January 11: Pastor Jasil Choi went on her second missionary trip to Tawian.

December 16: The ceremony of putting up the ridge beam for Yoido Full Gospel Church, completing the framework for the building. Dr. Cho spoke. Those present praised God for helping them to be overcomers in the face of many difficulties during the construction of this edifice.


June: Pastor Choi attended the 7th Asian Christian Conference held in Japan.

August: Pastor Choi received her pastoral ordination from the Japan Assemblies of God, and became co-pastor of Full Gospel Church.


March 7: Established Full Gospel Osan-ri Prayer Mountain, the first interdenominational prayer mountain, in Osan-ri, Chori-myon, Pajoo-kun, Kyunggi Province on a former cemetery site.

September 18: Hosted the 10th Pentecostal World Conference with 50,000 Korean Christians and 5,000 foreigners at Yoido Church sanctuary and at Hyochang Stadium. The conference was held until September 23. The Pentecostal World Conference is a large gathering organized by members of 90 countries who believe strongly in the Holy Spirit. Conferencesare held every three years. For this conference, Dr. Cho established the Korea Pentecostal Churches Council, and became the Planning Committee Chairman.

September 23: Moved to Yoido and dedicated new edifice. Dr. Cho, Pastor Choi, and many other Christians prayed and thanked God with tears for this new building that seats 10,000, and dedicated it as a memorial to God for His love and blessings these 15 years since its inception in the tent church.


April 5: Pastor Jasil Choi went on a missionary tour in the USA, preaching in numerous churches for 80 days. She established new Full Gospel Churches in Memphis, Tennessee, and in Tampa and Orlando, Florida.

July 8: Pastor Choi received an honorary doctorate degree in theology from Los Angeles Bible College.

July 30: Completed Osanri Prayer Mountain sanctuary and dormitory.


April: Dr. Cho and Pastor Choi left on a missionary tour in the United States. Dr. Cho later went to Canada, pioneered a church in Vancouver and appointed Rev. Dong-soo Hanm as pastor. Cho later joined Choi. After 18 years of being co-pastors, they went together for the first time on a European missionary tour to Amsterdam in the Netherlands, and to Hamburg and Karlsruhe in West Germany.


March 5: Organized Full Gospel Central Church USA Mission.

April 29: Organized Full Gospel Central Church Europe Mission in Berlin, West Germany.

August 4: Organized Full Gospel Church Japan Mission in Osaka, Japan.

September 23: Founded Full Gospel Seminary in Los Angeles, California, USA.

November 4: Founded Church Growth International (CGI).


January 20: Completed construction of educational building, having begun in February 1976.

May 23~27: The Third Full Gospel World Mission Conference was held.

June 22: Held first CGI Seminar in Seoul. Held dedication service for Memorial Hall.

July 1: Founded Full Gospel Seminary in Berlin, West Germany.

August: Dr. Cho and Pastor Choi held Tokyo Revival Conference in Japan.


February 1: Founded Full Gospel Night School for working youth.

April 2: Live telecast of Sunday Worship Service to USA and Canada via PTL satellite.

April 7: Founded Full Gospel Seminary in Kobe, Japan.

August 17~19: Dr. Cho and Pastor Choi held a revival meeting in Hibeehee Park, Tokyo

September 5: Hosted Asian Church Leaders’ Seminar, sponsored by Church Growth Research Institute: 289 Indonesians, 29 Singaporians. 4 Swedes, 1 Thai and 1 American (making a total of 324 delegates who attended). Also, Ive Whata Mawati, former Indonesian President Sukarno’s wife, was present.

October 8: Inauguration of the weekly Full Gospel News.

October 9: Dr. Cho left Korea for one month to hold missionary meetings in America. He left October 9 and went to New York on October 13; to Los Angeles October 14-15; to San Jose from October 27 – November 7; and he returned to Korea on November 8.

October 30~November 3: National Crusade 1978 in the Main Sanctuary: –“Only by the Holy Spirit is the national crusade established.”: Leaders were Pastors Hyun-kyun Shin and Bok-kyu Choi.

November 7~17: CGI Seminar for USA pastors – Hosted USA church pastors seminar in the mission center: 25 Americans, 1 Canadian, and 1 German pastor participated. Lectured were Pastors Cho, J.W. Harson, and Waymon Rodgers.

December 12: Dr. Cho, who went to Bangkok for the 150thAnniversary Crusade of Thai Christian evangelization, created a turning point for the 2,500 who participated. Many received the Holy Spirit and divine healing from the first day of crusade.


