Library Assistant Syllabus Mrs. Leinonen
2011 - 2012 Library Media Center
Course Description:
Students develop and improve information literacy and retrieval skills while assisting the Librarian and library visitors in a variety of ways. Students will use computer resources, work with the book, audio-visual, and magazine collection, and use a variety of media production devices. Grading will be on a credit/no credit basis.
Students must be responsible, reliable, and independent workers. I will depend on you to help keep the media center running smoothly when I am assisting teachers and other students. In order to do this, library assistants are expected to be able to work without direct supervision. You will be turning in an accountability log each week of the activities you performed each day. You may feel free to bring homework or reading material in the event that you complete all activities. However, ALL library work must be completed first and permission must be granted to work on your own things. I will often have special projects above and beyond the checklist so it is your responsibility to let me know when you have finished it and ask if there is anything else to do before starting your own work. I will always be available to you if you need help or have any questions. All rules of the student handbook will apply in this course.
Imporant Note:
You will not be permitted to socialize with friends while working in the media center. You are here to do a job and set a good example to others. The media center is a place for learning and instruction. You are my helpers in making sure this happens! It is important that we develop a relationship built on trust so the media center can function well.
You will be graded on a credit/no credit basis. Credit will be granted based on the following guidelines:
Monthly tests of general library skills.
Attendance and punctuality (more than 4 absences per quarter will result in no credit).
Attitude, independence, and participation.
Teamwork with other aids to ensure work gets completed.
Completion of accurate, daily activity logs.
Name Date
Expectations and Reminders ______
Responsibilities ______
Complete your checklist every day.
Coordinate with other assistants.
Stop what you are doing to assist someone with a book or with a print job brought in for a teacher.
ASK before starting your own work. There will often be extra projects after your checklist is done.
Keep the noise level down – talk quietly. No cell phones for any reason (music, pictures...)
Keep the library orderly and clean. The desk area should be tidy and clear of clutter.
Not Acceptable
Bad attitudes – this position is a privilege.
Socializing with friends who come in.
Headphones. You must be alert to assist any visitors.
Roaming. Stay at the library desk unless given permission to sit elsewhere or use the Lab. Again, this is so you will be available to assist visitors.
Open drinks or food. Capped bottles are ok.
Working on your own work before library work is done.
Personal belongings on the counters or desk. Tuck bags away under the counter.
Leaving the library for ANY reason without letting Mrs. Leinonen know where you are going.
Things to Remember:
Hunter Lab - #1 priority
Check every computer to make sure it is on and the log-in screen appears. This must be done before classes arrive. Jot down the ID# of computers with issues. Let Mrs. Leinonen know immediately.
Straighten monitors, keyboards, and chairs. If dusting and/or cleaning is needed, do it.
Pick up any trash.
Library Books - #2 priority
READ & FACE immediately after checking the Hunter Lab. Pull any books that need repair.
Password is 'pass'.
Late books can not be renewed. First check them in. Then check them out again.
Renew books only if you have the book in front of you.
You are not allowed to erase fines.
Paper goes into the printers SEAM SIDE DOWN.
Mrs. Leinonen's passcode is 1749.
Copy codes for teachers are on the desktop of the side computer.
Remember to check the Hunter Lab printer.
Remember to check the side trays on the Gestetner printers.
Keep the most recent three newspapers out no matter how old. Magazines – however many will fit in slot.
File older copies neatly in the correct stack in the copier room.