Library User Survey Comments – Fall 2017

Fall 2017 / Fall 2016 / Fall 2014 / Fall 2013 / Fall 2012 / Fall 2011
Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct / Count / Pct
Total / 92 / 75 / 138 / 109 / 137 / 83
Positive / 27 / 29% / 21 / 28% / 56 / 41% / 50 / 46% / 67 / 49% / 41 / 49%
Negative / 4 / 4% / 6 / 8% / 5 / 4% / 4 / 4% / 4 / 3% / 9 / 11%
Hours / 9 / 10% / 14 / 19% / 13 / 9% / 8 / 7% / 10 / 7% / 8 / 10%
Computers / 9 / 10% / 12 / 16% / 12 / 9% / 16 / 15% / 47 / 34% / 10 / 12%
Study Rooms / 12 / 13% / 10 / 13% / 31 / 22% / 7 / 6% / 9 / 6% / 5 / 6%
Building Issues / 24 / 26% / 14 / 19% / 14 / 10% / 8 / 7% / 7 / 5% / 9 / 11%
Misc / 25 / 27% / 11 / 15% / 18 / 13% / 19 / 17% / 25 / 18% / 17 / 20%

Total Fall 2017=92comments (numbers identify the specific survey responses).

Positive Comments

Library is wonderful! Thanks for providing all the tools I need! (1)

Thank you for all your help and all that you do. Heart Cabrillo! (2)

It’s pretty fantastic! (9)

Great library – helpful employees – cool! (figuratively and literally) (10)

I Heart the library! (13)

The library is a great place to study and has great resources; thank you for your help (24)

So far, you guys are doing and awesome job! (26)

I have only positive experiences at the library Thank you! (37)

You guys are always friendly and helpful  (43)

Love the library. Thank you always! (45)

Love this place. Rich resource (47)

Library is nice the way it is (50)

Love it here (56)

The library is a great facility to study or do homework (58)

Honestly you guys are doing a bang up job! HAG Semestre XOXO (61)

Staff  Giovanni is always helpful, cheerful and nice (62)

The library runs smooth, and perfect just (64)

Thank you! This is my favorite place to study  (67)

Heart You guys rock! (68)

Thanks for all you do! (70)

The library is just fine in my opinion (78)

I appreciate your hard work (79)

I have only been here for a short period of time and I have to say that I really like being in here. (81)

Overall awesome place to do work! You guys do a fantastic job. (84)

Excellent staff. Friendly, responsive, helpful (86)

The library is helpful as is. I print my essays here and use the computers. Staff are kind. (91)

Love the library it is awesome (92)

Negative Comments

We are being funded as a bilingual campus, where is it bilingual? Computers introducing sign – is in multiple languages. Staff badges or signs saying Hablo Espanol! Make communication barriers easier to navigate. Log in and printing instructions (diagram) – This in Spanish at bottom of English side: “Instructions (in Spanish) on back!” In English on back! All papers handed out including library hours available in Spanish. Where is our bilingual funding going towards? Posters or art up representing multiple cultures and diversity (including educators, successful people). All of your signs in Spanish too. Look up and around. How friendly do you think we are to dual language learners? Most library staff / staff in general is white except the kitchen and janitorial. Show positive, successful minorities. Even if we do not support the end of DACA how has the library made DACA students (and latin students) feel welcome? (3)

Computers aren’t very good they’re slow and old. The chairs are uncomfortable (23)

The noise level in here is insane sometimes, I come here bc I live with too many people to study at home, but I often can’t focus here either bc people are just hanging out and being so loud. PLEASE enforce a quieter noise level. (41)

Even in the summer it is freezing in the library!!! Don’t want to wear a coat and scarf!!! In summer (69)

Why can’t we print from the computer we are working on sitting in a chair? We can’t do any private work standing in those printing computers. We want every computer to connect to printers. (85)


I’m often bummed that the hours are so short on Fridays! (5)

Phone chargers, longer hours, faster computers (14)

I like the computers, and affordable, easy-to-use printing service. Longer hours would be awesome! Thanks (19)

At home I don’t have a desk to study so if you guys extend your hours that would help a lot (28)

I often have 8AM classes and leave my house early to avoid traffic, I wish the library was open earlier so I didn’t have to study in my car every morning (39)

Opening an hour or two earlier may be helpful (54)

It would be nice if it opened a bit earlier (80)

Open the library early like at 7:20am or 7:30am because students have class at 8:00am and they don’t want to rush them themselves when it comes to printing and running to class. (82)

It will be helpful is you open the library early on Fridays as the other days for those who want to use the computers or study before an early class they have. (89)


Offer loanable chargers for Macs, iPhones, PCs, etc. Also loan a variety of computers (11)

(dup) Phone chargers, longer hours, faster computers (14)

(dup) I like the computers, and affordable, easy-to-use printing service. Longer hours would be awesome! Thanks (19)

(dup) Computers aren’t very good they’re slow and old. The chairs are uncomfortable (23)

Maybe more computers (25)

I am very light sensitive and would love to have check out available to filter for computers (29)

Make it so you can add money to printing account with card or online (34)

A way to encourage or moderate quiet activities? I often cannot focus/complete my work because of loud groups not in study rooms, and I have no computer/printer access at home! (48)

(dup) Why can’t we print from the computer we are working on sitting in a chair? We can’t do any private work standing in those printing computers. We want every computer to connect to printers. (85)

Study Rooms

I like the library the way it is now, but it really bothers me when people in the study rooms are being really loud, and they think people outside can’t hear them. (6)

Replace wooden chairs; more quiet study area (16)

People study alone in study rooms when there are groups or people looking for a room (32)

It is kind of difficult to get a study room because there are many times that there’s only one person in one. (33)

