Name:DOB:Age:Male Female 

Address: P/Code:

Occupation:Email Address:

Home Phone: Work Phone: Mobile:

Emergency Contact Name: Relationship: Phone:

Part A:Your goals and current exercise habits

1. Please  what you hope to achieve from your exercise program:

To reduce body fatRHR______

To improve aerobic capacity (heart/lung fitness)To generally tone up

To gain some muscle definitionTo reduce stress

To gain overall fitness


2. In orderto help you to achieve your goals, please if you would like us to:

Provide you with personalised service?

Leave you alone so you can train how it suits you?

3.To help tailor an exercise program to your specific needs, please answer the following questions concerning your exercise history.

While at school did you enjoy participating in sporting activities?Yes No 

If yes, which sports were your favourites?…………………......

Have you recently been exercising regularly?Yes No_____ Months _____ Years

If you have been exercising regularly please give details below:

(I) Frequency of exercise - times per week? …......

(II) Perceived intensity when exercising?


LightVery Light

(III)Time spent exercising?...... …………..

(IV) Exercise type or types? ...... …………..

Do you have any negative feelings or have you had any bad experiences with exercise programs? YesNo

If yes, please briefly explain: ………......

...... ……….

Part B:Lifestyle and medical considerations. Please answer with a  the following questions:

Are you taking any prescribed medication?Yes No 

Are you currently caring any injury?Yes No 

If yes, please briefly explain: ......

...... ….

Have you suffered or do you suffer from back pain?Yes No 

Do you smoke more than two cigarettes per day?Yes No 

Are you pregnant?Yes No 

Are you a non-exercising male over 35 or female over 45?Yes No 

Do you know your blood pressure?Yes No

If yes, what is it?____/____

Do you suffer from asthma?Yes No 

Do you suffer from diabetes?Yes No 

Has anyone in your family under the age of 60 suffered heart disease?Yes No 

Part C:Health Screening: Please indicate with a  whether you have or have had any of the following:

Gout  Glandular fever  Any heart condition  Sciatica 

stroke  Rheumatic fever  Heart Murmur  Arthritis 

AsthmaDizziness or fainting  High blood pressure  Anxiety/Depression 

Epilepsy  Stomach or duodenal ulcer  Chest pain  Allergies 

Hernia  Liver or kidney problems  Raised cholesterol  Stress Incontinence 

Trainer's comments: ……………………......


All information will remain confidential and enables the instructor to modify personalise your program.

I understand that an exercise program has certain risks. I take it upon myself to discuss any changes in my current health with my trainer.

I have to the best of my knowledge provided accurate information regarding my current health status.

Client Signature ...... Trainer: ...... Date: ...... /...... /......

~Helping you achieve your goals~