadden made a motion to accept the Lin-Wood Teachers Contract for 2010-2011. Holly Harrington seconded. All present voted in favor.

Supt. Cosgriff requested permission to sign the Cigna contract. The contract must be back to Cigna by 2/1/10.

Ken Osgood made a motion to allow Supt. Cosgriff to sign the Cigna contract. Julie Rolando seconded. All present voted in favor.


1.  Staff – Nancy Bartlett reports for:

·  Anik White would like to report that students in grades 3-5 began an afternoon Writing Club in January. Sara Ford has already submitted a story to the Cricket Magazine Competition. Other stories will be sent to the Reading Rainbow Young Writers Contest and other writing contests.

·  Mrs. Showalter would like to report that on April 1st and 2nd, Stephen R. Swinburne, author of several non-fiction books for young readers will be coming to Lin-Wood. On the 1st at 7 pm, Stephen will be presenting a program in the elementary multi-purpose room for any member of the Lincoln-Woodstock community who would like to attend. On April 2nd, Stephen will be presenting to the elementary students. Many thanks go to Friends of Lincoln Library, Lin-Wood PTSA, Lin-Wood Booster Club, Lin-Wood Public School, and Woodstock Inn for donating funds that will make this possible.



Manifest was circulated and signed.


Mike Cosgriff reports on the following:

1.  Title 2A Grant Review by DOE

I am completing the necessary changes that the DOE determined were necessary to meet Federal Guidelines. This requires rewriting some sections of the grant, our professional development plan and our teacher evaluation documents.

2.  Benchmarked Exams

Attended a full-day workshop put on by the DOE regarding the anticipated use of "Benchmarked" exams. This is a component of the NH Race to the Top application and has been supported by the Governor.

3.  North Country Superintendent's Meeting

The most recent meeting had presenters on preparing for a group grant to support student’s interest in attending college and one by the Department of Defense regarding the August 2010 deployment of troops to Afghanistan. There are in excess of 400 students in Coos and 520 students in Grafton counties whose parents or guardians are being deployed.

4.  Small Engine Repair

This class started Tuesday the 19th with initially 4 students. It is presently having 2 students continuing. Students report that they are very interested and they really enjoy the class.

5.  Legislative Breakfast

Had a number of presentations by both students and teachers with the overarching theme of "Extended Learning Opportunities".

6.  NCES Executive Board

The Executive Board is continuing its search for an Executive Director. Additionally, the EBoard met to look at programs that individual districts would like to participate in, but do not have the resources or the student populations to do by themselves.

7.  Municipal Bond Bank

Ms. O'Connor and I met with representatives of the NH Bond Bank to learn the process of bonding a building project in anticipation of the replacement of the elementary school roof.


Bob Nelson reports on the following:

·  The following students have been selected as December Students of the Month. Thank you to all staff members who participated in this student recognition program. Students of the month went to Truants Tavern on Thursday.

Jacob Morris nominated by Mrs. Rand

Kaden Coutts nominated by Mr. Weaver

Thor Bartlett nominated by Mrs. Morris

Bailey Clermont nominated by Mrs. Daniels

Tylar Burrows nominated by Mrs. Gaites

Marilyn Bearden nominated by Mrs. Johnk

·  MLK was a success. Students worked on posters with different themes. Several groups presented their posters. Posters are hung around the elementary, middle and high school

·  In -service day—Elementary worked on Dibles (a reading program) and SINI; In-service HS—presentation on use of paraprofessionals in the classrooms

·  Positive discussion on grading and homework facilitated by Caryn Johnk

·  Report cards were distributed last week. Grades 6-8; 11% failing, HS 9% failing. Not the same failing students as last semester

·  Honor Roll—70% MS, 63% HS

·  On Monday February 1st, 7 students will travel to Concord to attend the Annual Scholar Athlete Ceremony. To be invited, students must have a B+ GPA and letter in 2 varsity sports, perform community service, and be a positive role model. Aimee Polimeno, Hillary Lamontagne, Alexandra Bartlett, Joe Desjardins, Joe Drapeau, Nate King and Jake McGinley will attend

·  Will celebrate Read Across America during Dr. Seuss’s birthday. There will be challenges for reading nonfiction for K-12 students.

·  On March 12, will celebrate Pi Day for grades 6-12. Activity was introduced by Mrs. McKenney


Facilities: Met this evening

Lin-Wood Coalition for Healthy Communities: Met and discussed a number of programs Sean O’Brien is involved in. Sean O’Brien and Joe Desjardins are working with at risk students.



1. JLCE – First Aid and Emergency Medical Care
2. EBBB – First Aid and Emergency Medical Care (delete)
3. JLCA – Student Physical Examinations

Julie Rolando made a motion to accept policies 1, 2, & 3 under second reading. Maureen Polimeno seconded. All members present voted in favor. Policies 1, 2, & 3 under second reading are adopted.


  1. Roof Bond or Traditional Loan – How to Proceed with IA Dollars –

·  Met with bond bank. Called Citizens Bank. They have a slightly higher percentage rate. Mrs. O’Connor presented how it would affect the tax rate

·  There are advantages and disadvantages to both. With the Bank Bond, there is a $7,500 down payment. No prepayment

·  Traditional bank—rates will be somewhat higher but more flexible than a Bond

·  March 2 public bond hearing on the roof at 6 pm to discuss warrant article and public input on financing

·  Discussed use of IA dollars


1.  2010-11 Budget

·  Budget started out with a 3.9% increase, now increase is down to 1.6%

·  Discussed Warrant Articles

·  Board had several questions, Ms. O’Connor and Supt. Cosgriff will discuss with School Attorney

·  Discussed the percentages to add to the Trust Funds

2.  Administration/Support Staff Salaries

·  Sue Fadden on support staff insurance – policy GDBCA needs to be changed to reflect the correct insurance information. Maureen, Deb and Joanne will review and bring to first reading at the next School board meeting

·  Discussed cost of POS as opposed to HMO

·  Discussed salary increases for both Administrative and Support Staff

·  Administrators requested that they receive a 2.5% increase in pay, and the Support Staff receive a 2% increase in pay

After a discussion Judy Boyle polled the Board. 4 Board members would approve 2.5% and 3 Board members would approve 2%. Salary increases as presented in budget, 2% support staff and 2.5% administration

Maureen Polimeno made a motion to accept the Budget as presented with the dollar figure to be adjusted for Support Staff in reference to the HMO funding at 85% up to 2 person, except those that are grandfathered. Sue Fadden seconded. All present voted in favor.

3.  Superintendent Evaluation

Discussed how the Superintendent could improve in some areas, Chairperson Judy Boyle noted that the evaluation was well-rounded with good comments and overall a good evaluation.


Judy Boyle asked if there was any further business to come before the Board, hearing none, Sue Fadden made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Holly Harrington. The motion carried and the meeting was adjourned at 9:05 pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Joanne Osgood, SAU Administrative Assistant