Town of Bayfield
1199 Bayfield Parkway
P.O. Box 80
Bayfield, CO 81122
Town of Bayfield, Colorado
Request for Proposals
Attorney Services
The Town of Bayfield, Colorado is inviting proposals from qualified individuals and firms to provide Town Attorney services to the Town. Bayfield is a Statutory Town with a Mayor-Trustee form of government and has a population of approximately 2,333 full time residents.
The Town Attorney shall be an attorney in good standing admitted to practice in Colorado and shall serve at the pleasure of the seven (7) member Board of Town Trustees. The Town Attorney shall act as the legal representative of the Town and shall advise the Mayor, Town Board, Town Manager, and other Town Officials in matters relating to their official powers and duties and perform such other duties, as the Town Board may prescribe.
Requires 5 years municipalor other legal experience. Municipal law experience preferred.
Scope of Services for the Town Attorney
Includes but is not limited to:
- Attend regular and special meetings of the BayfieldTown Board . Regular meetings are held on the first and third Tuesday of each month beginning at 7:00 p.m.
- Work with Town Officials and staff on all legal issues.
- Draft and review contracts, ordinances, resolutions and other legal documents.
- Advise the Town on all matters of law and changes therein affecting the Town.
- Defend the Town in litigation. If outside counsel is retained, coordinate and manage the Town’s interests with outside counsel.
- Assist in the negotiation of agreements between the town and other entities, both public and private.
- Coordinate with specialized counsel in certain areas as needed, including specialists in public improvements financing, water law, and metropolitan districts.
Proposal Format
The proposal shall be as brief as possible, but at a minimum, should include:
- Cover letter/Transmittal letter – this should be signed by the individual who will be responsible for providing Town Attorney services to the Town. The proposal should discuss proposed fee arrangements, names of attorneys to be responsible for work, professional liability coverage to be provided, list of disciplinary proceedings against firm or responsible attorneys, potential conflicts of interest, municipal experience, references and other relevant information to assist the Town in making a selection.
- Qualifications of responsible staff.
- The Town reserves the right to negotiate compensation issues with the top candidate. If unable to reach a satisfactory conclusion, the Town may, at its discretion, negotiate with another candidate.
Proposals are due (8 copies) to the Town of Bayfield Town Manager’s office by 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 27, 2014. The Town reserves the right to accept or reject any or all proposals and to waive any informalities or irregularities in any proposal.
- Please address proposals to:
Attention: Chris La May
Town Manager
Town of Bayfield
PO Box 80
Bayfield, CO 81122
(Or hand deliver proposals to the Town Manager’s office at: 1199 Bayfield Parkway, Bayfield, CO 81122)