Liberty Union High School District
Health and Safety Committee
November 17, 2011
Members Present:
Robert Brown
Dan Hanel
Casey Lewis
Matt LaFleur
Diana Mann
Steve McElhaney
Jim Nabas
Lizet Nuno
Denise Rugani
Charlene Souza
Abbie O’Toole; CCCSIG
1. Meeting called to order by Robert Brown at 1:55 pm, Thursday, November 17,
2. Abbey O’Toole attending for Steve Webber review LUHSD progress on the
Health & Safety incentive program for 2011/2012:
1. Exposure Control plan for Blood borne Pathogens (needs to be completed)
2. Health & Safety Summer Program (completed)
3. Cabinet Member Slip, Trip, Fall Prevention Email to Staff (completed, sent out on October 17th)
4. Establish/Maintain District-Wide Employee Health and Safety Committee (completed 2 of the required 3)
5. Slip, Trip, Fall Site Inspections (Bob Brown currently working on)
6. CCCSIG/PSW Online Training for Teachers (25% required, LUHSD currently has a 28% completion with expectations for more)
7. What you need to know to keep your ex-mod low training. (needs to be scheduled for a cabinet meeting)
8. Attend CCCISG’s Countywide Health & Safety Coordinator Meetings (currently being attended by Robert Brown, next meeting January 11th)
Abbie also relayed that injuries and incurred costs are up by $100,000.00 over
last year. No set trend, just the few injuries we have had at Freedom are very
3. September meeting minutes were reviewed. Charlene motioned to accept minutes, Lizet second the motion, motion approved
4. Discussion to approve ergo evaluation items at Heritage. It was mentioned last meeting the committee approved up to $500.00 for the site for ergo evaluation items and that the committee monies are to be spent for the greatest good of all. There was a vote on the chair and monitor risers, the committee voted 7 to 2 in favor of using safety money for the items.
5. Tonya Smith discussion on funding uniforms for the Liberty High School Campus Security, and will track the injuries for six months to see if the more visible uniforms reduce injuries. There has not been enough prior injuries the classification to perform a study. The suggestion was made or order jackets or vests. A motion was made to table the discussion for further research. Lizet moved to table and Casey seconded.
6. Discussion on creating by laws and the need from them to keep the committee focused. Steve Webber was to bring some examples. Some examples the committee came up with:
*$300.00 spending authority for committee chair
*Chair be the director of M&O
*Secretary be M&O Secretary
*DO Rep – Asst sup H.R.
*Vice Chair voted in for a 2 year term
*Committee members voted for a 2 year term
*Voting by BU’s; LEA, CSEA
* Template form The Department Of Industrial Relations to be brought to next meeting.
7. Open Discussion;
*Shirley Enck had a ergo evaluation and it was recommended she get a monitor
*Lizet Nuno wanted to know how often the classrooms are cleaned as it doesn’t
seem to happen very often. The custodians a directed to clean rooms every
other day, but get interrupted by site events.
*Tonya Smith passed out an example newsletter, and discussed the possibility
of the committee to create a newsletter.
*Incentives for teachers to complete the on line training. The committee to have 5
fifty dollar incentives was motioned by Tonya and seconded by Jim Nabas.
*Night maintenance crew and the disposal of syringes. With increase of diabetic
students and use of insulin syringes, the night custodians need to training on
proper handling and disposal of such items. Employees to be aware of the
location of the sharps containers for syringes and other like items and locations
with out sharps containers need to have them installed. Committee to contact the
district nurse on procedures to emptying the sharps containers.
*Discussion on the number on golf carts and each site and the cost of maintaining
the golf carts versus Gators or Taylor Dunn
Meeting adjourned at 3:20