Burlington County College

Liberal Arts Division: Foreign Language Department

Elementary Spanish 101-100

Fall Semester 2014

Instructor: / Lynne Sanders
Meeting Time and Location: / WF 9:30-10:50am Parker 205
E-mail Address: /

¡Bienvenidos al curso del español 101!

This course is an introductory course for students with little or no previous experience with Spanish. It is designed for students with less than 1 year of high school Spanish. Spanish 101 is designed to lay a foundation for understanding, speaking, reading and writing the language as well as study the richness and diversity of the Spanish speaking world. Already had more than 1 year of high school Spanish? See me about moving to another level or receiving credits by CLEP test!

This course is web-enhanced, which means that there will be assignments online which are required; however, the completion of internet assignments is not a substitution for attending class! You are still expected to be present for every class!


Upon completion of Spanish 101, you will be able:

1.  Write simple sentences using learned vocabulary and grammar including, but not limited to: personal introductions, class schedules, and household tasks.

2.  Use reading strategies to comprehend basic texts in Spanish.

3.  Approximate native pronunciation when articulating simple statements to communicate basic needs.

4.  Ask and respond to simple questions related to descriptions, schedules, personal information, and basic necessities.

5.  Understand basic spoken speech related to vocabulary and topics studied.

6.  Employ coping strategies to fill in the gaps of imperfect comprehension.

7.  Demonstrate cultural awareness of customs related to personal life, holidays, and education.

8.  Describe important contributions from Spanish speaking countries in the areas of literature, music, art, and sports.


Capítulo 1 ¡A conversar!

·  Comunícate

o  Los nombres de los compañeros de clase

o  La ropa los colores y los números 0-49

o  La descripción de las personas

o  Hablando de los hispanos: Los hispanos en el mundo

o  Los saludos

o  Actividad integral: Mi mejor amigo/a y yo

·  Exprésate

o  Escríbelo tú: ¿Cómo eres?

o  Cuéntanos: Tu ropa favorita

·  Entérate

o  Mundopedia: Los nombres en el mundo hispano

o  Conexión cultural: La presencia vital de los hispanos

·  Videoteca

o  ¡Así somos!: Los nuevos amigos

o  Mi país: Los Estados Unidos

·  Infórmate

o  Subject Pronouns and the Verb ser

o  Gender and Number of Nouns

o  Adjective-Noun Agreement

o  1.4. Negation

Capítulo 2 Amigos y compañeros (Paraguay)

·  Comunícate

o  Los cumpleaños y la edad

o  Las cosas en el salón de clase y los mandatos

o  El cuerpo humano

o  Hablando de las nacionalidades: El árabe y los idiomas indígenas

o  Actividad integral: Una reunión del club

·  Exprésate

o  Escríbelo tú: Amigos hispanos

o  Cuéntanos: ¡Describe a tus padres!

·  Entérate

o  Mundopedia: El arpa paraguaya

o  Voces paraguayas

o  Conexión cultural: Paraguay, corazón de América

·  Videoteca

o  ¡Así somos!: ¡Buenos días profesor!

o  Mi país: Paraguay

·  Infórmate

o  2.1 Expressing Age: the verb Tener

o  2.2 Expressing location: the verb estar

o  2.3 Placement of Adjectives

o  2.4 Origin: ser de

Capítulo 3 Las actividades y el tiempo libre (Argentina y Uruguay)

§  Comunícate

o  Las actividades favoritas

o  La hora

o  Las actividades diarias

o  El tiempo y las estaciones

o  Hablando del tiempo: Las estaciones del año en el mundo

o  Actividad integral: Amigos sin fronteras

§  Exprésate

o  Escríbelo tú: Actividades típicas

o  Cuéntanos: Un fin de semana perfecto

§  Entérate

o  Mundopedia: El cine argentino

o  Voces argentinas y uruguayas

o  Conexión cultural: Deportes todo el año

§  Videoteca

o  ¡Así somos!: Una noche de juegos

o  Mi país: Argentina y Uruguay

§  Infórmate

o  3.1 Using gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes

o  3.2 Telling Time: ¿Qué hora es? ¿A qué hora?

