Effective Communication ...... 6-8 credits

 EN109...... Intensive College Composition (5)

 EN111...... College Composition I (4)

 EN211...... College Composition II (4)

 FR300...... Reading and Writing (4)

 GR202...... Intermediate German II (4)

 GR301...... Advanced German I (4)

LDR100...... Effective Comm in Workplace (4)

 SN202...... Intermediate Spanish II (4)

 SN301...... Advanced Spanish I (4)

 SP100...... Public Address (4)

SW272...... Effective Communication (4)

Quantitative Reasoning & Analysis.....3-4 credits

AS103#...... Observ & Sol System Astronomy (4)

AS104#...... Stell/Galactic Astronomy & Cosmo (4)

 CS120...... Computer Science I (4)

 EC140...... Consumer Economics (4)

 EC410...... Managerial Economics (4)

 MA101...... Quantitative Literacy (4)

 MA103...... Finite Mathematics (4)

 MA104...... Coll Algebra w/ Apps in Sci/Tech (4)

 MA106...... Trigonometry (3)

 MA111...... Coll Algebra for Calc Preparation (4)

 MA115...... Pre-calculus (4)

 MA161...... Calculus I (5)

 MA171...... Intro to Probability and Stats (4)

PH101...... Einstein, Universe & Everything (3)

PH102#...... Physics of Sound of Music (3)

 PL160...... Intro to Logic (4)

 PY305...... Psychological Statistics (4)

 SO208...... Methods of Social Research I (4)

Social Responsibility in Diverse World...3-4 credits

 AN100*...... Intro to Socio-Cultural Anthropology (4)

 BC415*...... Intercultural Communication (4)

 CHN101...... Elementary Chinese I (4)

 EN311...... World Literature in English (4)

 EN311Z*...... World Literature in English (4)

 EN314*...... Trad Oral Lit: Nat Am Cultures (4)

 EN316*...... Nat Am Novels and Poetry (4)

 EN317*...... Nat Am Drama, Non-F & S Stories (4)

 EN375...... Diverse Traditions in Am Lit (4)

 EN375Z*...... Diverse Traditions in Am Lit (4)

 EN378...... Early African-American Lit (4)

 EN379...... Contemp. African-American Lit (4)

 EN411...... Topics in World Literature (4)

 EN411Z*...... Topics in World Literature (4)

 FR101...... Elementary French I (4)

 GC164*...... Human Geography (4)

 GC300*...... Regional Studies: World Cultures (4)

 GN100...... Intro to Gender Studies (4)

 GR101...... Elementary German I (4)

 GR201...... Intermediate German I (4)

 HL322*...... International Health Issues (4)

 HL386*...... Intl Study in Global Healthcare (4)

HON301*...... World Cult: Hum Perspective (4)

HON302*...... World Cult: Social Sciences (4)

 HS201*...... World History to 1520 (4)

 HS202*...... World History since 1400 (4)

 HS254*...... Intro to the History of Africa (4)

 IP190...... Intro to International Studies (4)

LDR300...... Leadership in Diverse Workplaces (4)

 NAS204*...... Native American Experience (4)

NAS212*...... MI & WI Tribal Relations (4)

NU386*...... Interdisc Study in Global Health (4)

 PL270*...... World Religions (4)

 PS207...... History of Political Theory (4)

 PS440...... Race, Politics and Public Policy (4)

 RUS101...... Elementary Russian I (4)

 SN101...... Elementary Spanish I (4)

 SN102...... Elementary Spanish II (4)

 SN201...... Intermediate Spanish I (4)

 SO322...... Social Class, Power and Mobility (4)

 SO372...... Minority Groups (4)

Integrative Thinking...... 3-4 credits

 AD270...... Social Structures and Concepts (4)

 AH102...... Growth and Development (3)

 AN287...... Culture, Society and Happiness (4)

 CS101...... Web Site Construction (4)

 EC337...... American Economic History (4)

 EN283...... Survey of British Literature I (4)

 EN284...... Survey of British Literature (4)

 ENV101 .....Intro to Environmental Science (4)

 FR202...... Intermediate French II (4)

GC101...... intro to Environmental Science (4)

 HL440...... Critical Issues in Health Ed (4)

HON211...... The Social Sciences (4)

 HS130*...... Globalization & You (4)

 HS313X...... Culture in Context (3-4)

 HS354...... History of Prejudice (4)

 IP313X...... Culture in Context (1-4)

LDR400...... Systems Thinking in the Workplace (4)

 NAS315...... Hist. of Indian Boarding School (4)

 NAS320...... Am Indians: Identity & Media (4)

NAS342...... Indigenous Env Movements (4)

 PL260...... Philosophy of the Arts (4)

 PL280...... Philosophy of Religion (4)

 PL330...... Existentialism (4)

 SN313X...... Culture in Context (1-4)

 SO287...... Culture, Society and Happiness (4)

 SP110...... Interpersonal Communication (4)

SP434...... Env Comm in International Context (4)

PL100...... Introduction to Philosophy (4)

Human Expression...... 3-4 credits

 AD260...... Why Am Looks This Way (4)

