Lincoln High School
Student Bulletin
Friday, December 15, 2017
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CLEAN CAMPUS: Green flag!
SCIENCE CAMP: Two femaleLHS students (Grade 11 or 12)are needed toattend Science Camp NEXT WEEK, please seeAssistant Principal Kelly Sandstrom (or Randee) at lunch time in the Student Service Center.No training necessary. We are looking for TWO FEMALE STUDENTS who would be interested in attending Science camp NEXT WEEK.
PSAT RESULTS: PSAT results are in…. You may pick up your scores and test booklet in the SSC during lunch and after school.
DECEMBER ACTIVITIES IN THE LIBRARY: There will be a gift-wrapping table in the library for students to wrap holiday gifts. The table will only be available during lunch and after school from December 11th– 15th. Sign-ups are now taking place for students who are interested in decorating a gingerbread house on December 13th. Gingerbread house decorating will be limited to the first 20 students to sign-up. Don’t delay in signing up! The Winter Reading Challenge is on! Please go to the library website under students for details! Happy Holidays!
DRAMA: Lincoln Drama Club is proud to announce the opening of Harper Lee’s classic story “To Kill A Mockingbird”. Show dates are Friday the 15th, Saturday the 16th and Sunday the 17th. Shows are at 7pm on Friday and Saturday with matinee shows on Saturday and Sunday at 2pm. Doors open a half an hour before show times and cost is $10. Tickets are available at the door on show nights or from Mr. Shary in room 1204.
SENIOR QUOTES: Get them in!Forms will be distributed during GOV/ECON classes and will be available in the SSC and L-1during lunch.Forms/dollar paymentneed to be turned into room L-1at lunchon the following days:
Wednesday January 17th-Last names A-L
Thursday Dec. 18th-Last names M-Z
Quotes will not be accepted any other days.Don't miss out!!
SENIOR ADS: Attention Seniors, theSenior Ad Deadline is WED,January 10th.Bring your completed adpacket and payment to L-1 during lunchto purchase.Don't miss out! For more info, see Mr. Muñoz.
YEARBOOKS: The deadline to reserve a copyof the 17-18yearbook on campus is Friday, January 12th. To purchase with cash or check, come to L-1 during lunch any day during the deadline week!
Club meetings today during lunch:
Khmer Club—room 1323
Programming/Robotics—room 1118
GOOD VIBES TOY/COAT/BLANKET DRIVE: This year Good vibes club will be hosting a gently used toy, coat and/or blanket drive! We're challenging all Trojans and staff to donate at least one item to make this holiday season a bit warmer and enjoyable for local foster kids in need. You will find boxes in the library, ASC, Student activities room 1424, Multilingual center, and student service center M-Z side. Please remember, little things make a big difference.
Boys Soccer home vs. East Union
JV Boys Basketball at Rosemont Tournament
Wrestling at Folsom
X-SPORTS: All X-sport athletes are required to pick up their next grade-sheet from the Athletics’ Office. Grade –sheets will be available in the Athletics’ office and the Administration Office. Get your grade-sheet filled out and signed and return it to the Athletics’ Office before Christmas break.
SENIORS VS. STAFF FLAG FOOTBALL: Attention Seniors! Due to popular demand, there is a new Senior vs. Staff event—FLAG FOOTBALL! The game will take place on Friday, January 19 at 3:30pm in the Stadium. Eligibility forms are available on December 5 in in the Activities Office. The forms are due on Monday, December 18 by 11:30am. The first 25 completed forms will be accepted. Football players are invited to coach and need to complete the forms as well. Don’t wait until the last minute, spots will fill up fast!
Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance
“It’s a great day to be a Trojan. At Lincoln High School we promote human kindness and acceptance of all. Please pick up your trash.”