During the lesson, learners are progressing toward the following language learning aims:
" shows what activities to take out of a two hour class.
Content / Activities / ResourcesSub-theme: Cartoons Lesson Prepared by Rekha Narain
Can Do Statements
§ Can follow a set of written instructions to accurately complete a task / Literature
Diggory Bones
(in course book, PB p.13)
Course Book: Kid’s Box 5
Pupil’s Book: pp.13-15
Activity Book: pp.14-15
Teacher’s Book: pp.24-25
CD 1: Tracks 24-25
Teacher’s Resources
1. Cartoons
2. Cartoon Information
Activity Sheets
1. Matching TV genres
2. Imperative Verbs
3. How to draw a cartoon dog
4. Make a flipbook cartoon of
a ball bouncing
5. Grids
Additional Materials
Self Assessment
Lesson Log
Plain Paper
Stapler & Scissors
Stage plan overview:
· Ask students what they watched on TV this week? Can they recap the different types of programme they learnt last week?
· Pair students to complete Activity Sheet 1- Matching TV genres
· Ask students what is their favorite type of programmes? Show the students the pictures from Teacher Resource 1 – Cartoons.
Elicit what these are called. What’s another word for cartoons? Animation. Tell students that today’s topic is cartoons. Discuss
about cartoons and how they are made.
· Using Teacher Resource 2 – Cartoon Information, explain briefly how cartoons were/are made
Supporting Tasks
· Work through PB p14-15 Ex 3-5, AB p.14-15 Ex 1-4
· To introduce imperatives, tell the students to listen carefully to your commands and do the action. Stand up. Sit down. Put a
pencil on your head. Shake hands with the person on your left, etc. Explain to students the key features of imperative verbs.
We use “imperative verbs” to give commands. Imperative verbs are known as “bossy verbs”:
1. They tell you what to do 2. They are used in the beginning of sentences 3. They are used for giving instructions
4. Connectives such as firstly, secondly, thirdly, etc are used to put the sentences in order.
· Students practice imperative verbs by completing Activity Sheet 2 – Imperative Verbs
" Put students in pairs, they can work together to do Activity Sheet 3 – How to draw a cartoon dog. The students follow the
written instructions. Differentiate this activity, for weaker students, teacher can ask the students to read and have the students
draw on board. Click on this link for more info:
http://www.drawinghowtodraw.com/stepbystepdrawinglessons/2009/10/how-to-draw-cartoon-dogs-step-by-step-drawing-tutorial-for-kids/2/ .
Main Task
· Hand out Activity Sheet 4 – Make a flipbook cartoon of a ball bouncing. Students will make a cartoon flipbook following the
written instructions. You may wish to use the pre-drawn grids for this activity.
Post Task Activities
· Ask students to recall last week’s Diggory Bones, brainstorm what would happen next.
· Read PB Pg. 13 then complete AB Pg. 13 Ex 19
" Students can write a short paragraph about the history of animation, and then use that to introduce their flipbook – as if it’s the
packaging for the new product – refer to AB Pg. 15 Ex 5 & 6
Lesson Log
· Students complete their Lesson Log and Self-Assessment - Task 6
Extension: Students can complete AB p.13 Ex 20 and “Do you remember?” sections. Also complete Extension Sheets 1 and 2
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Teacher Resource 1
Teacher Resource 2
Did you know that cartoons, also called animations, are just a series of individual pictures? A whole bunch of single, still drawings are put together and shown sooooooo fast they look like they are moving.
The original animation was a kid toy, a book whose leaves could be scrolled rapidly. On each page there were figures slightly different from the previous ones, and through the rapid scrolling they merged one with the other. It was an optic illusion. Modern technology is much more evolved, but it works on the same principle: static images presented rapidly and successively.
In those times, making a cartoon took a lot of time: a sole animator had to make 24 slightly different drawings for each second of the movie, thus 1,440 for each minute. By 1910, the technique changed: the artists started to work in teams and use the so-called phase drawings, drawn on transparent sheets of celluloid.
The celluloid technology eased their work. The artists did not have to draw each scene in part, but only the main characters, placed on the same background. Sometimes, just parts of the character were redrawn, like the feet of a walking character.
Activity Sheet 1
Fill the blanks with these TV Programmes words:
news sport comedy documentary quiz music videos cartoon weather
1. ______2. ______
3.______4. ______
5. ______6. ______
Activity Sheet 2
TASK ONE: Choose the correct imperative verb to go with each instruction in this recipe to make a Cheese Omelet.
a. ______your pan until it’s nice and hot.
b. ______and enjoy- your omelet is ready!
c. ______some eggs into a bowl and whisk.
d. ______some cheese and add to your egg mixture.
e. ______together thoroughly.
f. ______your egg mixture and cook for 3 minutes.
g. ______for a final 2 minutes until completely cooked.
TASK TWO: The recipe was mixed up! Put it in the right order…
Firstly ______,
Secondly ______,
Thirdly ______,
After that ______,
Then ______,
Next ______,
Finally ______.
Activity Sheet 3
Do you want to learn how to draw a cute cartoon dog? Follow the step-by-step instructions.
· Firstly draw a circle-like shape for the dog’s head
· Secondly draw a small line in the middle of the circle for the snout.
· Thirdly draw the dog’s smile beneath the bottom of the dog’s snout.
· Draw a half-oval type shape beneath the mouth, this is the opening of the
· dog’s mouth
· After that draw 3 circles, one for the nose and 2 for the eyes
· Then draw the dog’s eyebrows above the circle shapes (eyes).
· Next draw two large ovals on either side of the dog’s face. These are the dog’s ears.
· Finally erase the lines you don’t need and sharpen the facial features
Activity Sheet 4
You will need:
· 1 sheet of paper
· A pencil and scissors
· Stapler or big clip
Follow the instructions to create your own cartoon flipbook
1. Cut each sheet of paper into six squares.
2. Write a number from 1 to 6 in the top right hand corner of each square paper.
3. Arrange the papers in order, starting from number 6 on top and number 1 in the bottom.
4. After that draw a ball on the bottom right hand corner of page # 1
5. Draw the same ball on page # 2 but slightly to the left and higher than in page # 1 (as if the ball is bouncing to the left and higher)
6. Draw the same ball on page # 3 but slightly to the left and higher than in page # 2
7. Keep drawing the same ball on each page until you reach page # 6
7 After you are done drawing, flip the book from bottom to
the top
Can you see the ball bouncing?
Grids for Activity Sheet 4 (one grid per student)
Extension 1
Extension 2
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Date: ______
Today’s theme:
Today’s literature:
Three things I learned or practised today: / L K JDate: ______
Today’s theme:
Today’s literature:
Three things I learned or practised today: / L K J©2012 ESF Educational Services Limited Primary English Language Curriculum Middle Primary Let’s Start Programme 2015-2016 Page 1 of 11