Brussels, 31 August 2001
LIFE-Environment: 103 projects in the EU share 59 million Euro to boost environmental innovation
The European Commission has decided to co-fund 103 new projects in the field of environmental demonstration for the round 2000-2001. The total value of all projects is estimated at 180 million EURO, of which LIFE provides 59 million EURO. LIFE-Environment aims at contributing to the development and implementation of EU environmental policy in an innovative way through financing of specific actions. The selected projects contribute to the following EU environmental priorities: the integration of environmental considerations into land use development and planning; promotion of sustainable management of water resources; prevention, recycling and management of waste; minimisation of the environmental impact of economic activity and integrated product policy. Among the 103 projects, those relating to clean technologies, integrated environmental management, reduction of greenhouse gas emissions and sustainable tourism predominate both in number and value (33 projects, EU contribution 17.426.233 Euro).
LIFE is a unique scheme that provides financial support for environmental and nature conservation projects throughout the European Union and in bordering regions. The general objective of LIFE is – through the financing of specific actions – to contribute to the development and implementation of EU environmental policy. LIFE operates in three sectors: LIFE-Environment, LIFE-Nature and LIFE-Third Countries. The total budget for EU financing of LIFE III for the period 2000-2004 is 640 million EURO.
Out of 832 applicants the European Commission has approved 103 projects for the round 2000-2001. The projects have been ranked on merit by the Commission together with 62 independent experts.
The total finance available for LIFE-Environment 2000-2001 was 79 million EURO. Finally only 103 projects, representing 59 million EURO of LIFE financing, were selected as worthy of financial support. The list of selected was endorsed by the LIFE management committee, composed of Member States’ representatives.
The Commission expects to reap the benefits of these demonstration projects in two to five years time. Their results are expected to improve the implementation of EU environmental policies in the five priority areas covered.
A summary of the projects funded in each Member State is presented below.
Detailed descriptions of the projects are available on the LIFE website:
LIFE-Environment projects selected for 2000-2001, by country
Number of proposals27
Number of projects funded5
Types of beneficiaryprivate industry 1
private association1
non-governmental organisation
Total eligible cost5.483.539 EURO
Total Life contribution2.429.902 EURO
The RUMBA project targets urban environment issues in the city of Vienna (Magistratsdirektion-Stadtbaudirektion). It will lead to improvement of the institutional environmental regulatory framework (legislation, standards and guidelines) for construction sites.
With the project GOAL, the city of Graz will reduce the general level of noise and air pollution caused by motor traffic. This will be achieved through encouraging people to walk or cycle for short journeys and offering training to professional drivers. Prototypes of two interactive campaigns will be developed for increasing public awareness.
The project Biofuel Logistics and Production Plant”(ABEX GmbH, Vienna) will deal with reduction in greenhouse gas emissions. The plant foreseen will serve as a logistics centre for cost-effective collection, refining, processing, packing and shipping of bio fuels. As this project will meet predefined quality standards, it will improve the competitiveness of biomass as compared to fossil fuels.
The non-profit organisation "Gruppe Angepasste Technologie (GrAT)” will construct a demonstration house made entirely out of renewable building materials and with an annual energy requirement of less than 15 kWh/m2, from. The project will demonstrate the high functionality of renewable building materials.
In the Alpine region Grosses Walsertal a private association will carry out an integrated environmental management strategy for a small rural region covering 6 municipalities. The strategy will be based on the EU’s EMAS (European Eco Management and Audit Scheme) regulation for the public sector, and will include development of the use renewable resources and a sustainable structure for tourism.
Number of proposals received26
Number of projects Funded1
Types of beneficiaryNon-profit organisation
Total eligible cost1.071.896 EURO
Total Life contribution535.449 EURO
The aim of the international project "SMASH-EVENTS" is to develop a standard for integrated environmental management of large events (cultural events, music festivals, exhibitions). It will particularly focus on mobility management as applied to already existing practices to arrive at a reduced environmental impact of large events. The integrated approach is both preventive and remedial (waste management), with emphasis on prevention.
