I.  Call to Order

A.  President: Mariah Watson

B.  Vice President: Gareth Smythe

C.  Senate President Pro Tempore: Miguel Guerrero

D.  Senator: Mikaela Tenner

E.  Senator: Gabriel Johnson

F.  Senator: Parteek Singh

G.  Senator: Sevan Nahabedian

H.  Senator: Joshua Davali

I.  Senator: Danielle Santiago

J.  Senator: Kamaal Thomas

K.  Senator: Georgia Savage

L.  Senator: Puneet Dhindsa

M.  Senator: Adilla Jamaludin

N.  Senator: Anas Tresh

O.  ECAC Chair Sean Guerra

P.  EPPC Chair Brent Rosenwald

Q.  IAC Chair Abhay Sandhu

R.  EAC Chair Joe Nazzal

S.  AAC Chair Ritesh Mishra

T.  GASC Chair Ivon Garcia

U.  B&F Joe DeAngelo

V.  Outreach Assembly Jade Wolanski

W.  Controller: Francisco Lara

II.  Quorum Roll Call

III.  Appointments and Confirmations

A.  IUSC – 7:38

  1. Tresh – What are some important issues international students face, what do you hope to get out of this?
  2. Jesus Olivares Guerrero – One problem I faced when I arrived here in Davis is that I didn’t have enough information. I was very confused at first. Wanted to provide more information about important things about adapting to the community.
  3. William Deng – International students don’t respond well to campus outreach and resources. I suggest using other ways like social platforms to get them involved, talk to them through their own native language.
  4. Wolanski – Specific ideas on how to outreach?
  5. Guerrero – Improve communication. Address real problems by asking them what is the reality, real concerns. Based on this information, provide the bet resources.
  6. Deng – I decided that it’s best to promote to international students on their own social platforms. I’ve had success with getting these students to attend events at Global Events as well.
  7. Confirmed

IV.  Unit Director Reports

V.  Committee Reports

A.  TRAVC – 6:42

  1. We had our first meeting for TRAVC last week. Normally held 6-7 in AMC room every Wednesday night. I had a question: I made an agenda, is there a place I should be sending these beforehand?
  2. Smythe: Unless it’s written in the bylaw, there’s no statutory place. I recommend sending it to Miguel. You could also send it to SGAO. They can keep a record of the agendas if that’s what you’d like.
  3. We created different positions so that everyone is presenting a function in this committee. Want everyone to be able to take part. We have a lot of people who are enthusiastic about getting involved. We have a vice-chair, he’ll be able to make reports in my absence. We have a secretary, takes minutes and roll. Officer of media, going to help build up social media profiles. Events coordinator, in the planning stages of event, tabling in the quad, working with orientation, 5 videos with Aggie Studios. TRAV liaison officer, in constant contact with TRAV center. Going to have a few visitors coming in from the center for next week. We’re looking over the first-year handbook to see if it’s helpful to re-entry, transfers, or veteran students. And if it’s not, update it to be helpful to those students. Also, a survival guide, want this to be my legacy. Tips people should know when transferring to UCD. Can send it out in PDF form, doesn’t have to cost anything.
  4. Savage – What would you include that’s not in the handbook?
  5. Nolan: Handbook is detailed, survival guide will be mostly tips. Fun things, could be simple facts. We’re in the planning phase of this, more than happy to take any input on that. We’re just getting started, a lot of things we’re trying to do are still in the planning stage. Going to start building a foundation before putting ourselves out there. Trying to get established. Last thing I want to present is our mission statement. “The mission of TRAVC is to enhance student experience to provide resources to foster the transfer, re-entry, veteran student community in UC Davis.” “Nothing great was ever done without enthusiasm” – Ralph Waldo Emerson.
  6. Jamaludin: Who’s your vice chair?
  7. Nolan: We didn’t officially sanction who are the officers, we just created the positions. Next week we’ll know.
  8. Watson: There was a discussion about how you feel about coming to Senate every week?
  9. Nolan: I think it’s awesome coming here, it’s important to let you know what we’re doing. If you want to phase this out, I could send you emails, but I feel like this keeps me accountable and make it the best it can be. I think it’s a great idea, happy to be here.
  10. Nahabedian: Thank you for coming out. That was kind of discussion I brought up. It was an inquiry about… TRAVC is the only committee that has, and I think it’s in the bylaws, that the chair comes and presents to Senate every week. It was mainly to get a feel of whether we wanted a uniform policy across committees. I know that even if it wasn’t in the bylaws, I know you would come every week. That was a discussion we had about if we wanted to amend TRAVC’s language to not make it mandatory.
  11. Nolan: That’s great. I think in the instructional phases, it’s good for us to come to Senate. I like being able to come to Senate and get feedback from you all.

