Aromalyne Training
Level 3 Diploma in Aromatherapy - Principles and Practice of Complementary Therapies (ABC)
Principles and Practice of Complementary Therapies (QCF)
Principles and Practice of Complementary Therapies
Student Name
Task / Refer / PassFeedback/Action
Assessor SignatureAssessor No
Internal VerifierIV No
TASK 1:Research the history and origins of Reflexology, Aromatherapy and Body Massage (LO 1.1 + LO1.2)
Reflexology - to include notes on the following:Egyptians
American Indians
Sir Charles Sherrington
Dr William Fitzgerald
Edwin Bowers
Joseph Shelby-Riley
Joseph Corvo
Eunice Ingham
Dwight Byers
Doreen Bayly
Hanne Marquardt
any ongoing research and development
Aromatherapy – to include notes on the following:
China / India
The Great Plague
herbal influences
World War One
Professor Gattefosse
Jean Valnet
Marguerite Maury
any ongoing research and development
Body Massage - to include notes on the following:
China 3000BC
Japanese Shiatsu
Indian Ayurvedic medicine
the Greeks
the Romans
Per Henrik Ling
any ongoing research and development
TASK 2: Give the definitions and theories of commonly available complementary therapies(LO1.2)
Energy Blockage Theory
Nerve Impulse Theory
Proprioceptive Theory
Electromagnetic Theory
Endorphin / Encephalon Release Theory
Placebo Effect
Reflection / Mirror Theory
Congestion (U-bend theory)
Pain Gate Theory
Meridian / Zone Theory
Autonomic & Somatic Theory
Healing Process
Herings Law of Cure
TASK 3: investigate the definitions, theories and techniques used in the following popular complementary therapies(LO1.3)
TASK 4:Whose advice should a therapist seek when faced with the possibility of legal proceedings?(LO2.1)
What is professional negligence (Duty of Care)?
What should a therapist be aware of when treating children / minors?
Research the following legislation and write about their requirements
Health & Safety at Work Act
Employers Liability (compulsory insurance) Act
Control of Substances Hazardous to Health (COSHH)
Reporting of Injuries, Diseased & Dangerous Occurrences (RIDDOR)
From the list of page 4 of your manual write the title of the legislation to match the given description
Regulation / DescriptionCosmetic products are governed by the rules, these Regulations define a cosmetic product as any substance/preparation that is used on the skin, teeth, hair, nails, lips or external genital organs, with the intention to cleanse, perfume, change the appearance of, to protect, keep in good condition or to correct body odours.
Before a cosmetic product can be placed on the market it must be safe. This requirement relates to the product not only being applied under normal conditions, but also under reasonably foreseeable conditions of use. When determining which conditions are reasonably foreseeable, many factors including the presentation of the product, the warnings and instructions for use must be taken into consideration.
The purpose of the DPA is to ‘make provision for the regulation of the processing of information relating to individuals, including the obtaining, holding, use or disclosure of such information’.
In the safety field, this Act establishes a civil law right of redress for death, or injury, caused by using defective consumer goods (the so-called 'product liability' provisions). This right now lies against any supplier (including the manufacturer, or importer), rather than simply the person from whom the goods were purchased, as was formerly the case.
The Act furthers the provisions for the protection of persons from fire risks. Employers have a duty to make plans for the safety of employees in the case of a fire and employees have a duty to co-operate. A Fire Certificate is issued by the Fire Brigade and it should include the following:
- What the premises are used for and are there any flammable or explosive items used/stored
- Location of fire exits and escapes, alarm systems and fire extinguishers etc. and procedures for testing and maintenance
- Training and fire drills
These regulations are intended to control the risks arising from the use of electricity at work. You can control most of the electrical risks by using suitable equipment, following safe procedures when carrying out electrical work and ensuring that you properly maintain electrical equipment and installations. Additional precautions are required for harsh and particular conditions (i.e. wet surroundings, cramped spaces, work out of doors or near live parts of equipment).
This Act requires employers to provide adequate and appropriate equipment, facilities and personnel to enable first aid to be given to employees if they are injured or become ill at work. These Regulations apply to all workplaces including those with five or fewer employees and to the self-employed.
Regulation / Description
The Act imposes a duty of care on persons concerned with controlled waste. Regulating and licensing the acceptable disposal of controlled waste on land. Controlled waste is any household, industrial and commercial waste. Unauthorised or harmful depositing, treatment or disposal of controlled waste is prohibited with prohibition enforced by criminal sanctions. Further, there is a broad duty of care on importers, producers, carriers, keepers or disposers of controlled waste to prevent unauthorised or harmful activities.
