(The form will expand as you type where more space is required.)
Event Name / Event type. Please delete as applicable
Tradeshow/ Exhibition/ Conference/ Congress/ Other please specify
Contact details / Salutation / First name / Surname
By emailing this application to VisitBritain I agree on behalf of my organisation that this event fulfils all criteria supplied (which is also available on
Telephone / Email
Organisation name
Contact Address
Country / Postcode
Company registration number
Event Details
Event Sector. Please delete as applicable
- Life Sciences, Bio Economy & Healthcare
- Technology
- Advanced Engineering
- Infrastructure
- Energy
- Business & Professional Services
Date(s) of Event / Candidate City
Are you the only UK bidder? / Yes / Unsure / No
Known International Competitive Host Cities
Event Synopsis, including a brief history of where else it has been hosted
Estimated Visitor Origin / Total Number (if known) / % of total
North America
Rest of World
Estimated economic value of bringing this event to the UK
Please tell us how this figure was reached / £
Expected outcomes over and above economic impact/delegate spend e.g. public awareness goals, local skills & knowledge development
Describe the support you are seeking. Including specific activity & top line timelines, milestones, risks.
Estimated breakdown of costs
To a maximum total of £15,000 (incl. VAT)
Details of additional private or public funding you intend to secure aligned to this bid / Total £ Projected / Source of Funding / Purpose of Funding
Deadline for confirmation of support (DD/MM/YY) in order for you to deliver activity
Anything else you think we should know?
Date of Application (DD/MM/YY)
Any activities that could bring the GREAT Britain Campaign into disrepute, do not qualify for support from this programme.
At the point any conditional grant offer is made, applicants will need to ensure that they comply withState Aid rules (link is external). For further detail refer to the BIS state aid manual (link is external) which includes details of GBER and De Minimis Regulations.
You will need to demonstrate clearly in a letter that receipt of grant funding for your activities is within State Aid limits or that it is exempt, for example, under one or more of the relevant General Block Exemption Regulations.
Please complete and return to . In the subject line please use reference:
IGE/ Event name