VI.  Presentations

VII.  Public Announcements

A.  Phi Gamma Delta – 6:37

  1. Matt – We’re one of the oldest college organizations. I may have emailed some of you. The reason why I wanted to introduce myself is that I’m brand new on campus. What we’re trying to do is create the ideal fraternity experience. We’re looking to recruit based off our values. Trying to know more about the campus. I’d love to just pick your brain, set up a time to meet with you, see why you haven’t joined a Greek organization if you haven’t.
  2. Garcia – Maybe be mindful of your language. If you want to be clear that no transmen are allowed, make sure it’s clear that it’s only cis men. Would transmen be allowed?
  3. Matt – Absolutely. That’s been a discussion in the Greek community as a whole, and we’re definitely open to that.
  4. Garcia – Have your organization be mindful of language, how you present yourself, how you be inclusive.
  5. Matt – Thank you, I appreciate you for acknowledging that.

B.  Aggie Reuse Store

C.  Nahabedian – Phi Kappa Phi is having a wheelchair basketball tournament. A dollar for watching, 5 for playing. Proceeds going to ability experience foundation.

D.  Lara – INC scheduled for tomorrow, 11-11:30, would like to have at least2 senators.

E.  Yousef – Gone to a lot of office hours lately, trying to get better opinions. We need better training for unit directors across the board, especially at the student level. I know when I applied for my position, I had no idea I would be involved in legislation and Senate. In one case that happened to myself, we didn’t know we had legislation for business contracts. We had a retreat planned, but turns out we couldn’t sign the business contract ourselves, so the cost is on our unit members. Now that we are directing, there’s a lot of information that’s not accessible to us. The way it is now, there’s a lot of unit directors who aren’t involved, making us lose a lot of money.

F.  Smythe – Wanted to thank you, side chatter has been great today. Appreciate you not talking while other members are talking. Housing Day had around 1800 participants. Sirena, she took it and made it her own, 1800 first-years and underclass students learned a bit more about housing. We have 2 new faces in student service’s office. Janet, payroll person. New scheduler for Janice, Nick. I wanted to let you know that both fee initiatives, California Aggie and TGIF, qualified to be on the ballot.

G.  Santiago – This Saturday, Alpha Chi Omega is having our annual philanthropy event that goes to benefit Yolo County Women’s Shelter and a number of other philanthropies.

H.  Garcia – Everyone on the table should be SAFE zone trained, but you and your staff should be ally-trained. Next is open to public, can sign up on LGBTQIARC page. Usually people don’t know about ally training, so if you can help me spread the word. Let people know, it’s on the website.

I.  Guerrero – Be on the lookout on Facebook for setting up times for training.

VIII.  Status of Legislation Previously Passed

A.  It was signed.

IX.  Introduction of New Legislation – 6:56

A.  SB to allocate $800 from WEF’s OP reserves to reimburse a former employee.

B.  SB to formalize the process to distribute resolutions to commissions.

C.  SB to shift the amounts allocated to the Office of Advocacy and Student Representation by the 2015-2016 ASUCD budget, in order to more efficiently use allocated funds.

D.  SB to buy 2 new projectors so that ASUCD bodies may use them.

E.  SR in support of the Nishi Gateway project.

X.  Consideration of Old Legislation

A.  SB #28 – 6:54

  1. Tabled

XI.  Ex-Officio Reports


  1. Attended campus climate meeting
  2. Attended MEchA meeting
  3. Reached out to get more representation for the upcoming film night
  4. Met with Ashley (WRRC) in regards to gender neutral restrooms and access to menstruation products on campus
  5. Sent a press release to SF NOW in regards to the necessity of gender neutral restrooms
  6. Finalized schedule for Generation Sex Week


  1. Held office hours
  2. Discussed Davis Community Issues
  3. City Council
  4. Chamber of Commerce
  5. Voted no on SR 9, yes on bike res, tabled LRPs
  6. Hiring new commissioners
  7. Bridged the Gap

C.  Controller

  1. Met with members of exec & Janice
  2. Wrote many emails
  3. Wrote many spending bills
  4. Chaired marketing committee
  5. Scheduled INC
  6. Met regarding fridge services

XII.  Elected Officer Reports

A.  Lung

  1. Tabled for HAUS with Alex, he was Gunrock
  2. Picked up hiring packet, Gareth signed it
  3. Lunch with ASUCD Senator on Wednesday
  4. Sat on SHAWL committee today
  5. Drafted emails to Darin and TAPS about project
  6. Thinking about when to hold OH and if to hold staff meetings

B.  Thomas

  1. Tues & Wed: Met with Regional Recruitment Directors about Recruitment
  2. Thurs: Conference call with Ohio State USG President about their international-local student engagement program, met with Janice about ASUCD scholarship, met with UCD Study Abroad staff regarding recruitment efforts

