Registration form

Lillebaelt Academy University of Applied Sciences

International Week 2017

The International Week takes place from 8th – 11th of May 2017 in Odense, Denmark.

Please fill in all the details below. You will receive a confirmation e-mail regarding your participation in the International Week no later than 17th of March 2017. Please note, we can only accept a limited number of participants for our International Week.





First name:______
Surname: ______

Position/academic title:______
Home institution:______

Please provide a brief description of your academic and professional background:




Please choose which faculties, educational programmes and courses, you are interested in guest lecturing in:

Finance and Economics

The study programmes offered at this faculty focus on educating students to gain the skills and competences the Financial sector, e.g. bank, insurance, real estate, property administration, audit and finance departments, is demanding.

Professional Bachelor in Finance

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 National Economy (microeconomics)

This course focuses on supply/demand, different forms of markets (from absolute competition to monopoly), imperfections of markets, market interventions, globalization and international sales.

 Sales

This course gives the students an understanding of the personal transaction seen in relation to the financial institution/company. Besides being able to identify the purchasing behaviour, the student must also obtain knowledge of different forms of sales- and communication techniques.

 Law, consultancy and ethics

In this course the students are introduced to different company structures and the laws that apply. Real estate business will also play a significant part. Furthermore, the course focuses on counselling and ethics: the students must have knowledge of important matters, e.g. duty of disclosure and information rights.

 Business Economics

The main focus areas in this course are optimization, investment and financing. The students are expected to develop knowledge and understanding of the financial sector, the practices used as well as theories and methods related to business economics.

 Personal finances

This course focuses on financial counselling. All students must be able to communicate with and guide clients through all economic phases of life and in accordance with counselling rules and ethics.

Events, Leisure and Tourism

This faculty offers different programmes preparing students to undertake jobs within, e.g. the tourism industry or the hotel business. In the industry, there is great focus on dialogue and innovation which echoes in the educational programmes as well.

Professional Bachelor in Sport Management

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 Sport Management

In this course the students are introduced to strategy, organization, management/leadership, sport events, innovation of the different sport organizations (both public, volunteers and private organizations) as well as topics, e.g. ethics, politics, corruption and doping.

 Sport Marketing

This course focuses on marketing of sport organizations and events in general. Topics, e.g. sponsorships, online medias and customer satisfaction surveys/evaluations, are also highlighted in this course.

AP Degree in Service, Hospitality and Tourism Management

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 Economics

The pivotal points of this course are financial understanding, analysis, optimization of costs and sales prices. Topics, e.g. differential pricing, budgeting, investment and financing, are also included in this course.

Multimedia and IT

This faculty consists of educational programmes within the multimedia area, e.g. multimedia design and digital concept development, and programmes within IT, e.g. computer science. This faculty prepares students for being able to work with the communication tools of the future.

AP Degree in Multimedia Design and Communication

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 Design and Communication

Topics, e.g. concept development, experience economy and digital cultural information, are relevant for this course.

AP Degree in Computer Science

 Programming

Within this course, you are welcome to guest lecture about testing; How does one decide what to test for, how to find relevant testers, planning of the testing and documentation are all relevant topics. Also algorithms as a topic is relevant within this course: what is an algorithm and how to choose the best algorithm for the intended purpose.

 Systems Development

This course offers the students’ knowledge about project management topics, e.g. teamwork and emphasize how best to manage an IT project. Furthermore, the topic quality assurance with focus on prioritizing, definition of quality and choosing the best methods for measurement is also relevant.

 Technology

Within this course, you can guest lecture about threading. The students should learn how to make a product-consumer setup as well as how to create a multi-threaded application in a safe way.

 Business Understanding

Within this course, topics e.g. IT Risk Management with focus on how to enhance security, assess security risks as well as understanding the responsibility of the security are relevant. Intercultural understanding for IT employees in order for them to become efficient and respectful, and presentation technique are other topics that can be incorporated in this course.

 Interdisciplinary (relevant within all the listed courses)

General lecturing about study technique is relevant for all students and can be incorporated in all the courses listed under the AP Degree in Computer Science. The students need answers to questions e.g. how do I become a good student and how can I develop my study competencies?

