1. The competition will be run strictly under British Riding Club Rules 2013 for eligibility etc. However, the format will differ as the competition is being run, with BRC permission, solely on an all weather surface due to the weather/ground conditions.
2. ALL HORSES/PONIES ENTERED FOR BRC QUALIFIERS MUST HAVE A VACCINATION RECORD COMPLYING WITH BRC RULES, A COPY OF THE FRONT PAGE, ID PAGE AND FULL VACCINATION HISTORY MUST BE SENT WITH THE ENTRY FOR QUALIFYING ENTRIES. Failure to submit in advance will result in a delay on the day receiving numbers and if any are then found to be incorrect, this will lead to Team/ Pairs elimination.
3. Declarations should be sent by email to the Secretary () by 8pm Wednesday 10th April. Only simple changes will be permitted after this date (ie horse/rider replacing existing position in a team), at a charge of £10 per change.
4. Entries will not be accepted without the correct entry fees. Cheques should be made payable to “BRC Area 12”. Teams should send a single Riding Club cheque.
5. In the event of withdrawals, the organisers regret that they cannot refund entry fees after the close of entries.
6. Hats and body protectors to current standards MUST be worn and fastened at all times when mounted. See note and BRC rulebook for details.
7. BRC Health and Safety guidelines apply at all times. For these to be effective, competitors and spectators are required to take due care at all times and to obey any notices or requests made by official stewards in the interests of their own and others safety.
8. Neither BRC Area 12 nor King’s Sedgemoor E.C will hold themselves responsible for any accident to persons, property and/or horses. By entering this competition, competitors accept the risks involved in horse riding and competing.
9. The judges decision is FINAL
10. ONLY persons and/or horses competing may use the warm up facilities.
11. Competitors are requested not to leave litter or muck out horse boxes in the box park
12. Horses must not be tied to horseboxes or trailers or left unattended
13. Horses/ponies may compete in the calendar year that it becomes 5 yrs or over.
14. Objections to be made to the Secretary in writing within 10 minutes of the end of the class and accompanied by a £10 deposit
15. All persons attending the event will be deemed to have accepted these rules and conditions. /
Area 12 presents
(adapted to an all-weather surface)
Open to Junior and Senior members of affiliated Area 12 Riding Clubs
King’s Sedgemoor Equestrian Centre, Greylake,
Bridgwater, Somerset, TA7 9BP
Mrs Tilly Tilbrook23 Short Lane
Long Ashton
Bristol, BS41 9EH
Closing date for entries: Monday 8th April
(Prelim entries to BRC Office by 29th March)
Refreshments available
Paramedic in attendance /Vet on call
Qualifying prelim entries to be made using the official BRC Entry form or website by 29th March. Detailed entries to be sent to the Secretary on the BRC Area Entry form (see BRC website). Please specify clearlyon this form whether the entry is a Qualifier or Non Qualifier.
Note - Vaccination rules for qualifying entries and submit photocopy with entry.
Class 1 Challenge 90 (SJ and XC fences to max. height of 90cm)
Team and Individual qualifier for Juniors and Seniors
Class 2 Pairs Challenge 90 (SJ and XC fences as above)
Pairs qualifier for Juniors and Seniors. Mixed Junior/Senior Pairs permitted but only as non-qualifiers.
Class 3 Challenge 100(SJ and XC fences to max. height of 100cm)
Team and Individual qualifier for Juniors and Seniors.
Teams can consist of 4 Junior or 4 Senior riders, best 3 scores to count or Teams of 3 may compete, all 3 scores to count. Mixed teams of Seniors and Juniors are permitted but can only be non-qualifying.
Rosettes to be awarded 1st – 6th.
ENTRY FEE £50 per team. Individual £12.50. Pairs £20 (£10 each). Paramedic cover included.
All cheques should be made payable to “BRC Area 12”and have the name of the team and club printed clearly on the reverse side. One cheque per club please. A charge of £10 will made for any dishonoured cheques.
Each club is required to supply at least one helper. Please state the name and contact email address preferably or telephone number of your nominated helper(s) on the entry form. / Times will be available on Area 12 website (
on Thursday 11th April or from07977 437567 between 8 - 9pm.
ELIGIBILITY AND RULES IMPORTANT Refer to current BRC rulebook for full details and READ back page of this schedule..
Relevant date for age of Junior riders is under 18 on 1st Jan 2013.
Horses may compete in Class 1 or 3 AND Class 2 but note rule 13 re. age.
Riders may compete in a class as an individual and as a team member provided different horses/ponies are ridden.
Courses will include show jumping and cross country style fences, all on the all-weather surface and will be timed OR timed from start of SJ to end of XC. In the Pairs class, due to safety and space constraints, each combination will complete the course separately - rider 1 handing over a whip to rider 2 in a designated box and time will be form start of 1st rider to finish of 2nd. Optimum time determines placings, speed to be confirmed on the day.
This competition will be run on the all weather surface and unless ground conditions permit, there will be limited warm up time and space available. A fixed amount of time will be allocated to each rider in the warm up area (max 4 at any one time.)
Hats must be tagged with a BRC blue tag and body protectors checked before competing. Bring to the Secretary when you collect your number. See current rulebook / BRC website for details.
CONTACT NUMBER ON THE DAY ONLY 07583 017236DIRECTIONS Comprehensive directions available on website The venue is on the A361 between Taunton and Street. Do not rely on sat nav as this will take you through narrow lanes.