Zoology A
Important Greek and Latin Root Words*
/English Words
a / without / amorphousaktis / ray / hexactinillida
amphi / both / amphibian
annul / small ring / annelid
anth / flower / anthozoa
arch / ancient / archetype
aster/astra / star / astronomy
cauda / tail / caudata
cephalo / head / chephalic
chondros / cartilage / chondricthyes
chrinoon / lily / chrinoidea
chrono / time / chronology
demos / chain / demospongiae
derm / skin / dermatologist
eidos / form / trematode
enchyma / infusion / paraenchyma
gaster / belly / gastropod
gen / birth / genesis
gnathos / jaw / gnathostomulida
hetero / different / heterozygous
hex / six / hexagon
homo / same / homozygous
hydra / water / hydrology
hymen / membrane / hymenoptera
ichthy / fish / ichthology
/English Words
lepidos / scale / lepidopteramono / single / monotreme
nematos / thread / nematode
ocu / eye / ocular
odonto / tooth / odontophore
olig / few / oligarchy
osteo / bone / osteoporosis
ostrakon / shell / ostracoderm
oura / tail / urochordata
pelmatos / stalk / pelmatozoa
phora / bearing / polyplacophora
plaxo / plate / monoplacophora
pod / foot / podiatrist
pseudo / false / pseudonym
ptera / wing / pterodactyl
repere / to creep / reptile
sauros / lizard / dinosaur
serpere / to creep / serpent
skaphic / boat / scaphopoda
spongos / sponge / calcispongiae
squamatus / scaly / squamous
skyphos / cup / scyphozoa
zoon / animal / hydrozoa