When a song or piece of music is written, the person who wrote it owns the copyright and therefore has the right to decide how and when it should be played. Music is released, allowing individuals to purchase a song that they can play at home. However, if an individual then wishes to play that song to a wider group of people (for example on their business or organisation’s premises) it is classed as a ‘public performance’. If you want to make a ‘public performance’ you must first seek permission from the copyright owner of that song before you do so. This permission is known as a licence.
These regulations apply to any manual handling operations where employees are engaged in lifting, pushing, lowering, pulling or carrying loads. Emphasis has now been given to finding a solution to manual handling problems and you should pursue the scope for eliminating the handling of loads.
The aim of licensing is to create and maintain a safe environment for the variety of activities that take place for which it has a legal responsibility to set conditions and enforce regulations. This should be of benefit to both the providers and users of the licensed services. Licenses are needed for:
- Massage and special treatment
- Acupuncture
PPE is defined in the Regulations as ‘all equipment (including clothing affording protection against the weather) which is intended to be worn or held by a person at work and which protects him against one or more risks to his health or safety’, e.g. safety helmets, gloves, eye protection, high-visibility clothing, safety footwear and safety harnesses.
In order to enable the public to distinguish between those who are professionally qualified and those who are not, the law makes it a criminal offence for anyone who does not hold the relevant qualification to use any of the titles specified hereunder or to use any other title or description which suggests or implies that he or she is on the statutory register of the persons who hold those qualifications. The titles are Chemist, Chiropodist, Dental Practitioner, Dental Surgeon, Dentist, Dietitian, Doctor, Druggist, General Practitioner, Medical Laboratory Technician, Midwife, Nurse, Occupational Therapist, Optician, Orthoptist, Pharmacist, Physiotherapist, Radiographer, Remedial Gymnast, Surgeon, Veterinary Practitioner, Veterinary Surgeon.
Regulation / Description
The Act lays down several conditions that all goods sold by a trader must meet.
The goods must be:
- as described
- of satisfactory quality
- fit for purpose
These regulations set out general requirements for providing a safe and healthy working environment.
Workplaces should meet the health, safety and welfare needs of all members of the workforce, including people with disabilities. It covers:
- ensuring there is adequate control to maintain reasonable temperatures, ventilation, and lighting at all times.
- ensuring that the workplace, equipment, fittings and facilities are well maintained, kept clean and refuse is removed regularly.
- ensuring that measures are in place to prevent persons falling from heights or being struck by falling objects.
- ensuring that there are adequate provisions for toilets; washing; eating and changing facilities; clothing storage; rest areas and rest facilities for pregnant women.
Employers need to ensure that all equipment provided for their employees is safe to use and meets the requirements in these regulations. All equipment, old or new is subject to a suitability, maintenance (where necessary inspection) and training assessment. This assessment makes it possible to eliminate many risks to the health and safety of people at the workplace. This also covers equipment brought into the workplace by employees.
The Act furthers the provisions for the protection of persons from fire risks. If any premises are put to use and are designated, a certificate is required from the fire authority. Classes of use cover the provisions of sleeping accommodation; use as an institution; use for the purposes of entertainment, recreation, instruction, teaching, training or research; use involving access to the premises by members of the public and use as a place of work.
Adult workers cannot be forced to work more than 48 hours a week on average - this is normally averaged over 17 weeks. You can work more than 48 hours in one week, as long as the average over 17 weeks is less than 48 hours per week.
Your working week is not covered by the working time limits if you have a job:
- where you can choose freely how long you will work
- inthe armed forces, emergency services and police -in some circumstances
- as a domestic servant in private houses
- as a sea transport worker, a mobile worker in inland waterways or alake transport worker on board sea going fishing vessels
Regulation / Description
This act aims to end the discrimination that many disabled people face. It gives disabled people rights in the areas of:
- employment
- education
- access to goods, facilities and services, including larger private clubs and land-based transport services
- buying or renting land or property, including making it easier for disabled people to rent property and for tenants to make disability-related adaptations
- functions of public bodies, for example issuing of licences
This act aims to protect consumers against bad workmanship or the poor provision of services. It covers contracts for work and materials, as well as contracts for pure services, such as going to the hairdressers or the dry cleaners – where you have no physical contract at all. Just as with Sale of Goods, Supply of Goods and Services legislation contains statutory rights, which don’t have to be specifically mentioned in any contract, but cannot be excluded. These are:
- that the supplier will carry out the service with reasonable care and skill
- that the work will be carried out in reasonable time (unless timeframe has been specifically agreed)
- that the work will be carried out at reasonable cost (unless cost has been specifically agreed)
The regulations require that no producer shall:
- place a product on the market
- offer or agree to place a product on the market or expose or possess a product for placing on the market
- offer or agree to supply a product or expose or possess a product for supply
- supply a product
An executive agency of the Department of Health responsible for ensuring that medicines and medical devices work, and are acceptably safe. The MHRA aims to:
- protect public health through regulation, with acceptable risk, by developing benefit profiles for medicines and devices
- promote public health by helping people to understand the risks and benefits of the products they use
- improve public health bydeveloping products that will benefit people
Management control of health and safety is an essential part of any business whether it is a large or small concern. The aim of these regulations is to encourage a more systematic and better-organised approach to dealing with health and safety in all workplaces. By complying with the law you will avoid damaging publicity as well as the costs associated with accidents and injuries
TASK 5: Explain the codes of practice and ethics relating to complementary therapies(LO2.2)
TASK 6:Research the roles of professional associations and organisations related to complementary therapies(LO 2.3)
What is an awarding body?