Number of proposals received15
Number of projects funded3
Types of beneficiaryPrivate industry, university, NGO
Total eligible cost4.175.525 EURO
Total Life contribution1.435.533 EURO
The project Membrane contactor for CO2 removal (FLS Miljø a/s) will tackle the problem of removing CO2 from flue gases in large industrial plants. Removal of CO2, using a membrane contactor is a highly efficient and cost-effective cleaning technology, requiring much less space than the traditional technologies. The project objective is to demonstrate this CO2 removal process at full industrial scale.
Electro-dialytic remediation of CCA-treated waste wood (Danmarks Tekniske Universitet). Laboratory experiments have shown the possibility of removing chromium, copper, and arsenic from CCA treated waste wood (both sawdust and wood chips) using electro-dialytic remediation. The objective of the project is to build a pilot plant and demonstrate the utility of the method at this scale. Estimates of the efficiency and competitiveness of the method at industrial scale will be made.
Eco-labelling of retail trade (Andelsforeningen Byøkologi Odense). The project aims at improving existing environmental assessment methods and eco-labelling schemes in order to set up precise measures for the reduction of environmental impact in retail trade.
Number of proposals received64
Number of projects funded13
Types of beneficiaryprivate industry6
Total eligible cost30.006.978 EURO
Total LIFE contribution8.955.192 EURO
The Bundesanstalt für Materialforschung und –prüfung (BAM), Berlin, will demonstrate a new solution for the recycling of the sand fraction of demolition waste. This sand fraction can make up as much as 30% of total demolition waste. Its use as a replacement for natural sand as an aggregate in concrete production is not yet common practice. The project will show that - with a proper source selection and wet processing using a jig - the demolition sand can be generally used as an aggregate for concrete.
The major objective of the project managed by Werzalit AG + Co KG, Oberstenfeld, is the installation of a demonstration unit for the production of thermoplastic bound, weatherproof wood materials for outdoor use. The basis of these products is plastic waste (e. g. from packaging).
Another project, managed by Mineraloel-Raffinerie Dollbergen GmbH will build and operate a production-scale demonstration unit for the regeneration of used lubricants. The unit will produce new base oils, which are then recycled into high-quality lubricants.
The Nied and Sauer rivers (on the borders of the Saar, Lorraine and Grand Duchy of Luxembourg) drain a catchment area where intensive agriculture is present. The University of Saarbrücken will install a system for continuous remote control of the levels of chlorophyll and eutrophic substances in the water of these rivers.
The Gesellschaft für Qualitätsmanagement und Statistik mbH (Quodata) in Dresden will design and validate an analytical device and the procedure to detect endocrine disrupters at very low concentrations (less than p.p.t. concentrations) in the water cycle. The project focuses on the most potent estrogenic hormone, 17ß-estradiol.
The Global Nature Fund in Radolfzell, will develop model projects in Spain and Greece to demonstrate how wetlands can be managed in environmental, social and economic terms.
The coastal region Kluetzer Winkel in western Mecklenburg (Germany), the Danish island Møn and the Arcachon basin (France) will serve as demonstration areas for a project on integrated coastal zone management. It will demonstrate environmentally friendly regional development (essentially tourism) on areas previously used solely for agriculture.
The Technologie Transfer-Zentrum an der Hochschule Bremerhaven e.V, (TTZ) will develop a preventive methodology to enable European research and development (R&D) organisations to adopt environmental management systems compatible with EMAS II (European Environmental Management and Auditing Scheme) regulation.
Harzkliniken, Goslar, will introduce an integrated management system (environment and quality) in four European hospitals, compatible with EMAS regulation.
