Level II Module: Observing and Recording
Student Evaluation
1)Did you attend all of the sessions that were a part of this module? YES or NO
If NO how many sessions did you attend______
In thinking about this training, did the course help you gain the knowledge and skills identified by the course learning objectives (listed below)? Please Circlethe statement that most applies to your learning experience.
As a result of this course:
2)I can identify the benefits of observation in the early childhood classroom. / Not Yet / Somewhat / Yes, I fully met this objective.3)I can develop systems and tools that support observation in the classroom. / Not Yet / Somewhat / Yes, I fully met this objective.
4)I understand the importance of confidentiality and can identify strategies to maintain confidentiality. / Not Yet / Somewhat / Yes, I fully met this objective.
5)I can interpret observations for the purposes of child assessment and curriculum planning. / Not Yet / Somewhat / Yes, I fully met this objective.
6)I can identify the child assessment tools approved by the VT Dept. of Education for assessing children attending publicly funded Prekindergarten programs. / Not Yet / Somewhat / Yes, I fully met this objective.
Please CIRCLEYes or No to answer the following questions.
7)Did the instructor clearly present the course objectives? / YES / NO8)As a result of this training did you gain new resources such as articles, informational brochures, books, professional websites or contact information about this topic? (If NO skip to question 10) / YES / NO
9)Do you plan to use these resources in your work with children and families? / YES / NO
10) Was the instructor knowledgeable and informative about the CDA process? / YES / NO
11) Are you planning to pursue your CDA credential? (If NOplease comment why and skip question 12).Comment______/ YES / NO
12)Did this training help you further your goal of achieving a CDA? / YES / NO
This module was designed to support learning over time, and help you make connections between what you learned in the class and your work with children. Please respond whether you agree or disagree to the statements below.
13)I used what I learned in the module with the children and families I work with. / AGREE / DISAGREE14)As a result of this training, I made changes in how I work with children. / AGREE / DISAGREE
15)As a result of this training I made changes to my program (example-daily schedules, room arrangement, communication…). / AGREE / DISAGREE
16)As a part of this class I formally observed the children in my care. / AGREE / DISAGREE
16) As a result of this class, how many other participants did you get to know?
(Check one)
______None ______1-2 people, ______3-5 people, ______more than 5 people.
Thank you for completing this evaluation!
Email address (optional)______
Thank you for completing this evaluation!