
Lewis and Clark and the Voyage of Discovery

Station 1 – Excerpts from Lewis and Clark’s Journals

Read the journal entries and fill in the graphic organizer below as you read.

Discoveries - at least 3 Adversity and Struggles – at least 3

Native American Relations – at least 4 Other Interesting Facts

  1. What animal did Clark write about discovering in his September 7th, 1804 journal entry?
  1. How do you imagine members of the Corps of Discovery felt on September 28, 1804?

Justify your answer with facts.

  1. What can we learn from these journal entries about the Corps of Discovery?

List two conclusions you can draw from having read these journals.

Station 2 – Artifacts

Flip through the photographs/pictures of items related to Lewis and Clark’s journey. Try to determine what each item is. Then flip the pictures over to read the information on the back side. Choose five of the most interesting items and list them below. Explain how each relates to the journey. Finally, add at least one interesting observation regarding the item that your group discussed.

Purpose: How does each Observation: What interesting fact, question,

Item: relate to the journey? thought or connection can you make?

Ex. - BooksUsed to provide information Titles include – Elements ofBotany; Today along the journey we would use the internet; These must

have added substantial weight to the cargo








Did any of the items surprise you?

Did looking at these items bring up any additional questions?

Station 3 – Mapping

Find each of the locations listed below and as a group, chart them on a map provided at the station. Use the classroom atlas as a reference where needed. Connect each of the locations

to find the route that Lewis and Clark followed to the Pacific Ocean. Remember that Lewis and Clark followed the rivers.

May 14, 1804 / St. Louis, Missouri
August 3, 1804 / Omaha, Nebraska
August 20, 1804 / Sioux City, Iowa
September 25, 1804 / Pierre, South Dakota
Oct. 24, 1804 - April 7, 1805 / Bismarck, North Dakota
April 29, 1805 / where the Yellowstone River flows into the Missouri
(near the Montana and North Dakota border
June 2, 1805 / fork in the Missouri (near Fort Benton, Montana)
June 13, 1805 / Great Falls, Montana
August 8, 1805 / Dillon, Montana
September 9, 1805 / Missoula, Montana
October 7, 1805 / Orofino, Idaho
October 16, 1805 / junction of the Snake and Columbia Rivers in Washington
November 24, 1805 / Astoria, Oregon (follow Columbia River to Pacific Ocean)

1. What major body of water did Lewis and Clark follow for a good portion of their voyage?

2. At what one location did Lewis and Clark spend the longest amount of time?

3. Why do you imagine they spent so much time there?

4. What were some of the most significant geographical obstacles the Corps of Discovery

faced? List three.

5. What kind of person would it take to complete a journey like this? List and explain three

character traits required for this type of adventure.

6. Figure out how many miles in how many days did Lewis and Clark travel between Sioux City,

Iowa and Pierre, South Dakota? Great Falls, Montana and Missoula, Montana? Why is

there such a significant difference?

Wrap It Up

  1. What have you learned today? List three facts that were new, interesting or surprising.
  1. What questions are you left with regarding Lewis and Clark and the voyage of discovery?

Tying It All Together

On a separate sheet of paper, answer the question below in a paragraph. Make your claim.

Then provide clear evidence and explain how it supports your position.

Would you want to go with Lewis and Clark on their voyage of discovery?

Why or why not?

Lewis and Clark Rubric


Claim – You take a position5 points______

Evidence – You use at least 3

compelling facts to

support your position15 points______

Reasoning - You explain how the

facts support your claim10 points______

Editing- You paper is edited5 points______

Total Points 35______
