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c/o Huntington Community Centre,
26, Strensall Road, Huntington,
Tel: 01904 470670
Minutes of the Monthly Meeting of Huntington Parish Council held on Wednesday 15th June 2016 in Huntington Community Centre at 7.00pm.
PRESENT: / Councillor D. Geogheghan-Breen (DB) – Chairman, Councillor C. McQuinn (CM), Councillor G. Shann (GS) and Councillor J. Willis (JW), Councillor M. Duncanson (MD), Councillor K. Deadman (KD), Councillor I. Panter (IP), Councillor D. Jobling (DJ), Councillor S. Jobling (SJ), Councillor K. Orrell (KO), Mrs Gill Chivers (GC) – RFO and Lorraine Frankland (LF) – Parish Clerk,APOLOGIES: / Councillor A. Hawxby (AH), Councillor J. Shann (JS), Councillor M. Sutton-Croft (MC) and (Councillor R. Dean (RD) none received)
CIRCULATION: / To attendees, apologies and other all members of the Parish Council
MINUTES PREPARED BY: / Lorraine Frankland
DATE (Draft): / 08/07/16
26. / To Accept Apologies and Reasons for Absence
Councillor A. Hawxby (AH) and Councillor J. Shann (JS); absent due to annual leave
Councillor M. Sutton-Croft (MC); absent due to work commitments
Councillor R. Dean (RD)); absent due to private commitments
It was resolved to approve all apologies and reasons for absence.
To Note Declaration of Interests
i) To Approve Dispensation Requests
No such requests made
ii) To Note Declarations of Personal, Prejudicial or Disclosable Pecuniary Interests in any Items of Business on the Agenda
All Councillors involved with Village Halls, Community Centres, Burial Board, Huntington Sports and Social Club and Riverside Environmental Park
To Consider Business from Members of the Public
A resident had contacted CoYC about concerns over young people using the BMX track at Orchard Park, they were invited to attend, however they did not make an appearance.
DB had been in contact with a concerned resident about the cutting of vegetation on the Foss Bank and within the Environmental Park, it would appear that the first of five annual cuts had been delayed by five weeks as a result of the very wet weather and that this cut had coincided with the nine meters of bank which is cut by the drainage board (for the same reason-wet ground conditions), leaving the area looking very shorn. If this occurs in future years the Environmental Park will give consideration to cutting in patches
Minutes: To Approve the Minutes of the Monthly Parish Council Meeting held 18/05/16
Minutes approved as a true and accurate record of said meeting signed and dated by the Chairman DB.
Policing and Security Matters
i) To consider draft letter to the new PCC regarding Parish contact with PCSO’s and Police Officers
The draft letter was read by DB and subject to two minor alterations, it was then Approved and agreed to; send the letter to the elected PPC
ii) To Consider any other security related issues
Finance and Policy Issues:
i) To consider minutes of Finance and Policy meeting held on 13/06/16
Minutes considered.
ii) Recommendations from Finance and Policy meeting
External paving work – revised quotations - RECOMMENDATION: that the quote from Browns Tree Services of £4730 plus VAT and the work begin as soon as possible Approved
Orchard Park – external storage - RECOMMENDATION: that the rooms used by the Pre-School and the Vine Church required clearing and tidying, but that additional storage was still needed and that one large storage shed (15x8ft GRP) with two doors be used, to include a separate area for use by the Orchard Park outside Caretakers Approved
It was RECOMMENDATION: that the hourly rate for Street Cleaning be increased to £8.50 with immediate effect and a 1% NALC pay award for the RFO and Clerk be implemented Approved
iii) To Note Monthly Bank Reconciliation Report
Monthly Bank Reconciliation Report noted.
iv) To Approve Invoices Presented for Payment
Invoices checked and approved by Councillor K. Orrell
It was resolved to approve all above invoices for immediate payment
v) To Approve Annual Governance Statement
It was RECOMMENDATION: that the Parish Council has a proper practice and a sound system of internal control, including the preparation of the accounting statements Approved, and, as such, the Annual governance statement for 2015/16 was signed DB
vi) To Approve Accounting Statement (Annual Return 2015-2016)
It was RECOMMENDATION: that the Annual Return 2015/16 be agreed, Approved, and signed DB & LF
vii) To Note Current Financial Situation
Current Financial Situation noted.
