Wednesday, October 10, 2012
LIB 428

Present: Helena Calogeridis, Anne Fullerton, Meredith Fischer,Martha Lauzon (recorder), Patrick Miller, Leeanne Romane (chair), Kathy Szigeti.

  1. Approval of Minutes - Minutes Approved with a minor edit.
  1. Business Arising:Screencasting videos

Porter ISR had questions regarding the email from LINC asking for screencasting ideas and
volunteers. To date there have been no submissions, and the deadline was Oct 20, 2012.

Action: LINC will follow up with librarians at next ISR meeting (one in Porter, one in Davis).

  1. Additional Agenda:
  2. Patrick will provide update on video conversions(item IV c)
  3. Leeanne will provide an update on the librarian survey (item IV d)
  1. Updates/Reports
  1. Lesson Plans: Discussion regarding potential need to re-examine lesson plan content, and the connection to promotions (Leeanne)
  2. Review core session lesson plans and make edits as needed.
  3. Review session descriptions and edit as needed, so that the descriptions accurately reflects the sessions.
  4. Helena will review “New Faculty and Grad Student Orientation”
  5. Kathy S will review “Better Searching Better Marks”
  6. Anne will review “Keeping Current”
  7. Patrick and Meredith will review “Find Books & More” (Leeanne will act as contact person).

Action: Leeanne will send out relevant lesson plans.

Action: Leeanne will follow up with instructors of special workshops regarding current lesson plans and possibility of updating.

  1. Registration: Brainstorming solutions to address discrepancy between registration and attendance (Leeanne)
  2. Possible issues:
  3. Timing of sessions
  4. Topics
  5. Errors in registration systems
  6. Suggestions for improving session attendance:
  7. Drop ins instead of registration
  8. Desks set up at libraries for “Questions”
  9. Roaming reference, “go where the students are”
  10. Contact no-shows from registration & query them on roadblocks to attendance
  11. Have sessions later in the term
  12. Work with profs to make instruction point-of-need
  13. Decision made to pilot a new format, starting in Winter 2013, for a year
  14. Remove registration (except for RefWorks, and possibly for special workshops—instructors can make the call for their own sessions)
  15. List as “first come, first served”, with limit of attendees noted (e.g., maximum 25 attendees)
  16. Provide option to sign up for email reminders (does the same as current registration system—encourages attendance and provides instructor with potential numbers, for set up and faculty focus)
  17. Announce the upcoming sessions in one-month blocks, instead of all at once at the beginning of term (this will be easier once the calendar is in place on the Workshop website)
  18. Spread out core sessions throughout the term, and tie to relevant dates (e.g., mid-terms, major assignments)

Action: Leeanne will meet with Glenn Anderson in IST to talk about the form and how we can change it for the pilot.

Action: Anne will put together a set of questions for the people who didn’t attend her Keep Current session, and will pass these on to Leeanne.

  1. The FlexLab may not necessarily be coming back to the Library. Other more-or-less usable teaching spaces are the Conference Room and LIB428.

Action: Anne will put together a proposal for refurbishing the Conference Room.

  1. Screencasting videos (Patrick)
  2. Converting to HD is a straight-forward process, less than 10 minutes per video. Older videos will have black bars around them. Patrick will add the conversion process to the Best Practices.
  3. Database-specific videos: Patrick has done a basic video for MathSciNet. A more advanced video may follow. It was suggested we make use of others’ videos wherever possible.
  4. Patrick is working on those videos still outstanding from the first proposal.
  1. Librarian Survey (Leeanne)

There were seven responses. Most people are not doing assessment, but they would like us to support their teaching.

Action: Leeanne will post the librarian survey results to SharePoint.

Action: Committee members who have not yet filled out the survey should do so.

  1. Around the Table


  • Next week (Oct. 15-19) is CTE “Teaching Week”