
It’s been an exciting time for the Grand Canyon Circuit East. We now have two rallies under our “belt” and looking forward to our Spring Rally on March 29, 2014 at East Fork, AZ. During this upcoming busy time with the holidays approaching we need to take some time to reflect on our lives while we give thanks to our LORD for the all of the blessings we havereceived and to rejoice and celebrate our Savior’s birth.

So many times I have had people come up to me to express their thanks, their thoughts, their encouragement and their love while being an officer on the GCCE board. It means a lot to me and to the other members of the board when we hear from you regarding the jobs we are doing with the rallies and the retreats. Yes,as members of the board, we have important work to do in making sure that the support and love for our pastors,missionaries and the COMMISSION gets completed. This is whereyou soimportant . Without your support and love, the work would not get done.

It is so vital that we, as ladies of the Grand Canyon Circuit East, make sure that the COMMISSION will be heading towards completion. We need to make sure that GOD’s message of His love for us all gets out to everyone. His beautiful message of our Lord and Savior’s birth, death, and resurrection is for everyone and we can do this by setting an example with our involvement with the Grand Canyon Circuit East.

Through prayer, donations, helping your neighbor (whoever that may be), being an officer, talking up Grand Canyon Circuit East and Lutheran Women’s Mission Society goes a long way in getting the work done. Time is of the essence – we need to heed the call now- whether this is your first time or you have been coming to our rallies for years-please consider the following:

  • Pray for the Grand Canyon Circuit East to do the Lord’s work though our missions/missionaries
  • Decide to become an officer on the board, (you are never alone in the position you choose to run for-always someone there to help you from former board members)
  • Send cards/letters for those in need/support
  • Bring someone who has never been to a rally to the rallies or retreats,
  • Donate your time and effort in helping someone or a project (remember the Good Samaritan) thru your Women’s Guild.
  • Start a project that will create awareness of the Grand Canyon Circuit East and/or the Lutheran Women’s Mission Society,

So, let’s roll up our sleeves and ask the LORD for guidance, and let’s work hard together to make sure that the Grand Canyon Circuit East is a circuit whose foundation is alwaysguided by the Lord andthat it always works for the LORD and HIS missions.

Blessings to all of you

Karen L Manning, President, GCCE