LexingtonCountySchool District Two


The 504 ACCOMMODATION PLAN is reviewed at least annually. An update on the student’s disability status is optional. For example, the team may want a physician’s statement regarding the student’s ADHD, any new meds, etc.

___ The SECTION 504 NOTICE OF CONFERENCEis sent to the parent/guardian along with the PARENT RIGHTS. In attendance at the meeting will be the Student Assistance Team/504 Chairperson, the school psychologist, the student’s teacher(s), the student’s parent/guardian, the student if appropriate and any others having information relevant to the meeting. A new 504 ACCOMMODATION PLAN is developed or the SUMMARY OF MEETING reflects that after review and discussion, the student is no longer 504 eligible.The parent/guardian is provided copies of the 504 ACCOMMODATION PLAN and/or the SUMMARY OF MEETING.

___ Return to Clerical



504 ACCOMMODATION PLAN (if applicable)


A 504 reevaluation is conducted at least every three yearsor whenever there is a question of continued eligibility. The clericals at each school will maintain a roster of 504 eligible students and their reevaluation dates. The reevaluation date is 3 years from the date of the meeting when eligibility was determined.The SECTION 504 NOTICE OF CONFERENCEand PARENT RIGHTSare sent to the parent/guardian and a meeting is held. In attendance at the meeting will be the Student Assistance Team/504 Chairperson, the school psychologist, the student’s teacher(s), the student’s parent/guardian, the student if appropriate, and any others having information relevant to the meetingThe 504 ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATIONand SUMMARY OF MEETINGforms are completed. A new 504 ACCOMMODATION PLAN is developed if appropriate. The parent/guardian is provided copies of the 504 ELIGIBILITY DETERMINATION and 504 ACCOMMODATION PLAN (if one is developed) forms and the originals are sent to the clerical.