Notes from the Derbyshire Arts Development Group meetingheld on Tuesday, 15th March 2011 at Junction Arts

Present: Ami Aubrey (Junction Arts), Jane Brown (S4W Ltd, Creative Derbyshire), Sharon Brown (Melbourne Festival), Dale Burton (DCC),Pamela Butler (Chesterfield BC), Nigel Caldwell (High Peak CVS), Fran Fuentes (Creative Derbyshire), Fen Jones (DCC), Tina Glover (Junction Arts), Anita Hollinshead (Renaissance), Sarah Laman (Fleet Arts),Kate Le Prevost (Ilkeston School and Specialist Arts College),Helena Reynolds (North East Derbyshire DC), Rick Seccombe (High Peak Community Arts), Paul Steele (Junction Arts), Simon Steptoe (Firebird Trust), Jo Stockdale (Erewash BC), Yulia Tyumeneva (Creative Derbyshire), Nicola Wildgoose (Derbyshire Dales DC), Ann Wright (DCC, Arts)

Apologies:Julie Batten (People Express), Alison Foote (Wirksworth Festival), David Gilbert (re:place), Julie Heath (DACES), Peter Shelton (First Movement), Dot Wheeler (Arts in the Peak), Fiona Worrall (DCC Adult Care)

1.Minutes of the last meeting and matters arising

Minutes AGREED.

Matters arising

  • The half-day Micro-Provider workshop took place on 8th March
  • Julie Vollor and Naomi Compton are coming to next DADG meeting to talk about strategic commissioning for Adult Care and for Children’s Services
  • Tina submitted an application to DCC on behalf of DADG, including the attached work programme

2.Derbyshire Observatory

  • Fen Jones and Dale Burton gave a presentation about how to use the Derbyshire Observatory (statistical information and research about the county)
  • See

3.Changes in the funding environment

  • Report from members on cuts and changes; the landscapeis still very uncertain


Ann to arrange a meeting after DADG in May, to discuss ways of coping

Ann to invite 3D, if they can help us, and Neil Molden from Derbyshire Dales CVS

  • Meander took place on 12th March
  • There is an exhibition of Kate Genever’s work at The Collection in Lincoln, and then at The Beetroot Tree Gallery, Draycott
  • The final re:place symposium will be held on 6th May at Cromford Mill
  • Ann is working on an application for research into a Virtual Gallery for Derbyshire as the next step;IlkestonSchool interested to be a partner


Ann to feed back to Charles Monkhouse that the Night Stations website was not clear about whether the event was happening, even by 5pm on Saturday afternoon; and there was a lot of confusion about dates

Ann to let David Gilbert know that the re:place website still does not work


5.1The social media workshop will be held on 3rd May at Buxton Library


Ami to send out plan for the social media workshop

5.2Festivity (Derbyshire Festival Forum). The key areas that the group is working on are:

  • Marketing
  • Joint programming
  • Networking
  • Sharing/developing resources
  • Work with young people

Minutes of the group can be found on the DADG minisite

6.Derbyshire Year of Culture 2015

Planning still going on; plans for the Torch Relay in 2012 are also progressing, though slowly, as London 2012 is not announcing the route until the autumn

7. Treasurer of DADG

Paul Steele (Junction Arts) will take over as DADG Treasurer; many thanks to Tina Glover, both for acting as DADG Treasurer, and for her many contributions to DADG and DECAF over the years.

8.Any other business

8.1Creative Derbyshire is2 year programme of business and professional development for artists and arts businesses in Derbyshire. Jane Brown at S4WLtd has been engaged by the Derbyshire Arts Partnership to manage the programme

8.2artsderbyshire is moving to an in-house DCC system. The main difference for external users is that the programme for updating your minisite will be different ( Transfer will take place on 1st April 2011. All artsderbyshire users will be notified by email of the changes in the next week or two

8.3The DerwentValley Mills World Heritage Site film, “… to where it begins …”, made by Rob, Matt and Ella Vale, is now available on DVD from Adrian Farmer. It is also available to view here:

8.4Take Me With You: one of the articulated lorries is coming to Dobbies Garden World, Barlborough on 13th April at 9.30am;

8.5Junction Arts are running a “Draw Your Own Dinner” event at the Derbyshire Food and Drink Fair, 21 and 22 May 2011 at Hardwick Hall

8.6There is a seriesTurn It Up gigs (GiGit) over the next few weeks, with 45 young bands taking part at 8 venues; see

9.Date of next DADG meeting:

Wednesday, 18th May 2011

10am -1pm

Venue: Donut Centre, Chesterfield