A project managed by the Bodensee-Stiftung will deal with issues of sustainable urban development. It will introduce an environmental management system for four municipalities in the Lake Constance region. This is expected to result in a continuous improvement of environmental quality standards in municipal development planning (land use, energy consumption, preservation and networking of natural habitats).
The Forschungs- und Entwicklungszentrum Sondermüll (FES) in Schwabach will demonstrate the feasibility of a new incineration device. This device converts organic waste liquids into pure oxygen, instead of air, using a low-emission, high energy-recovery method of decomposing water polluting and hazardous organic compounds into industrial effluents.
The GAV - Gemeinnützige abfall-Verwertung GmbHin Aachen, will develop a new recycling procedure which will make recycled expandable polystyrene (EPS) usable in insulating materials for the construction and building industry. Until now, only new EPS granules could be used for most purposes.
The project managed by Textil-Service Klingelmeyer GmbH & Co. KG, Darmstadt, will construct and test an innovative waste water recycling system on a large scale in a commercial laundry, as an example of production-integrated environmental technology. This recycling system – a combination of biological treatment and membrane processes - has already been tested on a small scale.
Number of proposals received82
Number of projects funded7
Types of beneficiaryprivate1
public (local authorities)2
Other public3
Total eligible cost9.387.684EURO
Total LIFE contribution4.768.085 EURO
Process development for an integrated olive oil mill waste management with natural antioxidant recovery and organic fertiliser production: The project will demonstrate that the management of olive oil-mill waste with and integrated recovery process is economically attractive, as it offers the possibility of financial used of bioactive substances in the waste water.
Mediterranean reservoirs and wetlands: The project will demonstrate an innovative approach in reducing the loss or degradation of historic wetlands in the Mediterranean region, where a large number of medium and small size reservoirs are being used to satisfy increasing demands for water. It will demonstrate the feasibility of perpetual multiple-objective planning and reservoir management on the island of Crete.
Sustainable management of E-waste in Greece will present a separate collection system (using a van) for electronic devices from companies and offices in the Attica region.
Green Games and Local Authorities: The project aims to improve the environmental management of the 2004 Summer Olympic Games in Athens, through the development and monitoring of EMAS ΙΙ. The system will be dedicated to the Games, its facilities and management. It will also provide guidelines for organisers of major sporting events.
Establishment, operation and demonstration of an innovative closed-cycle system of oil milling wastewater using the Fenton method in Sitia, and reuse of treated water and by-products in agriculture. The project will provide a viable large-scale solution to the oil-mill waste problem. This will be achieved through developing a treatment unit which allows reuse of handles all waste, including water. In practice this will increase the cost effectiveness of the method whilst allowing the oil-mills to operate in the same way.
Management of earthquake, construction and demolition waste in the municipality of Anο Liosia. The project includes :
-demonstration of acceptable solutions for demolition waste;
-development of systems for the treatment of demolition waste, using the latest technology;
-reduction in the use of non-renewable resources such as quarries;
-evaluation of potential markets for recyclable waste;
-utilisation of inert material for the benefit of the local community.
Demonstration actions in the National Marine Park of Zakynthos. The project will:
-promote the idea of integrated coastal zone management and sustainable development, through local initiatives amongst the economically active population in all sectors;
-ensure that both the local population and visitors are informed about the importance of the conservation of the natural habitat
Number of proposals received196
Number of projects funded20
Types of beneficiariespublic11
private industry7
other private1
Total eligible cost18.924.190 EURO
Total LIFE contribution8.642.831 EURO
Participation in EMAS by the agricultural and livestock sector: The project will encourage small and medium-sized businesses in non-industrial sectors to adopt voluntarily the new EMAS Regulation. An innovative approach of gradually focusing on current existing difficulties will be used. The project will also demonstrate the environmental sector’s potential for generating specialised employment and cost savings and increased efficiency in different agricultural organisations.