o  3.3 Present Tense of Regular –ar, -er, -ir Verbs

o  3.4 Demonstratives

Capítulo 4 La familia y los amigos (Ecuador)

§  Comunícate

o  En familia

o  Las preferencias y los deseos

o  Hablando de las preferencias: Hispanos famosos y en forma

o  Datos personales (idiomas y nacionalidades, números 100-2,000+)

o  Los planes

o  Actividad integral: De vacaciones en Ecuador

§  Exprésate

o  Escríbelo tú: Planes para el verano próximo

o  Cuéntanos : Mi familia

§  Entérate

o  Mundopedia: Quito y Mitad del Mundo

o  Voces ecuatorianas

o  Conexión cultural: Las Galápagos, tesoro de la naturaleza

§  Videoteca

o  ¡Así somos!: El nuevo equipo de fútbol

o  Mi país: Ecuador

§  Infórmate

o  4.1 Possession: tener, ser de, possessive adjectives

o  4.2 The verbs preferir and querer + Infinitive

o  4.3 Question Formation

o  4.4 Making Plans: pensar, tener ganas de and ir a with Activities and Places


·  Textbook: Tu Mundo, Andrade, Egasse, Munoz, Cabrera Puche, McGraw Hill, 2013.

·  Student Workbook/Lab Manual: Tu Mundo with Connect Plus and Learnsmart

·  Headphones for the lab on campus or speakers for your home computer.


Daily Evaluation (Attendance, Preparation, Participation) / = / 20%
Quizzes / = / 10%
Homework / = / 20%
4 Chapter Exams / = / 20%
4 Chapter Oral Evaluations / = / 10%
Final Written Examination (Cumulative) / = / 20%


90-100 / A / 87-89 / B+ / 80-86 / B / 77-79 / C+
70-76 / C / 60-69 / D / 0-59 / F

A grade of Incomplete may be entered per the college policy and will be discussed as needed.


You are expected to attend all classes. It is your responsibility, whether your absence is excused or unexcused, to get the missed assignments from a friend or classmate or by simply consulting the class syllabus. DO NOT email your instructor! In order to be successful in developing your Spanish skills and proficiency, you need to read, study, and prepare all assignments before class and come to class prepared. Active participation is a vital part of learning a second language. Classes will be conducted in Spanish and you are required to use Spanish with your instructor and classmates. You are strongly encouraged to ask questions during class and to consult with your instructor during office hours and/or by making an appointment for additional assistance.

Participation is assessed every class period based on the following scale:

A / ·  Well prepared for class.
·  Participated actively in Spanish, including volunteering to answer questions and share ideas.
·  Made an effort to achieve the objectives of each lesson.
·  Used practice time wisely; always on task.
B / ·  Well prepared for class.
·  Participated in Spanish, although sometimes passively.
·  Made an effort to achieve lesson objectives, although there is room for improvement.
·  Stayed on task and used practice time wisely.
C / ·  Somewhat prepared for class.
·  Showed more passive than active participation in class, more English than Spanish
·  Made a minimal effort toward achieving lesson objectives; there is significant room for improvement.
·  Tended to stray from the task at hand; could make better use of practice time
D / ·  Was not well prepared for class.
·  Passive or non-participant in class activities.
·  Made little to no effort toward achieving lesson objectives; immediate improvement is necessary.
·  Easily distracted off task; often wasted practice time.
F / ·  Absent all week; thus participation is un-ratable.
·  Behaved in a disrespectful, distracting, or otherwise unacceptable manner (sleeping in class,
reading the newspaper, leaving the room frequently or for lengthy periods of time, talking on
cell phone etc.).
·  Made it difficult for others in the class to learn.


