Liberal Arts Council

January 18, 2017

2:00 PM—Comal 116

Presiding: Dean Michael Hennessy
Recording: Susan Day
Present: Council members: Audwin Anderson, Britt Bousman, Mary Brennan, Beth Erhart, Craig Hanks, Alberto Giordano, Ken Grasso, Nancy Grayson, Lucy Harney, Bill Kelemen, Dan Lochman, Chad Smith

Absent: Dennis Dunn,

Guests: Daniel Owen, Eddie DeLaRosa, John McBride, Michelle Moritz, Marsha Moore, Lynn Ann Brewer, Jeff Lund.

  1. Minutes from 1.11.17 and 11.30.16 were approved without correction.
  1. Mr. Owen, Texas State Information Security officer,and Mr. DeLa Rosa provided information about the Information Security Office and its increased oversight of technology acquisition andprocurement. Growthin the number and sophistication of cyberattacksfrom organized criminal groups, nation-state groups,and activistshas produced serious risks to our systems. Examples of attacks include phishing scams and identity theft. Cloud storage services present a security risk for the university and such services are often a part of data management. State law requires ISO to review confidential data management, including the data security component of contracts and grants, but ISO is not involved in oversight of desk top software. A current goal is streamlining ISO’s part of the various research processes that have implications for data security. ISO encourages account managers to include them early in IRB process and grant application process.

The staff from Human Resources provided their annual updates. Mr. McBride noted that the outcome of changes to the current FLSA law is unknown at this time because of pending court decisions. Texas State is taking a wait-and-see approach.

Ms. Moore noted that HB 3337 required modification of the rules for reimbursing staff who enroll in university courses. In the past, staff members received waivers for tuition and fees,but now they must pay for the courses, then wait for reimbursement after grades are recorded. A form must be filed to receive the reimbursement. Patty Cano can provide the form since the UPPS to which it is attached is currently under review.

Ms. Mortiz noted that account managers now receivean alert when their non-exempt FLSA staff have 80 hoursof overtime. Non-exempt employees who accrue more than 100 hours must be paid for hours in excess of 100 from the department’s budget. She also noted that the Health Select pharmacy has a new vendor and that next fall, Blue Cross and Blue Shield will, once again, be the health insurance provider for university employees, having won the state contract over United Health Care.

Jeff Lund noted that performance management cycle trainings will be available from February to April.

Lynn Ann Brewer noted a new site describing procedures for interviewing and hiring veterans is available on the Human Resources website.

  1. Class Scheduling Task Force (HO)

Dr. Hennessy reported on the Classroom Space Task Force, which has been charged with findingways to make efficient use of classroom space. New classrooms will be added in Nueces and the new Science and Engineering building, but they will not solve the problem. Ad Astra looked at our class schedule and found that Texas State already makes highly efficient use of classroom space. Afternoon MWF classes are unlikely to be required at this time, but they may be in the future. Dr. Hennessy asked for imaginative solutions to take to the CSTF.

  1. Around the table
  2. Dr. Grayson noted that the LA Awards Day LA/PPS has been posted on-line with changes.
  3. Dr. Kelemen indicated that he had met with Milt Nielsen who oversees Qualtrix accounts. He reported that accounts unused since the fall need to be renewed. Students with Qualtrix accounts must gain faculty approval before distributing questionnaires, and a decision about which faculty members should provide is under consideration.

Meeting adjourned at 3:45 PM.