Integral sustainability in tourism. The aim is to create a comprehensive and exportable European tourist management model and to try out three new sustainable tourism products based on three resources : dinosaurs, transhumance and Celtiberain culture, all within a highly sensitive rural environment. Expected results are the definition of a catalogue of the impacts of domestic tourism, a 20% reduction in the cost of providing services and the creation of 10 direct and 60 indirect jobs.
Ecotasa Lanzarote. This project will explore the viability and application of an Ecotasa (environmental tax) model for the island of Lanzarote, as a step towards sustainable tourism. The island will be provided with a new financial tool that, along with other land use planning measures, will help limit the impact of human pressure, especially from tourism. The project will also create means of increasing environmental awareness in the tourism sector.
Mycovaldorba. This project aims to integrate different socio-economic sectors (rural population, processing industry, tourism and forestry) into the sustainable development of mushroom producing ecosystems. Ecological methods of collection will be developed, as well as regulations to protect mushrooms and their ecosystems.
Anella Verda Sustainable territorial Planning. The project will integrate environmental and sustainable development to the planning of green areas-in the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (RMB). There is a need to protect these areas from the pressure of increasing and intensive urban development. The project will develop three measures for restoring deteriorated outer urban areas.
Model for recovery and integration of water resources. Currently the major source of contamination in the Guadiato river is urban and industrial waste, often dumped untreated. In addition agricultural waste from the crop and livestock sectors has increased over recent years. This project aims to restore an ecologically sound and balanced development of the Guadiato river.
Treatment and recovery of metals from steelworks electrical furnaces. The project - through demonstration – will perfect and validate an innovative process for treating steelworks electrical furnace dust so as to render this problematic waste inert. Zinc and lead will be recovered as metal and waste gas from the reactor will be used as an energy source.
Sistema ReIntegra. The project aims to :
-improving the environmental balance in the timber sector through reduction in the production of inert waster and re-use of wood waste generated at each stage of production;
-lengthen the life cycle of wood beyond industrial activities, through identification of sources of waste currently not used or under-used;
-generate mechanisms and tools that permit SMEs in the timber sector to increase the efficiency of use of wood and to reduce environmental impact;
-define the Reintegra system for optimising the sector’s medium and long-term environmental performance.
Collection and recycling of pesticide bottles. In Almería, south-east Spain, there are about 40.000 hectares of greenhouses, the majority in the El Ejido area, which make extensive use of pesticides. They may be used at concentrations 200 times higher than in conventional agriculture. This has become a sensitive issue in recent years, especially as groundwater - the only source of water in the area – has become contaminated. Another important problem is environmental damage caused by the large numbers of used pesticide bottles generated.
Personal computers new equipment. The project will implement a process for re-using and/or recycling obsolete personal computers and related electronic material, ad using components for the manufacture of new PCs for distributing free to social groups in need. A specific objective of the project is compliance with the Community’s 3 Rs policy: reduce, re-use and recycle problematic waste and materials. In this way uncontrolled accumulation of environmentally dangerous materials in tips be avoided.
Tannery waste water recycling in leather industries. This project will demonstrate the technical and financial feasibility of recycling tanning bath waste on an industrial scale. A demonstration plant for treating and conditioning 25 m3 per day of tanning bath waste will be designed and constructed. The reuse of wastewater in the industrial process will permit maintenance of the physical-and chemical properties of the leather produced.
Prevention of volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions in industry. This project will demonstrate new technology for minimising emission VOCs by means of an innovative process for caption, conduction and elimination by catalytic oxidation. The technique will comply with the anticipated revision of Directive 1999/13/CE, which fixed a limit 150 mg/m3. This new technology will reduce direct and indirect effects of VOCs in the environment - in particular in the atmosphere – and reduce potential risks for human health.
Environmental improvements in SMEs and town halls. The project aims to encourage the participation of SMEs and public bodies in environmental management systems based on EMAS. Measures designed to tackle the main obstacles hindering the adoption of environmentally friendly policies will be used.