January 7: Sydney Full Gospel Church opened in Australia.

January 15: Dr. Cho held the Central American Pastors’ Training Conference for two weeks. Visited Guatemala, Costa Rica, El Salvador, and Mexico.

July 2: Dr. Cho and Pastor Choi left Korea for the third Tokyo Crusade July 10-13.

August 6: Dr. Cho left Korea for the 38th Assemblies of God Conference to be held in Baltimore August 20.

September 3: Dr. Cho left Korea for European crusades, from September 5-10 to hold a crusade for the Portuguese Assemblies of God, from 11-15 in Basel, Switzerland, from 16-20 in France; from 21-24 in Helsinki; and finally from 25-26 in Tokyo. He returned to Korea on September 28.

October 1: The 12th Pentecostal World Conference opened and Dr. Cho and Pastor Choi left for Vancouver, Canada to participate with 50,000 pastors and church members from 80 countries.

October 25: 350 European pastors visited Korea to attend the Scandinavian pastors’ seminar sponsored by CGI in the World Mission Center.

November 4: Celebration service on attaining 100,000 members, with Dr. Pat Roberston guest preacher, who founded CBN-TV and the 700 Club.

November 5 ~ 9: Dr. Cho’s Japan crusades.

November 29: Full Gospel Tokyo Church purchased a 411 pyung, 5-story building with 230-seat auditorium.

December 3: Dr. Cho and Pastor Choi left for Southeast Asia crusades, visiting Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, and other countries.


January 15 ~17: Dr. Cho’s crusades in Japan. God blessed these crusades and miraculous things happened.

February 5: CGI elected its first chairman, Dr. Cho, at a meeting in Pacific Hotel, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA. Present were 120 interdenominational pastors from 30 countries. The meeting lasted until February 8.

February 23: Dr. Cho returned after American crusades – Dr. Cho left February 4 to lead the Hawaii Pastors Training Conference, held a Tulsa Crusade, and on Feb. 17 spoke in the Sunday worship service at Rev. Sheaffer’s church in Oklahoma City. He also spoke to professors, students, and celebrities at Oral Roberts University.

February 29 ~ March 2: The Emergency Save the Nation Prayer Meeting was held in Yoido Church with 7 million members participating.

March 11: International Theology Study Seminar sponsored by Full Gospel Church Educational Research Institute was held in the Sejong Cultural Center Conference room with participants of all denominations, including 30 theologians, 200 pastors, 3 national TV broadcasters, and 20 daily reporters attending. Dr. Robert L. Linge lectured.

April 6: Blood donation was held on April 6 and 13 with 153 members participating, joining the Korea Red Cross blood donation movement.

April 13: Dr. Cho left for American crusades for 20 days from April 15-20 at Dr. Blair’s church in Denver, Colorado; from 21-24 at Tommy Reid’s church in Buffalo, New York spoke at a pastors’ training conference and crusade; from 25-30 lectured in Los Angeles at the invitation of the Foursquare Convention, a Pentecostal church, and returned home on May 3.

May 11: Kwangju MBC-TV started weekly broadcasting of Dr. Cho’s Sunday preaching and worship service.

May 12: Dr. Cho left for the 2nd Full Gospel Church World Mission convention to be held May 13-18 in the Korea Center, Kobe and Osaka crusade May 19-23.

August 14: The 1980 World Evangelization Crusade with the theme, “I Found It,” was held in Yoido Plaza with two million people participating. Dr. Cho preached a sermon titled “What Is Your Faith?”

August 30: Dr. Cho returned to Korea after Tokyo and Nagoya crusades.

August 31: Pusan MBC-TV broadcast Dr. Cho’s sermons starting on August 31 in Pusan and South Kyungsang area every other week.

September 15-18: Dr. Cho held crusades in Osaka and Yokohama.

September 21: Dr. Cho left Korea for crusades in Hong Kong and Pakistan accompanied by Rev. John Hurston, Elder Soo-woong Lee, and Deacon Kwang-woong Lee.

October 4: Dr. Cho returned from Hong Kong and Lahore, Pakistan crusades with 10,000 people attending and 5,000 new converts. In the Kowloon, Hong Kong crusade, 15,000 people gathered together. Divine healing for deaf people, heart patients, and back problems were reported.

October 13: Dr. Cho preached in Las Vegas, Nevada, USA at the request of Rev. Stewart.

December 7: Dr. Cho and Pastor Choi left for the Malaysian crusade. Held a crusade in Penang until 13 and visited Singapore, Jakarta, and Manila, and returned on December 20.