Minutes – Monthly Business Meeting
Eastern North Carolina Shag Club
Monday, March 13, 2017 / 7:00 PM
Parker’s BBQ Restaurant, Memorial Dr., Greenville, NC
President Brenda Brooks called the meeting to order and asked if there were any additions to the web-posted agenda; Brenda noted she needed to add Shag-O-Ween. The club members voted to approve February 13, 2017 minutes, as posted on website.
Vice President Cynthia Cox had no report.
Treasurer, Brenda Tew presented the Treasurer’s report and club bank balance as of January 31 was $5,923.51; motion was made to approve Treasurer’s report, as read.
President Brenda Brooks read thank you cards from the Ellen Taylor Foundation and also from the Foundation of Junior Shaggers from Karen Callahan for our donation of one thousand dollars from the club’s Sue Hallow Memorial.
Social Committee co-chairs, Janet Cowan and Tanya Brown, did a wonderful job with ourValentine Party on February 14thheld at the American Legion Building. Stan Glover reported on the Valentine Party (in absence of Janet and Tanya). There were 142 tickets sold and 45 guest tickets; 130 people people attended.
Addie Lou Leggett (Director of Mari Gras Party) asked for volunteers to assist with the Mardi Gras party to be held on March 18th. Many volunteers agreed to help decorate at American Legion Building on Saturday morning and also to clean up afterwards.
Mike Folk reported two new members: Marvin Wells and Don Flowers to be voted on; motion was made and approved to add these new members. Our club membership is now 205.
DJ report from Jackie Haislip: Fred would be at Tie Breakers on Wednesday night, March 15, Jackie will play at Tie Breakers on March 22; Jackie will play at The Barn (in Jamesville) on March 25. Fred will play at Tie Breakers on March 29 and Billy will play at Attitudes on April 1. Our club will participate with other Clubs - Sugar Foot, Atlantic Beach, and Bass Lake, at Pirates Cove party at SOS on April 27, 1:00 until 5:00 pm.
Our club voted to have NO Float in the parade at SOS in April 29, 2017.
Motion was made and voted on to continue Shag-O-Ween with others clubs, as we made $590 profit by participating with other clubs last year.
Next meeting will be April 10, 2017 at Parkers, Memorial Drive at 7:00 again. Please come at 6:00 if you pay to eat dinner!
Respectfully submitted,
Cynthia Cox
(in absence of Lynn Hennessy, Secretary)