44750 Delco Blvd
Sterling Heights, Michigan 48313
Board Meeting
May 25, 2017
I. The meeting was called to order at 6:30 p.m. at the Suburban Library Cooperative by Charlene VanMarcke.
Trustees present: Marjorie Murray (Center Line), Murney Bell (Chesterfield), Michael Wettstein (Fraser), Charlene VanMarcke, (Roseville), Ronald Black (Shelby), Nancy Todorovich (Sterling Heights) and Frank Pasternak (Warren).
Trustees excused: Mark Wollenweber (St. Clair Shores) and Belinda Shelton Duggan (Troy).
Staff present: Tammy Turgeon, Pat Linsday.
II. Approval of the Agenda
Motion made by Bell to approve the Agenda, supported by Todorovich. Motion Carried.
III. Approval of the Minutes
Motion made by Todorovich to approve the April 27, 2017 minutes, supported by Bell. Motion Carried
IV. Public Participation
V. Member Library Concerns
VI. Action Items
A. Approval of the Bills
1. May 2017
Payment of the bills for May 2017 was approved on a motion by Pasternak, supported by Todorovich. Motion Carried.
B. Budget Reports
Pasternak moved to receive and file the May 2017 Budget Reports, supported by Murray. Motion Carried.
C. Investment Report/Finance Committee Report
Pasternak moved to receive and file the Investment/Finance Committee Report, supported by Todorovich. Motion Carried.
D. Shared Technology Committee Recommendations
1. SirsiDynix Automation System Proposal
The Shared Technology Committee and the Suburban Library Cooperative Advisory Council recommend accepting the proposal from SirsiDynix for five years of flat rate pricing at a yearly cost of $185,197. Pasternak made a motion to accept the five year flat rate pricing proposal from SirsiDynix, with the inclusion of 13 additional OverDrive Advantage accounts for any of the remaining libraries at no additional cost. This proposal will be reviewed by the Cooperative’s attorney before signing the contract. The motion was supported by Wettstein. Motion Carried.
2. Comcast Contract
Bell made a motion to sign new three year contracts with Comcast to take advantage of a current promotion for increased service/internet speed for the member libraries, as recommended by the Shared Technology Committee and the Suburban Library Advisory Council. The motion was supported by Pasternak. Motion Carried.
E. Delivery Committee Recommendations
1. 2017-19 Delivery Contract
Todorovich made a motion to accept and sign the 2017-19 Delivery Contract with City Wheels Courier Corp. with an increase of $0.40 to $14 per library stop, as recommended by the Delivery Committee and the Suburban Library Cooperative Advisory Council. The motion was supported by Murray. Motion Carried.
VII. Information Items
A. Director’s Report
Tammy distributed the MLA Advocacy Report for May that had some more information regarding tax capture bills. Also, there was information regarding debate with the Michigan Public School Employees’ Retirement System (MPSERS) legislation. Tammy also distributed a copy of an email from the Food for Fines/Food for Thought program, thanking libraries for participating, and thanking Tammy and Vicki for coordinating the program with our member libraries. This year the program raised a collective 13,875 pounds of food and $30 that will be distributed to various soup kitchens, shelters and pantries.
B. Items for the June Agenda
1. Budget Revision
C. Advisory Council Minutes May 2017
VIII. Next Meeting
The next Board Meeting will be Thursday, June 29, 2017 at the St. Clair Shores Public Library.
IX. Adjournment
Pasternak moved to adjourn at 7:25 p.m., supported by Todorovich. Motion Carried.
Respectfully submitted:
Marjorie Murray, Secretary
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Board May 2017