C.  Guerrero

  1. Fri-Sun: APILR & COSAF
  2. Mon: Staff meeting
  3. Tues: OH, met with staffers, Sam Park
  4. Wed: E-Fund Marketing, Picnic Day, b-ball game vs CSUF
  5. Thurs: SHAWC Chair interviews, went for tea
  6. Fri: OH, SHAWC, Candidate Workshop, hang out with Savage

D.  Jamaludin

  1. Staff meeting
  2. Office hours
  3. Met with Darin
  4. Met with Greg
  5. Marketing Committee meeting

E.  Tresh

  1. 1/25: Gave a presentation with other pre-health students about how to be a successful medical student applicant, attended office hours for TPMP
  2. 1/26: ASU Board meeting
  3. 1/27: Sat on TRAVC committee meeting
  4. 1/28: Sat on MSA meeting to organize meeting with Milton Lang
  5. 1/29: Met with AB540 reps, SJP and others to talk about our intersectionalities

F.  Dhindsa

  1. Office hours
  2. Staff meeting on Fridays
  3. Helped HAUS with their housing day event
  4. Met with Sam to talk about UCSA/SAGE
  5. Senate meeting
  6. Met with WEF director
  7. Helped senate candidates
  8. Got confirmation from the units I wanted to adopt

G.  Santiago

  1. Fri-Sun: API leadership retreat
  2. Tues: met with Alpha Chi Omega President re: consent workshop; office hours
  3. Thurs: Met with Leilani, Director WRRC to get revisions on consent workshop; interviews for SHAWC

H.  Singh

  1. COSAF
  2. Meeting with Merril from Student Health and Counseling Services
  3. HIV Prevention meeting
  4. Meeting with Director for Student Health and Counseling Services
  5. Meeting with Polly Paulson, Health Promotion officer
  6. Lunch with ASUCD
  7. Took pictures for MESA Resource Guide
  8. TRAVC meeting
  9. Tabled for CSI

I.  Savage

  1. SAME Friday meeting, organize Feb. 8-12
  2. Aggie Reuse: Nicole Meeting, Spread the Love campaign
  3. Coordinated “All You Need is Love” Feb 8-12
  4. OA
  5. GASC
  6. CARE
  7. SAAAC
  8. HAP
  9. Staff meeting, continue planning April “Let’s Talk About Sex”

J.  Nahabedian

  1. Mon: dropped off petition
  2. Tues: Meeting with SHCS Parteek regarding his platform/my project about making emergency contraception available via vending machine & 24/7; meeting with EAC re: SR11
  3. Wed: OH staff; lunch with ASUCD, gonna meet with SDC about ASL interpreters
  4. Thurs: OH WEF
  5. Fri: Candidate Workshop

K.  Smythe

  1. 1/22: 4:00 Cool Campus Challenge; Refrigerator Services
  2. 1/25: RACC Chair meeting; met with Exec. office Director of Development to talk about scholarship; MSA 5k Meeting
  3. 1/26: Library committee; exec meeting
  4. 1/27: UC Davis Prize Committee
  5. 1/28: Met with candidates

XIII.  New Student Court Cases/Prior Weeks
Verdicts/ASUCD Court Announcements

XIV.  Closed Session

XV.  Approval of Past Meeting Minutes

A.  Approved

XVI.  Public Discussion

A.  PEACE training

  1. Guerrero: just want to find out what’s a good week for us to do this training. I was thinking week 5, 6, hope to God not week 7, but that could be a thing.
  2. Smythe: I would recommend doing this in a more electronic format. But I appreciate you checking up on that.

B.  Dalavi: Concerning the Senate Resolution, divesting from Wells Fargo, I have more support for not sending it to B&F. I know dissent comes from precedent of other divestments, but given the new text of the resolution, it’s written in a way that it’s clear that the ASUCD portfolio investigations that are mandated are done by Janice, and not B&F. Would like to motion to un-refer the bill from B&F.

  1. 7-5-0 removed
  2. DeAngelo: I don’t see why B&F shouldn’t see this resolution. We’ve seen other divestment resolutions less pertinent, but we’re not seeing this one. It sounds like a disruption of the legislative process. I would like some clarification
  3. Dalavi: Again, I think this is more about rewriting the precedent of divestment bills going to B&F when they typically don’t involve student funding. This is a resolution that regards the regents’ investment portfolio. The ASUCD part of it is under Janice’s jurisdiction. That was the reason why I motioned.
  4. DeAngelo: The bill relates directly to finance, and anything the regents do affects the association. You could make the same argument for EAC. If it relates to finance, it inherently goes to B&F.
  5. Nahabedian: I was at EAC when this bill was discussed.