 AD355...... 20th Century Art & Arch (4)

 DAN305...... History and Theory of Dance (4)

 EN110...... Good Books (4)

 EN112...... Mythology (4)

EN125...... Intro to Film (4)

EN215...... Intro to Creative Writing (4)

EN220...... Intro to Shakespeare (4)

EN282...... Intro to Literature (4)

 EN310...... Literature and the Bible (4)

 EN370...... Am Lit I: Columbus to Am Rev (4)

 EN371...... Am Lit II: Emergent Nat Voices (4)

 EN372...... Am Lit III: Realism & Naturalism (4)

 EN373...... Am Lit IV: Modern (1930-70) (4)

 EN376...... Am Lit V: Cont (1970-present) (4)

 FR361...... French Lit. Medieval - 17th Cent. (4)

 FR362...... French Lit. 18th and 19th Cent. (4)

 FR363...... French Lit. Since 1900 (4)

 FR426...... 18th Century French Literature (4)

 FR428...... 20th Century French Novel (4)

 GR320...... Great Works in German Lite (4)

HON111...... Modern Art-European Sources (4)

 HS110...... History & Pop Culture (4)

 MU125...... Music in Society (4)

MU127...... Beatles: Their Music Their Times (3)

 MU320...... Survey of Jazz: Origin to Pres. (4)

 MU325*...... World Music (4)

NAS101...... Anishinaabe Lang, Cult & Com I (4)

 NAS102...... Anishinaabe Lang, Cult & Comm II (4)

NAS207...... Seasonal Exp Anishinaabe Lang (4)

NAS424...... Indigenous Activism (4)

 SN315...... Intro to Literacy Study in Spanish (4)

 TH130...... The Theatre Experience (4)

Perspectives on Society...... 6-8 credits

BC165...... Intro to Mass Media (4)

 BC471...... Mass Communication and Society (4)

CJ110...... Intro to Criminal Justice (4)

EC101...... Intro to Economics (4)

 EC340...... Cap’sm, Socialism, & Democracy (4)

 EN206...... Survey of Journalism (4)

 FR310...... Intro to French Civ and Culture (4)

 GR310...... Intro to German Civ and Culture (4)

 GR311...... Central European Culture & Civ (4)

HM205...... Food and Film (4)

 HN362*...... Cultural Food Patterns (4)

HON101...... West Val.-Antiquity (4)

HON201...... West Val.-Medieval to Modern (4)

 HS120...... Turning Points in History (4)

 HS221...... US History to 1865 (4)

 HS222...... US History since 1865 (4)

 HS292...... African American History (4)

LDR200...... Ethical Leadership in Workplace (4)

 LG317...... World Stud - Lit in Translation (4)

 LG317Z*...... World Stud - Lit in Translation (4)

MGT121...... Introduction to Business (4)

 NAS280*...... Story by Nat American Women (4)

 NAS330*...... Nat Culture of Religion (4)

 PL180...... Fundamentals of Ethical Theory (4)

PL181...... Issues in Business Ethics (4)

PL182...... Issues in Computer Ethics (4)

PL184...... Issues in Legal Ethics (4)

PL185...... Issues in Medical Ethics (4)

 PL310...... Social and Political Philosophy (4)

 PS101...... Intro to Political Science (4)

 PS105...... American Government (4)

 PS215...... Intro to Law (4)

 PS309...... State and Local Government (4)

 PS411...... Modern Political Thought (4)

 SN310...... Intro to Spanish Civilization/Culture (4)

 SN312*...... Intro to Spanish America (4)

 SN314*...... Contemporary Latin Am Culture (4)

SO101 ...... Intro Sociology (4)

 SO113...... Social Problems (4)

 SO351...... Social Change (4)

 SO353*...... Globalization of Asian Societies (4)

 SO362...... Gender and Society (4)

 TE351...... Humanity and Technology (4)

Scientific Inquiry...... 6-8 credits

 BI100#...... Biological Sciences (4)

 BI210#...... Principles of Ecology (4)

 BI218#...... Intro to Cell & Molecular Biology (4)

 BI305#...... Ecology of the Northern Forest (3)

 CH105#...... Chemical Principles (4)

 CH109#...... Intro Org & Biochem for Hlth Sci (4)

 CH111#...... General Chemistry I (5)

 GC100 ...... Physical Geography (4)

 GC210...... Earth Hazards (4)

 GC255#...... Physical Geology (4)

LDR220...... Assessment in the Workplace (4)

PH201#...... College Physics I (5)

PH202#...... College Physics II (5)

 PH220#...... Intro Physics I (5)

 PH221#...... Intro Physics II (5)

 PY100...... Intro to Psychology (4)

 PY204#...... Physiological Psychology (4)

SO308...... Methods of Social Research II (4)

SW308...... Methods of Social Research II (4)

Additional requirements

 Written English Competency

 Mathematics Competency

 2.0 GPA for all General Education courses

NMU graduation requirements

World Cultures Course (indicated by *)

Lab Requirement (indicated by #)

Honors Course

Revised September 19, 2017