What is a professional membership organisation?
What benefits does your professional membership association provide for its members?
Print a copy of your membership body’s code of practice and ethics and attach to this workbook
TASK 7: Describe the process of registration and regulation of complementary therapies(LO2.4)
What is statutory regulation?
What is the purpose and aim of voluntary regulation?
What does CNHC stand for and what is its function?
What does CPD stand for?
In what ways do you think you will benefit from CPD?
KNOW THE KEY ASPECTS OF GOOD CLINICAL PRACTICE (Learning Outcome 3)TASK 8:Identify the information required for assessment and treatment planning (LO3.1)
Create a Consultation Form with an example of a treatment plan and treatment objectives and attach to this document.
Why is it important to carry out a full consultation before an aromatherapy treatment?
After completing the consultation, explain why the therapist would always ask the client what their expectations for the treatment are:
Why should you explain the effects of the aromatherapy treatment to your client?
The consultation process allows the therapist to gain relevant information for the client. Give one reason why you would ask for:
Personal information such as name, address and telephone number:
Details about any regular medication being taken:
Information about diet and lifestyle:
TASK 9: Explain how to accurately record information, store records and ensure confidentiality (LO3.2)
How do you keep client records confidential?
State two reasons why it is important to keep full and accurate records of treatment sessions:
Name two situations where a therapist may share personal details they have obtained from a consultation:
How long does the therapist have to keep client records?
The consultation process is confidential.
How does this benefit the client?
How does this benefit the therapist?
Task10:Consider and describe appropriate referral procedures and protocols to use with clients and others involved in integrated healthcare (LO3.3)
At what stage in their treatment should a therapist refer a client?
What action should a therapist take if a client is referred to them by another practitioner?
What action should a therapist take if a new client has a medical problem that they are concerned about treating?
List 3 situations when a therapist should consider referral to a doctor
Why might a therapist refer their client to an ‘agency‘i.e. a voluntary or statutory service?
What is a voluntary service?
What is a statutory service?
Read through each of the following descriptions provided and state which government agency it is. You may use the following list to help:
- National Health Service
- Local Government (Borough, City and County Councils)
- Social Services
- Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC)
- Department of Work and Pensions (DWP)
This department leads the Government's response on welfare and pension reform and is a key player in tackling child poverty. The main services it offers are through the following organisations: The Pension Service; the Disability and Carers Service; the Child Support Agency; Veterans UK and the Jobcentre Plus.
There are many different departments. They are available through local authorities and offer services for parents, for disabled people, for carers, for health and well-being and for home and community.
This service is funded centrally from national taxation and is therefore free at the point of use for all residents of the UK, except for some prescriptions and optical and dental services. It covers everything from antenatal screening and routine treatments for coughs and colds to open heart surgery, accident and emergency treatment and end-of-life care.
This department collects taxes across the country from individuals and businesses. It also administers those taxes to ensure there is money available to fund the country’s public services and pays benefits such as tax credits and child benefit. It also helps families and individuals with targeted financial support.
These organisations provide a wide range of services. All day-to-day services, as well as local matters are run by the local authority. Services range from education and social services to those for local businesses and trading standards.
TASK 11: Complete the table below (LO3.4)
Method of Communication / Advantage / Disadvantage
Verbal / Clients may forget information they have been given
Non verbal / As a therapist, we can pick up non verbal signals, such as body language, from the client. This will allow us to pick up on their mood, possible anxiety, etc
Open questions / Can be used to help the client to open up and allow us to obtain the information we require
Closed questions / The yes / no nature of closed questions, may stop clients from giving us all the information we need
Listening / Really listening to clients can put them at their ease
Use of silence / Silence can be used to open a space for the client to talk. Good listeners find that silence can be a useful tool
List 5 barriers to effective communication with your client
There are some topics that are best not discussed with a client. Can you think what they might be and give a reason in each case? (LO3.4)
Topic / ReasonSuggest how you might deal with negative feedback from your client
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