St. Paschal Baylon

Catholic Primary School

Job Description

Play Worker

At St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Primary School all staff are committed to upholding our strong Catholic ethos and our mission to ‘Follow in the Footsteps of Christ’.

It is essential that all roles within our School adhere to the following criteria:

  • The care, support, safety and learning of the children within our school are our primary concern and therefore take precedence over any other task.
  • Ensure that all safeguarding procedures, as outlined in the policy, are rigorously adhered to at all times.
  • As adults, we are role models to the pupils who attend our School. Ambassadors representing our school, both on and off site, and therefore our conduct will reflect the high standards and ethos of St. Paschal Baylon Catholic Primary School.
  • Assist with pupil first aid and welfare duties, looking after sick pupils, and to use specialist skills to undertake the administration of medical procedures, as outlined in the policy.
  • Familiarise and follow procedures outlined in School policy documents

Play Worker / Pass Level 3
Scale Point

Main Purpose of the role:

  • As part of a team, to provide high quality play experiences for all pupils during After School Provision within a happy, stimulating and caring environment.

Core responsibilities and tasks

  1. To be responsible for promoting positive play experiences and opportunities for the children during the After School Provision.
  2. To encourage, support and foster positive relationships between children by providing positive and stimulating activities and opportunities.


  1. To be part of the setting up and organisation of equipment and resources for the children to useduringthe session.
  2. To ensure all equipment is put away at the end of session as necessary, ensuringnoequipment is left lyingaround
  3. Cleaning equipment when necessary.
  4. To actively monitor and supervise an area during ASP to ensure all pupilsareinvolved in positive experiences
  5. To support pupils attending the After School Provision in a variety of hubs e.g. homework, sport, creative area, cookery, reading, computing.
  6. To assist with providing meals/snacks when required.


  1. To promote self-discipline, high standards of behaviour and positive attitudes on the part of all children andtoimplement school policies and procedures to fosterthem
  2. To take prompt action when dealing with accidents and incidents and reporting accidents and incidents tothesenior person in charge
  3. To report any safeguarding concerns to the Head teacher or in her absence to theDeputyDesignated Senior Person
  4. To listen to children and respond to their needs in accordance with school policy and procedures
  5. To attend to the health, welfare and safety of the children, adhering to the school HealthandSafety and First Aid policyand procedures at alltimes


  1. To ensure own continuing professional development by attending training and developmentopportunitieswhen need isidentified
  2. To attend staff meetings and INSET days whenrequired
  3. To hold a current First Aid certificate or to do the necessary training to obtainone

Communication and CommunityLinks

  1. To maintain confidentiality at all times
  2. To contribute positively to and support the overall aims and ethos of theschool
  3. To fully support the life and work of theschool
  4. To develop and maintain positive, constructive and effective professional relationships with staff,parents,carers andGovernors.

To undertake any other duties which may, from time to time, be assigned. This job description is not intended to be either prescriptive or exhaustive, but it is issued as a framework to outline the main areas of responsibility at the time of writing.

Thisjobdescriptionwillbereviewedatleastannually.TheHeadTeachermaymodifyitafterconsultationwiththepost holderatanytimetoreflectoranticipatechangesinthejob,commensuratewiththesalaryandjobtitle.

Signed ______Date ______

Updated June 2015