Homework is assigned on a regular basis and is vital part of development of language skills. Assignments will be submitted through Connect (mhcentro.com). There will be assignments due every week, which focus on what we are learning in class. You will need headphones to complete listening portions of the homework. You will have 3 attempts to complete each assignment. Before the second attempt, you will receive feedback and your second attempt will be -5%. Before your third attempt, you will receive more detailed feedback and your third attempt will be -10%. After your third attempt, you will get the correct answers. All assignments will be auto-graded. Connect will automatically take your highest score! Late assignments will be accepted with a 15% deduction per day late.


LearnSmart is a portion of Connect which is designed to give you all points upon completion. It is not about always getting the answer right, but rather about repetition and review. You are encouraged to spend a minimum of 30 minutes a week on LearnSmart. You should frequently go back and repeat your assignments and recharge your knowledge. LearnSmart for Spanish has two components a vocabulary and a grammar for each chapter. You should spend time in both.


Quizzes may be announced or unannounced. It is expected that you will study your notes at home and be prepared for class. Quizzes are used to help you prepare for tests and for you instructor to assess your understanding of class concepts. Quizzes will be given during the first 10 minutes of class, arriving to class late will decrease the amount of time you have to complete the quiz. If you arrive more than 10 minutes late you will NOT have the opportunity to take the quiz.


The four (4) chapter exams will assess your understanding and ability to apply the grammar, vocabulary, reading, writing, and listening skills practiced and covered in class. BE AWARE that language learning is a cumulative process and material covered in earlier chapters may reappear on subsequent exams. Make up exams are available in the test center week 14 of the semester. Please be advised that the test in the test center will be a different version than the one given in class and will be much more difficult.


The four (4) oral evaluations will assess you ability to produce and comprehend the Spanish language. They will consist of short presentations and/or role-plays. A grading sheet will be handed out prior to the evaluation and adequate amount of preparation time will be given. Missed scheduled evaluations must be completed outside of class time by appointment within 1 week of your return to class.


The final written examination is cumulative and will assess all material covered in the course (i.e., grammar, vocabulary, listening, reading, and writing skills).


Extra Credit Work: No extra credit work will be given. Therefore is important that you don’t miss any homework, and study for all your quizzes or exams.

Cell phones: Must be turned off and out of view during class, as well as any other electronic device. Any telecommunication devices visible to the instructor or seemingly being used by a student (cell phones, pagers, palm pilots, etc.) during a quiz or an exam will automatically be construed as an incident of academic dishonesty and therefore will result in an automatic failing grade for the quiz or examination.

Tutoring: Tutoring is free to all currently enrolled students and is available day, evening, and weekend hours. Tutoring in Spanish is by appointment only. Contact the Tutoring Office to set up an appointment at (609)894-9311 ext 1495.

Accommodations: The Office of Special Populations can help you get the accommodations you need at (609) 894-9311 ext. 1208.

College policies: It is expected that you will comply with all college policies.