To Consider Current Licensing Applications:
None received
Asset Management
i) Open Agenda Item for Community Centres/Halls to present a report
a) Huntington Memorial Hall
DB had been contacted by the executor of the late Hubert Roy Clark of Anthea Drive, offering to the Parish ledgers and minutes found stored at the property they included the papers documenting the forming of Memorial Hall, DB read an excerpt from the minute book and also read from the minutes of the ‘Huntington Soldiers Comfort Fund’ established to help those returning from war with a committee of 12 ladies and 12 gentlemen
b) Huntington Community Centre
AGM on 04/07/16, Nothing to report
c) Orchard Park Community Centre
The Pre-school raised £350 on 11/06/16.
ii) To Receive Reports from those Councillors who have nomination rights to Outside Bodies:
a) Huntington Riverside Environmental Park
Nothing to report
b) Huntington Sports and Social Club
They are awaiting a quote for the cutting back of the trees to enable access to the hedge for cutting purposes
c) Yorkshire L.C.A.
Nothing to report
d) Huntington and New Earswick Burial Board
Jim Cavanagh from CoYC also took a look at the Cemetery and discussed the Burial Boards proposals with the ground worker on site and was happy with the proposals. Sylvia Jobling has been elect Chair of the Burial Board and Lorraine Frankland (New Earswick Parish Councillor) the Vice Chair
iii) To elect members to fill outstanding vacancies on Asset Committees
CM agreed to sit on the Environmental Committee
DJ to attend the next Hopgrove Playing Fields meeting
iv) To Receive Report re: Ward Team Meeting
No report.
Planning and Green Belt Issues
i) To Consider Minutes of Planning Committee Meeting held 02/12/15
Minutes considered
ii) To Consider any further Planning and Green Belt issues
No issues raised
iii) Neighbourhood Plan Update
DJ is hoping to have a meeting with Rebecca Harrison of CoYC, the Executive Papers will be published on the Local Plan on 20/06/16, CoYC Executive will make a decision on this by 30/06/16.
i) To Consider Minutes of Amenities Committee Meeting held 07/06/16
Minutes Considered
· SJ has booked Tinseltown Harmony Group, as the other options were booked
· Can all Councillors let LF know of their availability to help out at the Gala on 14/08/16 and whether they can be around to help with the clean-up on15/08/16?
· KD has space for 18-20 Classic Cars at the Gala
· It was Agreed to withhold payment to Deans until they have completed the task of clearing vegetation from the perimeter and removed the remaining trees at Orchard Park
ii) Summer Scheme
It is intended to distribute the flyers for the Scarecrow Trails and schedule for this summer’s scheme at the two primary schools and at the secondary school, due to time commitments and availability of the O.P. community centre SJ has reduced the number of activities this year
iii) Volunteers for gathering supporting evidence for speed cameras – Date, Time, Locations (All Cllr’s to consider volunteering please)
It was Agreed to establish the need for speed awareness signs and the use of speed cameras, in order to do this a survey is needed to establish that the criteria has been met and this can be done using survey data, it was Agreed to commission survey from CoYC at a cost of £100 per survey where none exist for any given location. It was Agreed in principle that New Lane in both directions, Strensall Road in both directions and North Lane where the 30 limit begins should be consider as possible site for signs, consent would need to be sought from CoYC for siting the signs on lampposts, it was Agreed that the next walk-about should be concerned with identifying potential sites
KD to contact CoYC about traffic data, surveys, street light locations and how to gain consent, it was Agreed to leave in abeyance volunteering to gather the information
Parish Council Administration Issues
i) Dates for Diary: Planning Meeting 06/07/16, Amenities Meeting 12/07/16
ii) Parish Clerk Annual Leave 13/06/16 and 01/08/16-05/08/16 inclusive
iii) To Discuss arrangements for next Huntington Walkabout
20/06/16 – 11am Community Centre Car Park (drive about) to look at sites for Speed Awareness signs
To Note Correspondence Received
i) Local Councils Update 196 – 07/06/16
ii) White Rose Update - 09/06/16
iii) Complaint about Environmental Park – 09/06/16
DB has spoken to the person who made the compliant and explained the unusual circumstances and that it is unlikely to happen in the future
To Confirm Date, Time and Venue of Next Meeting
Monthly meeting of Huntington Parish Council to be held Wednesday 20th July 2016 commencing at 7.00pm in Huntington Community Centre, Strensall Road, Huntington.
Meeting closed at 8:00pm / LF
All Cllrs
HPC Minutes 15/06/16