216 Lincoln Avenue, Orange, NJ 07050

Tel: 973-677-4130 Fax: 973-414-0328


Ronald C. Lee

Superintendent of Schools

Denise V. White, Principal Patrick Yearwood, Assistant Principal

Isabel Colon, Assistant Principal

SMT/DATA Team Meeting

March 28, 2016

Present: D. White, D. Armstrong, B. Florczak, M. Paradise, R. Morrisroe, T. Jones ,Y. Moses, Y. Cooper, P. Yearwood, Ms. P Donohue, Ms. Colon, T. Jefferson

1.Acceptance of last month’s minutes.

(Monitoring the election process, roles and responsibilities, setting of meeting dates, minutes distribution)

Minutes accepted by P. Yearwood, Ms. Donohue

2. School Improvement Plan/Title I Plan Activity Progress: Person/People Reporting______

(Facilitation of the School Improvement Plan/monitoring, assessing, and amending the plan)

Goal #1: Closing the achievement gap ELA grades 3-5

Goal #2: Closing the achievement gap ELA grades 6-7

Goal #3: Infuse rigor in math classes to increase student achievement

Goal # / Activity Description / Person/People Responsible / Status (Not yet begun, In progress, Completed) / Evidence/Data of Status
(What and where housed) / Justification for revisions, if any
1 / Systems 44 liscences / All teachers 3-5 / ongoing / All students were given SRI which gave a base for the teachers to assess overall growth and growth within the unit.
2 / Red 180
Class novels and small literature circles. / Select teachers 6-7 / ongoing / Teacher maintains data on all students; students are aware of their levels and the progress that they are making in the program.
1-3 / After School programs
Rosetta Stone, Study Island, Moby Max math program
starting with lowest performing groups
Different target / Administrators and after school teachers / In progress / Meeting with staff to address the usage of district approved programs. Use of resources that students are expected toaccess weekly. Students are not using Read 180 in after school for the number of hours that they are required. Number of students in the program has increased from 269 to 370 students including general education, special education and ESL students. Program geared toward each students’ individual needs
3 / Math 180 / Select teachers / In progress; 5th grade was added in February / Some improvements, grades are now included in Genesis. Still concerns with attendance. Tried to add negative points in DOJO if they didn’t attend

4. Committee Reports: Person/People Reporting: Admin

(Data Collection/minutes from committees)

Committee / Date of last mtng. / Achievement Data to date: Assessment Data / Demographic Data / Program Data: Usage / Perception Data: Information from walkthroughs and surveys
Data Team (assessment, attendance, MP 2 failures, student conduct) / 3-28-16 / Assessment Data through Chapter 2 in math / There was a decrease in the number of academic failures / Mini assessments part of model curriculum, looking at algebraic thinking in 3rd grade / Students have difficulty with multi step problems; not receiving full credit because either they are not completing all parts or it is incorrect.
ScIP (mentoring, professional development) / 3-21-16 / Walk-Thru Data, Observation / Administrators are completing required walkthroughs, admin and supervisors are completing observations / Use exit tickets, ways to determine student understanding / Areas of concern, domain 1F, 3D
I&RS (trends, interventions) / 2/16 / 10 initial meetings
7 review meetings / 2 cases referred to CST / Meetings are held with all parties including parent Interventions are put in place
Each CPT (student achievement data, best practices) / Week of 3—1 / CPT minutes – discussed PARCC / Students Below 72% Intervention Action Plan.

5. Parent Involvement: Person/People Reporting:

(Meets the needs of students and families/facilitates the development of, monitors and assesses procedures, programs, and goals that enhance achievement/builds capacity for parents and students’ concerns)

Committee / Planned Activity / Number of Parents / Feedback Results
PTO / Meeting / 15 / Positive feedback, parent received PARCC information

6. Community Involvement: Person/People Reporting: (Develops and monitors procedures for the facilitation of communication throughout the professional community)

Committee / Planned Activities
School Culture and Climate / Read Across America
National Dance Week – April 22- May 1 (3rd & 4th grade are doing a flash mob)

7.Good of the Order