Difficult to find study rooms, and could be beneficial if you had a single person study room (where people who study alone could study in room together) (35)

Please more study rooms!!  (57)

AC and heaters in study rooms and more study rooms (52)

More *quiet* study rooms would be nice. Thank you. Many students tend to be loud despite signs. ***Or enforcement of quietness*** (65)

Some of the study rooms were occupied so our group wasn’t able to use them. (66)

Sometimes I can’t find a study room (72)

There should be check in’s in the group study rooms since there is always 1 person taking a whole room (73)

I really like the library but having more study rooms wouldn’t be a bad idea: Thanks  (76)

Building Issues

More quiet spaces to study. Random casual conversations and eating at tables should be discouraged. This is a Library not a cafeteria, social meet up area. I feel some students disrespect the rules and the staff is reticent to say anything. (4)

(dup) I like the library the way it is now, but it really bothers me when people in the study rooms are being really loud, and they think people outside can’t hear them. (6)

Better chairs, pay by credit card option (7)

(dup) Great library – helpful employees – cool! (figuratively and literally) (10)

Lounge area would be lit! (12)

(dup) Replace wooden chairs; more quiet study area (16)

More signals close to the computer area: no cellphones – no food/drink – no chatting etc… especially is these things take more than 20 minutes! (20)

I love to use the library. Thank you to keep clean here! It was 2 semesters ago a strange guy walked around the library and asked girls phone number. I think he was not a student. I haven’t seen him these days. But it’s only one thing I didn’t like to come the library. *I’ve already reported this to sheriff (21)

(dup) Computers aren’t very good they’re slow and old. The chairs are uncomfortable (23)

More outlets would be awesome! (36)

My girlfriend says it’s too cold. That’s all I got (38)

Just ways to have private-er areas to really hunker down and get work done (40)

(dup) The noise level in here is insane sometimes, I come here bc I live with too many people to study at home, but I often can’t focus here either bc people are just hanging out and being so loud. PLEASE enforce a quieter noise level. (41)

(dup) A way to encourage or moderate quiet activities? I often cannot focus/complete my work because of loud groups not in study rooms, and I have no computer/printer access at home! (48)

(dup) AC and heaters in study rooms and more study rooms (52)

Everything is great, just add a light switch, curtains on windows and the option to control AC/Heater (53)

A cozy area! (55)

I would like to see more entrances just because it’s a bit of a hassle to walk around the whole building sometimes. (59)

The library is a great place to study and find resources. Perhaps adding charging stations to all tables would help. Thank you (63)

(dup) More *quiet* study rooms would be nice. Thank you. Many students tend to be loud despite signs. ***Or enforcement of quietness*** (65)

(dup) Even in the summer it is freezing in the library!!! Don’t want to wear a coat and scarf!!! In summer (69)

Make like a lounge, bean bag chairs, music playing, with tv’s, board games (74)

I noticed the signs in front with suggestions for kittens and puppies. I think it would be a wonderful idea. Like a private room to spend a limited amount of time in there. (77)

I wish that there were bathrooms inside the library. (90)


(dup) We are being funded as a bilingual campus, where is it bilingual? Computers introducing sign – is in multiple languages. Staff badges or signs saying Hablo Espanol! Make communication barriers easier to navigate. Log in and printing instructions (diagram) – This in Spanish at bottom of English side: “Instructions (in Spanish) on back!” In English on back! All papers handed out including library hours available in Spanish. Where is our bilingual funding going towards? Posters or art up representing multiple cultures and diversity (including educators, successful people). All of your signs in Spanish too. Look up and around. How friendly do you think we are to dual language learners? Most library staff / staff in general is white except the kitchen and janitorial. Show positive, successful minorities. Even if we do not support the end of DACA how has the library made DACA students (and latin students) feel welcome? (3)

(dup) Better chairs, pay by credit card option (7)

The earplugs are nice! (8)

(dup) Offer loanable chargers for Macs, iPhones, PCs, etc. Also loan a variety of computers (11)

(dup) Phone chargers, longer hours, faster computers (14)

Less stairs? Lol! Free Beer! (15)

Guest wifi for those who pay to be here, but are not actual students (17)

I love the fast wifi (18)

(dup) I love to use the library. Thank you to keep clean here! It was 2 semesters ago a strange guy walked around the library and asked girls phone number. I think he was not a student. I haven’t seen him these days. But it’s only one thing I didn’t like to come the library. *I’ve already reported this to sheriff (21)

Make a wait list system for reserve books, so students can have them checked out longer, and be notified is someone else needs the book (22)

It would be nice to eat some small snacks while working in the library and of course leaving the spot clean (27)

The library is great place to study and do HW! Maybe some earphones can make it better! (30)

Adding charging stations would be awesome but the con would be everyone migrating there to charge phones… (31)

Other than what I have listed above, things are fine. I get to study (when needed) in a good area! (42)

I would like to have local authors come and read and give lectures. Book clubs and discussion (44)

I’m super new to Cabrillo’s facilities, but today I just needed a comfy place to get some work and I found one chair which ended up being ok.  (46)

More white boards and markers (49)

I would appreciate more of an effort to keep the library quiet (57)

People who are raised to hate America will never defend it. Also, true right to own a gun is right next to the right to free speech. It’s a fundamental right. In all, I’m just tired of people telling me how to live my life. (60)

I searched for minimum wage topics on the database and found a small amount of books all from a one sided viewpoints (71)

It would be great if food was allowed at the library for those busy students, but it’s understandable why it is not allowed. (75)

(dup) I noticed the signs in front with suggestions for kittens and puppies. I think it would be a wonderful idea. Like a private room to spend a limited amount of time in there. (77)

I know it’s unrealistic, but it would be nice if we didn’t have to pay for printing and copying. (83)

Food allowed (87)

Allowing food please (88)