




The purpose of this participation guide is to allow students an opportunity to understand tourney requirements and lettering standards. Weekend participation is required to pass this class. Competition makes classroom work more purposeful.

The following guidelines must be followed by all team members traveling to, and competing or observing at debate tournaments:

1. Cancellation of entry must be made one week (Friday before next Saturday) in advance to save repayment of entry fees. If cancellation occurs during the week preceding the tournament, the team members backing out must secure suitable substitute(s).

2. Cancels during the week preceding the tournament will be fined double entry fees if no suitable substitute(s) can be secured.

3. All materials for competition must be packed by participants before 3:15 on the Friday prior to Saturday competition. For week night trips, all materials should be packed by 1:00 p.m. on the day of departure. Laptop check-out for competition will happen on Friday during class. Highest division, seniority and season win-loss will help determine availability if supply is limited.

4. Students will be on time for tournaments. Failure to make the bus will require a phone call, email, or text message of explanation before the next class period and repayment of unutilized entry fees. If no phone call, email, or text message is made before student returns to class double entry fees will be required and the student(s) will be ‘benched’ for one tournament.

5. All fines must be paid to the office before student can return to competition.

6. During tournaments, students will be courteous, prepared, competitive, and follow good sportsmanship rules of our school and the KSHSAA. (Available @

7. On overnight trips requiring hotel accommodations, a curfew will be assigned following KSHSAA rules at 11:00 p.m. Curfew breaks will forfeit double entry fees and future trips will be allowed only at the coach's discretion.

8. All students must adhere to the USD 464 Substance Abuse Policy.

9. Lunch and other stops will usually be made by majority rule, yet coach's discretion is the final word.

Dress Code: Some big "do-not's"---this list may grow!!!

Ladies: mini-type skirts; "pick-up" ware; earrings anywhere but the ears; tattoos (showing); casual denim; excessively chromatic hair dye; concert attire.

Men: "tie-less" dress suits; "jacketless" attire ; white socks; casual denim; earrings (one is O.K.---if it is in an ear); tattoos (showing); excessively chromatic hair dye; athletic shoes; concert attire; hats.

If I got to pick the clothing I would select:


Debate: Black skirt to the knee, blouse, black jacket, sensible heel.


Debate: Dress suit; or at least slacks, dress shirt and tie, dark socks, dress shoes.

(Dress like you are going to work at a bank or appear in court... as counsel.)

Competition Contract

"The hardest thing to get rid of is a bad reputation..."

Whereas performance is the primary goal of all squad trips...

Whereas team members are a reflection of the team as a whole...

Whereas team member actions are long remembered after the they are gone...

Whereas improper conduct can lose competitions...

Whereas continued travel opportunities depend on the quality of previous trips...

Members of the THS debate and squad will adhere to proper decorum and rules of conduct. These rules are primarily established by the THS student handbook. Further guidelines are provided in the Competition Participation Guide. The coach or sponsor has the authority to mandate new, revise old, or interpret fully the meaning of all travel rules.

Team members are given protection under this agreement. Although the student must adhere to all travel instructions, the student does have the right to discuss the merit of the instruction once the trip is complete. (Again, no right to refuse during trip...expect to discuss after the trip.) All rules complaints will be taken to Mr. Harrell and not individual sponsors.

Students not following rules will: (in order but not inclusively)

1. Be verbally admonished.

2. Be disqualified and will remain with the coach or sponsor for the duration of the trip.

(plus repay entry fees for missed events)

3. Be suspended from further travel with the team for a determined time.

4. Be brought before the building principal(s).

5. Be turned over to the proper authorities.

I agree to the terms of travel, realizing that I have rights as well as responsibilities during team travel opportunities.

Student's Signature: _________________________________________ Date: _______

Parent's Signature: __________________________________________ Date: _______