Week / Date / Topics/activities / Connect
1 / Wednesday 9/3 / Syllabus
Introductions / Due date 9/10
1.  How to use Connect Spanish
Friday 9/5 / Los nombres de los compañeros de clase p. 4-5
Los saludos p. 13-14 / Due date 9/10
2.  Los nombres
3.  Los saludos
2 / Wednesday 9/10 / 1.1 Subject Pronouns and the Verb ser p. 21-22
1.2 Gender and Number of Nouns p. 23-25
La ropa, los colores y los números p. 6-8 / Due date 9/12
4.  La ropa
Friday 09/12 / 1.3 Adjective-Noun Agreement p. 25-27
1.4. Negation p. 28-29
La descripción de las personas p. 9-11 / Due date 9/17
5.  La descripción
6.  LearnSmart Vocab
7.  LearnSmart Gram
3 / Wednesday 9/17 / Mundopedia p. 17
Amigos sin Fronteras p. 18-19
Mi país p. 19
Review / Due date 9/19
8.  Videoteca
9.  Cultura
10.  Pronunciación
11.  Repaso
4 / Wednesday 9/24 / EXAM CAPITULO 1
Friday 09/26 / 2.1 Expressing Age: the verb Tener p. 52-53
Los cumpleaños y la edad p. 34-36 / Due date 10/1
1.  Los cumpleaños
5 / Wednesday 10/1 / 2.2 Expressing location: the verb estar p. 53-54
2.3 Placement of Adjectives p. 54-55
Las cosas en el salón de clase y los mandatos p. 37-40 / Due date 10/3
2.  En el salón de clase
Friday 10/3 / 2.2 Expressing location: the verb estar p. 53-54
2.3 Placement of Adjectives p. 54-55
El cuerpo humano p. 41 / Due date 10/8
3.  El cuerpo humano
6 / Wednesday 10/8 / 2.4 Origin: ser de p. 55-56
Amigos sin Fronteras p. 42-44 / Due date 10/10
4.  Amigos sin Fronteras
5.  LearnSmart Vocab
6.  LearnSmart Gram
Friday 10/10 / Mundopedia p. 48-49
Amigos sin Fronteras p. 50-51
Mi país p. 51
Review / Due date 10/15
7.  Videoteca
8.  Cultura
9.  Pronunciación
10.  Repaso
/ Wednesday 10/15 / ORAL EVALUATIONS
Friday 10/17 / EXAM CAPITULO 2
8 / Wednesday 10/22 / 3.1 Using gustar to Express Likes and Dislikes p. 85-87
Las actividades favoritas p. 62-65 / Due date 10/24
1.  Las actividades favoritas
Friday 10/24 / 3.2 Telling Time: ¿Qué hora es? ¿A qué hora? p. 87-89
La hora p. 66-69 / Due date 10/29
2.  La hora
/ Wednesday 10/29 / 3.3 Present Tense of Regular –ar, -er, -ir Verbs p. 90-92
Las actividades diarias p. 70-72 / Due date 10/31
3.  Las actividades diarias
Friday 10/31 / 3.4 Demonstratives p. 92-94
El tiempo y las estaciones p. 73-78 / Due date Nov 3
4.  El tiempo
5.  LearnSmart Vocab
6.  LearnSmart Gram
10 / Wednesday 11/5 / Mundopedia p. 81-82
Amigos sin Fronteras p. 83-84
Mi país p. 84
Review / Due date 11/5
7.  Videoteca
8.  Cultura
9.  Pronunciación
10.  Repaso
11 / Wednesday 11/12 / EXAM CAPITULO 3
Friday 11/14 / 4.1 Possession: tener, ser de, possessive adjectives p. 118-121
En familia p. 100-102 / Due date 11/19
1.  En familia
12 / Wednesday 11/19 / 4.2 The verbs preferir and querer + Infinitivo p. 121-122
Las preferencias y los deseos p. 102-105 / Due date 11/21
2.  Las preferencias
Friday 11/21 / 4.3 Question Formation p.122-124
Datos personales p. 107-110 / Due date 12/3
3.  Datos personales
13 / No class: Thanksgiving holiday – November 26-30, 2014
14 / Wednesday 12/3 / 4.4 Making Plans: pensar, tener ganas de and ir a with Activities and Places p. 125-127
Los planes p. 110-111 / Due date 12/5
4.  Los planes
5.  LearnSmart Vocab
6.  LearnSmart Gram
Friday 12/5 / Mundopedia p. 114-115
Amigos sin Fronteras p. 116-117
Mi país p. 117
Review / Due date 12/10
7.  Videoteca
8.  Cultura
9.  Pronunciación
10.  Repaso
14 / Wednesday 12/10 / ORAL EVALUATIONS
Friday 12/12 / EXAM CAPITULO 4

Created by Lynne Sanders 8/31/2014