
Leveraging Data 2017

Instructions for Thumbnail Submission Form

This document contains the instructions for completing the Thumbnail form. The Thumbnail Form is used to submit your thumbnail (session information) for entry into the conference agenda. Do not use this document to enter your session’s information.

Thumbnails are due April 7,2017. Email to .Early submittals are appreciated.

Below arethe instructions for each category.

Sponsor Information: This is the contact information for your organization and the session. This information is used by PSP for questions and clarification on your session.

Assigned Track: Select one of the following:

  • Empowering Government Leaders to Leverage Their Data
  • Governance, Policy, and Legislation
  • Data Science & Analytics
  • Creation the Data Driven Enterprise
  • Data Visualization

Session Title: The title should be eye catching, a phrase or short sentence that will spark enough interest from the attendees that they will want to continue reading. The goal of the title is to get the attendees to continue reading the information on your session. *70-character limit

Main Speaker/Panel Moderator/Additional Panel Members or Speakers: This information is critical. Many attendees will make their selection on speaker and panel members! Having this information complete at the time the registration site goes onlinewill increase attendance to the conference and your session. Using Advisory Board as panel members also helps in the session attendance as the attendees like to hear from their managers, peers and other government personnel issues.

We recommend that you enlist the Advisory Board Members to be panel members or speakers for your session. Advisory Board Members are knowledgeable of the topics are interested in providing government staff with valuable information.

Session Format: The session format (lecture, discussion, workshop, panel, etc.) will assist PSP with the room assignment and help us determine the setup for your room.

Session Description: The session description should create a purpose that is compelling and conveys the value of your session. Make sure your session description demonstrates a link between your educational content and the goals and objectives of the conference. Here is a list of questions your description would answer:

  • Why is the Topic Important?
  • What are the main challenges involved?
  • What is the purpose of the session?
  • What is your approach to solve the problem?

*1000 Character limit

Intended Audience: This will communicate to the attendees the targeted audience for this session. Executive, Managers, Supervisors, Architects, Technical staff. It is best to develop sessionsforaudience from multiple disciplines. *275 Character limit

If you need additional information or assistance:

If you have questions/concerns on the thumbnail of overall questions on session topics or speakers, please contact Ann via or cell (916) 759-9192.

* Character limit on each category. We have limitation on space on our entries to keep the registration information easy to read and use for our attendees.