Lorie McMahon
775 720-1807
President Elect
Greg Hunewill
Jim Lovett
Lou Chelone Sr.
Board Members
Merle McMahon
Doug Williamson
Lou Chelone Jr.
Meeting Schedule
General Meeting
Guest Night
No Meeting
General Meeting
Special Event
General Meeting
Guest Night
No Meeting
Upcoming Events:
November 16
Thanksgiving at Rosie’s
November 23
Happy Thanksgiving
December 7
Annual First Grade
Christmas Party
December 21
Club Christmas Celebration
Guest Night
December 25
Merry Christmas
FOR 2018
Thanksgiving at Rosie’s (Nov 16) Rosie and Juan will host their annual club Thanksgiving dinner. This is a guest night so please marks you’re your calendar for this evening. As usual, it is important that we have a count for Rosie.
Annual First Grade Christmas Party (Dec 7) This is one of the club’s favorite events so plan on attending. There will be some changes however. First, we will not picking up the children this year. Second we will be starting at 5:30 instead of 6:00. The parents have requested photos we need two or three members to take photos.
As usual we will need help with set up and when the children are in attendance. Let’s change the
seating some so that the members and the children have a better ability to interact.
Club Christmas Celebration (Dec 21) Please save the date for our celebration. This is a guest night. The Heyday will be serving prime rib, ($35 per person NOT including tip). I have it on good authority Santa’s elf is busy getting ready. We get the big room but we still need an attendance count for Megan and Crystal. I hope you will all be there.
Pennies for Polio
We are on our way! Lynda from the Yerington club and I have set a competition between the two clubs. Each club received twenty pint canning jars decorated for each club in honor of World Polio Day. We have until January 31 to fill the jars. Only change will be counted for the competition (of course all money will go towards Polio Plus). Lost jars will cost the club $25 as well as broken jars (which will not go towards the competition). Dini’s has agreed to count the money at no charge to the clubs. The president of the club that accumulates the LEAST amount of change will guest preside over the other club’s meeting. As of now I have received four jars. Let’s rock this (I do NOT want to go to Yerington in my PJ’s!!!)
District Grant
More information will be coming with the district grant. This will be a hands on project so we will be tapping into the member’s expertise.
RYLA 2108
Believe it or not it is time to reserve space for RYLA in the spring. The board voted to send pay for four students, a generous member will pay for another. The Sparks’ club has an endowment and we have submitted a request for the cost of another two students so there is a possibility we will be sending seven of the eighteen juniors to RYLA this spring.
The disasters that our country has been through in the past few months are unbelievable. Rotary is involved in so many ways.
In this month’s District Newsletter Doug shared information regarding the recent Santa Rosa fires. Please consider helping. Check out the district website or let me know, I will help in any way I can.
Food Drive
We have been working with the leadership student at the school. They facilitated the bounce house at Fun Days and expressed interest in continuing working with us on other community projects. I recently had the chance to chat with Abby Acciari the other day we talked about possibly working with the leadership class on a holiday food drive.
Community Calendars
The community calendars will here the first part of December. Thanks again to Judi and Jim for all their hard work. Speaking of work, there job is not done. Several members purchased calendars for themselves and their friends. Please help with dispersing those calendars and if people ask, the calendars can be picked up at Smith Valley Realty after they arrive. If you have time, aske Judi or Jim if they need help.
The holidays are coming and I hope that you all have the best of times and you are safe in your travels. Please remember that we will not have a meeting the last week in December.
From Lorie
This month we celebrate what we are thankful for. I am thankful that Merle joined Rotary, that Jerry thought I might make a valued member, and that joining Rotary gave me the opportunity to meet all of you and to now call you my friends. Happy Thanksgiving from Merle and I.