Lincoln Central PACT October Meeting Minutes

Meeting Date: 10/03/12

Meeting Time: 7:02pm- 8:17pm

Meeting Location: Central Library

Meeting Attendees:Deb Bauzyk, Shanna Dolan, Rachel Johnson, Patricia Willis, Deepti Karanth, Deborah Hicks, Alan Brown, Karen Martin, Denise Battey, Katelyn Disano, Christine Avelar, Victor Avelar, Pat Gablinske, Robin Ryan, Lisa Iasimone, Nora Michaud, Joy Bolduc, Joyce Harmon, Pam Mazzenga, Elisa Mcdonough, Michele Marchetti

1. Call to Order

  • Elisa welcomed all

2. Approval of Last Meeting’s Minutes

  • Approval of May meeting minutes.

3. President’s Report

  • Introductions

4. Treasurer’s Report

  • Proposed budget for 2012-13 year is $17,000. Special areas including art, PE/health, music and library have separate budgets as of 2012. We have received $2085 from Central Donation fundraiser from approx. 37 families. Another reminder to go home this week. Corporate donations may be an option along the way.

Balance to date - $8033.05

Budget for 2012-13 passed

5. Principal’s Report

  • NECAPS are upon us and going well. New technology is being implemented. Interactive white boards and ELMO projectors with ceiling mount are being installed. Keyboarding skills are being taught to grades K -5 during library. E-readers for library computers are part of the tech. plan as well.

Lifetouch currently takes our school pictures- input as far as spring (2nd set) of photos was addressed.

6. School Committee Report

  • Pam Mazzenga and Michele Marchetti are our SC liaisons. September SC report included citation for Lincoln Lions girls’ softball undefeated season and state championship. Each principal gave presentation, ESY and capital improvement update as well.

Charter schools enrollment up 30 students this year. Currently there are 100 students attending charter schools at the cost of 1 million dollars.

7. Old Business

  • Bash recap- Lisa Dusty once again did a fantastic job chairing this event.
  • Field Day recap- Mrs. Howard organized a fun filled day for our students which included relay races, bounce house, DJ and indoor hands on presentation.
  • End of Year gift – discussion tabled
  • Apparel – new items to be included are pj pants navy/red plaid with Lincoln printed, fleece zip jackets(navy or red) which can be personalized, and tie dye t’s.
  • Misc. - there are still misc items in stock including pens, water bottles, cookbooks etc.

8.New Business

  • Family Fun Night is October 25th from 6-8 pm. Karen Martin is in need of manyvolunteers. There will be a decorated pumpkin contest, carnival games, Halloween stories and videos, and the book fair will be open.
  • Wellness Walk is on October 26th. Morning grades are K-2, and afternoon grades are 3-5.Mrs. Howard will send out flyer with info and sign ups.
  • Book Fair runs from Oct 25-31. Students will be attending during library.
  • Field Day is in need of a chairperson.
  • Teacher grants – Raz-kids was discussed. Deb Jacobson is our teacher liaison.

Next PACT Meeting is on November 7th @7pm.