Lincoln Street Elementary School
Mrs. Colleen M. Hall, Principal
October 2nd Fire Safety Presentation
8:15 – Grade 1
8:45 – Pre-K & K
October 4th P.E.T.A.L.S Meeting at 6:00pm
Family Night Book Fair from 5:30pm – 6:30pm
October 9th NO SCHOOL – Columbus Day Observance
Pre-K released at 1:45
Walkers released at 2:00
Bus Students released at 1:55
October 18th Individual Student Pictures
October 20th Teacher Conference Day – Students do not report
October 26th Kindergarten to Apple Orchard
October 27th Kindergarten to Apple Orchard
October 31st Halloween Parties and Parade – ALL STUDENTS WILL PARADE AT 8:40am
Lincoln Street Arrival and Dismissal Schedule
Student Arrival / 7:35 AM- Bus Students & WalkersBreakfast / 7:35-7:50 AM
Instruction Begins / 7:50 AM
Student Dismissal / 2:00 PM- Pre-K Students
2:05 PM- Bus Students
2:10 PM- Walkers
A Note from Mrs. Hall:
Thank you to everyone for a wonderful start to the school year! It was nice to see so many families at our Back to School Event.
The faculty and staff at Lincoln Street are committed to educating our children. It is our goal to help every child reach their full potential. With your support and communication, we know we can reach this goal. Please call the office to speak with your child’s teacher or myself with any questions or concerns.
Students who enter the building after 7:50am are legally tardy and must sign in at the main office.
When arriving late, parents/guardians must escort their children into the school building to sign them in at the main office, since attendance has already been taken in class. Children may then walk to their classroom unattended. Help your child get a good start to each school day by arriving on time.
P.E.T.A.L.S. (Parent Educator Team at Lincoln Street School)
P.E.T.A.L.S. is looking for new members for the 2017-2018 school year. Last year our group planned events for families, helped support classrooms and field trips, and raised money for our school. The next meeting of P.E.T.A.L.S. will be held on Wednesday, October 4th at 6:00 PM. Monthly meetings for October through June will be held on the first Wednesday of each month. To join Lincoln Street’s P.E.T.A.L.S., please “like” us on Facebook! ***Save the Date: P.E.T.A.L.S will be sponsoring a Pinterest Night on November 1st at 6:00pm.***
Once again Lincoln Street School will participate in the Box Tops for Education Program. Start collecting those points from participating products. You can check out participating products by logging on to We will hold a box top drive in the very near future.
Fire Safety Presentation / 3 A / 4 B / 5 C / 6 A
7/8 / 9 B / 10 C / 11 A / 12 B / 13 C
15 minute early release
14/15 / 16 A / 17 B / 18 C / 19 A / 20 B
Conference Day
NO SCHOOL for students
21/22 / 23 C / 24 A / 25 B / 26 C
Kindergarten to Apple Orchard
(Bull/Knight/Averill) / 27 A
Kindergarten to Apple Orchard
28/29 / 30 B / 31 C
Halloween Parties and Parade
All students Parade at 8:40am