Library and Information Centre KnowledgeShare Registration
Please complete all of the fields below
Title: / First Name: / Last Name:Job Title:
Email (work or personal):
We need to know about your roles and the range of your professional interests. The more detailed the information you provide, the more specific and focussed will be the evidence we locate.
In terms of patients, which age groups do you serve:
Neonates [ ]Children & Adolescents [ ]Adults[ ]Elderly [ ]
Conditions or Risk Factors:We recognise that you may deal with a range of patients, or patients who have a range of issues, e.g diabetic patients with circulatory problems, smokers with heart disease, etc. Please provide as much detail as possible about your patient groups, covering both conditions and lifestyle/risk factors.
Professional Interests:We understand that you may have a clinical or non-clinical role, or a mixture of both, and that your professional interests may span several areas, e.g. you may be a clinician with managerial or leadership responsibilities, interested in conducting research and responsible for a budget. Or, you may have a non-clinical role, responsible for procurement, facilities management, service design, patient safety, etc.Please provide as much detail for your professional interests, spanning all of your roles/interests:
Education and Professional Practice[ ] Conducting Research[ ]
Finance and Procurement[ ]Health Facility Environment[ ]
Managing Knowledge and Information[ ]Managing and Leading People[ ]
Patient and Carer Experience[ ]Quality, Safety and Risk[ ]
Service Design and Commissioning[ ]Using Guidelines and Evidence[ ]
Additional comments:
Settings:You may cover several different areas within your role, e.g. wards and the emergency department, outpatient clinics and community clinics. Please include every setting that applies to you:
Select one of the options below to choose how we handle your contact details and professional interests on KnowledgeShare:
Visible to all members of KnowledgeShare to promote knowledge sharing[ ]
(This will include professionals from other NHS organisations across England)
Visible to other members in your organisation only[ ]
Visible to Library staff only[ ]
When you register for KnowledgeShare your data will be held in accordance with the Data Protection Act (1998) on KnowledgeShare which is developed and administered by Brighton and Sussex NHS Library and Knowledge Service.
I have read, understood and agree to the above and would like to register for KnowledgeShare [ ]