Level 6 Checklist for 6.CS.1 (Listening/Viewing Skills)
6.CS.1 Demonstrate understanding of the main idea of French multi-sentence presentations on a variety of familiar topics in structured situations.
Date:Name / Selects
main idea and key information / Compares and contrasts
items / Retrieves details / Represents understanding / Responds to questions on the presentation / Matches spoken words with gestures
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations most of the time
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Checklist for 6.CS.2 (Speaking Skills)
Discuss a variety of information on familiar topics through modeled oral expression in highly structured situations.
Date:Name / Share
information / Answers questions / Engages in a two- way con-versation / Uses politeness
and encourage-ment
expressions / Role-plays an incident
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations at most times
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Checklist for 6.CS.3 (Reading Skills)
Demonstrate understanding of the main idea and general details in illustrated 70-100 word expository, procedural, persuasive and narrative text or scripts.
Date:Name / Identifies the main idea / Identifies general details / Identifies main idea and details in another student’s writing
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations at most times
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Checklist for 6.CS.4 (Writing Skills)
Produce a 50-60 word expository, narrative, or procedural paragraph or short script in French based on a combination of models.
Date:Name / Writes a description / Writes an ad / Writes information on a website / Posts or chats / Blogs / Writes a narrative script
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations at most times
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Checklist for 6.LK.1 (Language Knowledge)
Demonstrate acquisition of French language concepts.
Date:Name / Numbers to 1 000 / Ordinal numbers / Present
-er verbs / Present irregular –er verbs / Singular possessive pronouns / Adjective agreement / Prepositions à & de with jouer and faire
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations at most times
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Checklist for 6.C.1 (Culture)
Relate the influence and contributions of French, First Nations, and Métis languages and cultures to place names, and lifestyles.
Date:Name / First Nations and French place names / Cultural influences in Francophone countries and regions / Lifestyles in Franco-phone countries / Singing / Games / Food prep / Conflict resolution in French
4 – Meets expectations
3 – Meets expectations at most times
2 – Sometimes meets expectations
1 – Does not meet expectations
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Self-Evaluation for Listening/Viewing
Name: ______Date: ______
Listening/Viewing in French / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Tell the main idea and key details in a presentation or video.
Compare and contrast items in a graphic organizer.
Draw a picture or do a mime to show that I understand a presentation or video.
Answer questions about a presentation or a video.
Match spoken words with actions or gestures.
Name and use listening and viewing strategies.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Speaking
Name: ______Date: ______
Speaking in French / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Share information about travel, a sport, or a picture.
Answer questions.
Have a two-way conversation with someone.
Use politeness and encouragement expressions.
Role play an incident.
Role play a conflict resolution.
Name and use speaking strategies.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it..
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
*Participation: excellent, très bien, bien, assez bien, pas trop bien
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Reading
Name: ______Date: ______
Reading in French / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Tell about the main idea of a text.
Tell about the details of a text.
Tell about the main idea and detail of another student’s written work.
Name and use reading strategies to help me understand.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Writing
Name: ______Date: ______
Writing in French / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Write a 50-60 word description.
Write a newspaper ad.
Write a photostory.
Write a blog.
Write the text for a website.
Write a script.
Write a story.
Name and use writing strategies.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Culture
Name: ______Date: ______
Cultural Knowledge / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Tell about places that have First Nations, Métis and French names.
Tell about the cultures of Francophone countries and regions.
Tell about conflict resolution in other cultures.
Share information about lifestyles in Francophone cultures.
Sing in French.
Play games in French.
Talk about food preparation in French.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
*Participation: excellent, très bien, bien, assez bien, pas trop bien
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Level 6 Self-Evaluation Checklist for Language Knowledge
Name: ______Date: ______
French Language Knowledge / RatingsI can… / 4 / 3 / 2 / 1 / Not rated
Name numbers to 1 000.
Use words that show the order in which I do something.
Use regular –er verbs, singular and plural.
Use irregular –er verbs, singular and plural.
Use singular and plural pronouns: je, tu. Il. Elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles.
Use singular and plural possessive pronouns, mon, ma, mes, ton, ta, tes, son, sa, ses, nos, vos, leurs.
Use adjectives correctly.
Use prepositions à la, au, aux, du, de la with the verbs faire and aller.
4 – I can do this and am able to demonstrate it.
3 – I can do this most of the time and am able to demonstrate it.
2 – I can sometimes do this but I may have difficulty demonstrating it.
1 – I cannot do this.
Goals for next time:
Participation: excellent, très bien, bien, assez bien, pas trop bien
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Core French Self Evaluation
Name(s): ______Date: ______
4= All of the time 3= Most of the time 2= Some of the time 1= Rarely
Work in Groups
- We helped others in our group with writing a paragraph. ___
- We stayed on task. ___
- We finished our work on time. ___
- We made an effort to speak in French. ___
- I made an effort to speak in French. ___
- I pronounced most of the French words correctly. ___
- I used the key vocabulary words. ___
- I can give others instructions. ___
- I can respond to questions from others. ___
- I can ask questions of others. ___
- I spoke in complete sentences. ___
- I spoke loudly and clearly enough so that others could hear. ___
- I can write a sentence about ______. ___
- I can write a paragraph about ______. ___
- I can use correct punctuation, capitalization and spelling. ___
- I made an effort to use my oral language skills for the activities in class. ___
Goal Setting
Next time, I will
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)
Rubric for Oral Communication
Excellent / Très bien/Very good / Bien/
Good / À developer/
Oral Participation / Student always makes an effort to speak in French for oral language activities. / Student makes an effort to speak in French much of the time for oral language activities. / Student makes some effort to speak in French for oral language activities. / Student makes an effort to speak in French for oral language activities only when prompted by the teacher.
Fluency/Fluidité / Student speaks clearly, at an appropriate rate. / Student speaks clearly most of the time, but with a slower rate. / Student speaks clearly at times. The rate is slow and halting. / The student’s speech is unclear, and the rate is very halting and slow.
Pronunciation / Familiar words are usually correctly pronounced. / Familiar words are correctly pronounced most of the time. / Familiar words are correctly pronounced at times. / Familiar words are not usually correctly pronounced, or correctly pronounced with teacher assistance.
Vocabulaire / All or most of the key thematic vocabulary is used. / Much of the key thematic vocabulary is used. / Some of the thematic vocabulary is used. / Very little of the key thematic vocabulary is used. Some vocabulary words are used as prompted by the teacher.
Phrases / Speaks in complete sentences most of the time. / Speaks in complete sentences some of the time. / Speaks in complete sentences rarely or only when prompted. / Unable to speak in complete sentences.
Grammaire / The grammar used by the student follows the correct model as taught by the teacher. Any errors are due to risk-taking by the student. / The grammar used by the student follows the correct model as taught by the teacher some of the time. / The grammar used by the student follows the correct model only when prompted by the teacher. / The student is unable to apply the grammar as modeled by the teacher.
Saskatchewan Ministry of Education (November 2012)