file: preg-nitrofen-28jan04.doc
directory: \Classes\Spring ‘04\
contents: polynomial regression example
libname class 'Z:\baileraj\Classes\Fall 2003\sta402\data’;
/* creates a permanent dataset with the nitrofen data */
data nitrofen;
infile 'M:\public.www\classes\sta402\SAS-programs\ch2-dat.txt'
firstobs=16 expandtabs missover pad ;
input @9 animal 2.
@17 conc 3.
@25 brood1 2.
@33 brood2 2.
@41 brood3 2.
@49 total 2.;
conc2 = conc*conc; * construct squared concentration;
conc_adj = conc – 160; * rescale concentration;
conc_adj2 = conc_adj*conc_adj;
label animal = animal ID number;
label conc = Nitrofen concentration;
label brood1 = number of young in first brood;
label brood2 = number of young in 2nd brood;
label brood3 = number of young in 3rd brood;
*label total = total young produced in three broods;
proc print data= nitrofen;
options formdlim=”-“ nodate;
title “Response=Total Young and Predictors = nitrofen conc (scaled)”;
proc reg;
model total = conc conc2;
model total = conc_adj conc_adj2;
Response=Total Young and Predictors = nitrofen conc (scaled) 7
The REG Procedure
Model: MODEL1
Dependent Variable: total
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Mean
Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
Model 2 4902.67799 2451.33900 157.27 <.0001
Error 47 732.60201 15.58728
Corrected Total 49 5635.28000
Root MSE 3.94807 R-Square 0.8700
Dependent Mean 22.88000 Adj R-Sq 0.8645
Coeff Var 17.25556
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Standard
Variable Label DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept Intercept 1 31.45773 1.17926 26.68 <.0001
conc Nitrofen concentration 1 0.03380 0.01794 1.88 0.0658
conc2 1 -0.00037868 0.00005558 -6.81 <.0001
Response=Total Young and Predictors = nitrofen conc (scaled) 8
The REG Procedure
Model: MODEL2
Dependent Variable: total
Analysis of Variance
Sum of Mean
Source DF Squares Square F Value Pr > F
Model 2 4902.67799 2451.33900 157.27 <.0001
Error 47 732.60201 15.58728
Corrected Total 49 5635.28000
Root MSE 3.94807 R-Square 0.8700
Dependent Mean 22.88000 Adj R-Sq 0.8645
Coeff Var 17.25556
Parameter Estimates
Parameter Standard
Variable Label DF Estimate Error t Value Pr > |t|
Intercept Intercept 1 27.17148 0.86967 31.24 <.0001
conc_adj 1 -0.08738 0.00513 -17.04 <.0001
conc_adj2 1 -0.00037868 0.00005558 -6.81 <.0001
Now some fancy graphs for illustration …
ODS RTF file='D:\baileraj\Classes\Fall 2003\sta402\SAS-programs\week5-fig2.rtf';
/* SYMBOL = defines characteristics of plotted symbols */
procgplot data=class.nitrofen;
title h=1.5 'A plot of the number of C. dubia produced at different Nitrofen concentrations';
title2 h=1 '[mean +/- 2SD is plotted for each concentration]';
symbol1 interpol=STD2T /* plots +/- 2 SD from the mean at each conc */
/* T= add top and bottom to each 2 SD diff */
plot total*conc / hminor=1 /* hminor=# tick markets before x values */
haxis=0 to 350 by 50;
procmeans data= nitrofen;
class conc;
var total;
output out=nitromean mean=n_mean stddev=n_sd;
Obs conc _TYPE_ _FREQ_ n_mean n_sd
1 . 0 50 22.88 10.7241
2 0 1 10 31.40 3.5963
3 80 1 10 31.50 3.2745
4 160 1 10 28.30 2.3594
5 235 1 10 17.20 5.9029
6 310 1 10 6.00 3.7118
ODS RTF file='D:\baileraj\Classes\Fall 2003\sta402\SAS-programs\week5-fig3.rtf';
procgplot data=nitromean;
title h=1.5 'Plot of mean number of C. dubia young produced at different Nitrofen concentrations';
title2 h=1 '[bubble area proportional to std dev.]';
bubble n_mean*conc=n_sd / bsize=15; /* bsize helps resize bubble for display */
G3D figures
libname class 'D:\baileraj\Classes\Fall 2003\sta402\data’;
data new; set class.nitrofen;
retain conc;
brood=1; young=brood1; output;
brood=2; young=brood2; output;
brood=3; young=brood3; output;
keep conc brood young;
data new2; set new;
jconc = conc + (10-20*ranuni(0));
jbrood = brood + (1-2*ranuni(0));
ODS RTF file='D:\baileraj\Classes\Fall 2003\sta402\SAS-programs\week5-fig7.rtf';
proc g3d data=new2;
title h=1 ‘Scatter plot of # young by conc. and brood (jittered)’;
scatter jconc*jbrood=young / xticknum=2 yticknum=2;
proc means data=new;
class conc brood;
var young;
output out=new3 mean=ymean;
ODS RTF file='D:\baileraj\Classes\Fall 2003\sta402\SAS-programs\week5-fig8.rtf';
proc g3d data=new3;
title h=1 'Surface plot of mean # young by conc. and brood';
plot conc*brood=ymean / xticknum=2 yticknum=2 tilt=80;