AP Degree in IT Technology

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 IT Security

Within this course, the students need knowledge and understanding of the security standards within the EU Data Protection Act – what it is and how it will affect businesses and private users. Another relevant area for guest lecturing is security standards and governance, e.g. what is the ISO 2900x standard, how widely is it implemented (both publically and privately) and how does it affect IT culture and development in organizations.

 Programming and Databases

Python networking is of interest here. The students need lecturing in how to use Python for Network testing and for router automatization. Also, it is relevant for the students to learn how to do packet injection – possibly SCAPY best practice.

 Project Business

Project management (how to manage an IT networking project, how to be efficient, etc.), intercultural understanding for IT Computer Network employees and presentation technique (how to do the perfect presentation when a technical subject has to be presented) are relevant topics in this course.


Please provide a brief description of what you are interested in teaching:

Sales, Marketing and Business Development

This faculty offers educational programmes primarily focusing on marketing and sales. The faculty also offers students’ knowledge on different financial aspects as well as theories on communication.

AP Degree in Marketing Management

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 International Marketing

Topics, e.g. the marketing mix and how to use it within the areas of respectively B2C and B2B in an international perspective, are of interest in this course.

 Supply Chain Management

Within this course we are looking for guest lecturers that can teach about tendencies within the Supply Chain Management philosophy in the international aspect, and theories about CSR/CSI.

 Sales and Marketing Communication

This courses focuses on communicating and negotiating with the company’s stakeholders in both the B2C and B2B market. You can also teach our students how to, with the relevant cultural understanding, best communicate and execute client contact in an international market.

Technology, Energy and Logistics

This faculty educates students to undertake various jobs within areas of energy, logistics and production. Developing and improving technological solutions are very important aspects within this faculty.

AP Degree in Production Technology

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 Product Development

Industrial law including intellectual property, designation of immaterial rights, patents, trademarks, design and copyrights are relevant topics in this course. Furthermore, the relation between clients/customers and markets as well as the 4 P’s are of relevance.

 Production Technique

Within this course topics, e.g. supply chain management and the principles of LEAN such as Kaizen and six sigmas, are relevant.

AP Degree in Automation Technology

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 Innovation

Industrial law is highly relevant within this course especially with regards to innovation and project management. Furthermore, 4 P’s and robot technology (robotics) with regards to organizing, the different available models and automated processes are also relevant areas of teaching.

Laboratory, Agriculture and Process

This faculty prepares the students for working in the kitchen industry, with food safety and as consultants for instance for agriculturists.

AP Degree in Agro Business and Landscape Management

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 Livestock Production

Areas such as feeding and growth, as well as reproduction are in focus here.

 Agricultural Plant Production

Topics, e.g. soil science, plant physiology and crop management, are of interest within this course.

 Environmental and Landscape Management

The students should learn about soil and pollution, climate change and adaption, aquatic ecology and terrestrial ecology, and GIS.

 Within all courses it is relevant with a guest lecture focusing on agricultural economy and the future of global agricultural production.

AP Degree in Process Technology (specialization in Dairy Technology and in Food Technology)

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 Milk Fat & Vegetable Fat and Oil (Dairy Technology and Food Technology)

Within this course the students are introduced to overall production and specific focus on the use in production. Topics of interest can also be: shelf life (limitations), chemical analysis and quality control.

 Fats and Oils as Ingredient in Cakes and Desserts (Food Technology)

Topics, e.g. Content, recipe and production – methods, possibilities and problems - are of interest in this course.

AP Degree in Laboratory Technology

Courses available for guest lecturing:

 Instrument Technology

Topics relevant for teaching are ionpair, chromatography, ion suppression, GF-AAS, ICP.

 Biotechnology

The students in this course should learn about immunological methods.


If you wish to guest lecture in another topic than the ones listed above, please provide us with a brief description of what you have in mind. This applies to all faculties.______


Food requirements:

Please provide information about special food requirements (e.g. allergies):

No special food requirements

Please indicate if you are interested in staying at one of the hotels we have made an agreement with (Please note, we cannot guarantee a hotel room for you since we only have a limited number of rooms. Remember, it is your own responsibility to make the final confirmation with the hotel. You will receive further information in the confirmation e-mail).

 Hotel Domir
 Hotel Ydes
 I will book a hotel room on my own

Please attach this registration form to an e-mail and send to: . Please write Registration form International Week in the subject field.

We look forward to welcoming you in May!