Lot - 3



4.3.1 — Introduction

4.3.2 — Bill of Quantities

4.3.4 — Daily works Schedule


1. General

1.1 The Bill of Quantities (Volume 4.3.2) is the document containing an itemised breakdown of the works to be carried out in a unit price contract, indicating a quantity for each item and the corresponding unit price. The quantities set out in the Bill of Quantities are estimated quantities. Each price for each item of the Bill of Quantities is detailed in the Price Schedule (Volume 4.3.3).

The amounts due will be calculated by measuring the actual quantities of the works executed and by applying the unit rates to the quantities actually executed for each item.

1.2 The Detailed Breakdown of Prices (Volume 4.3.5) is the list containing the basic costs, net costs and mark-ups from which each price on the Bill of Quantities and the Price Schedule and on the Daywork Schedule results.

The Detailed Breakdown of Prices provides the coefficients for applying the price revision formula referred to in Article 48.2 of the Special Conditions and can provide the basis for valuation of additional work ordered referred to in article 37.5 of the General Conditions.

1.3 Provisional sums for use when works are to be executed on a daily work basis (Volume 4.3.4) can only be executed by administrative order of the Supervisor in accordance with the terms of the Contract.

2. Specific to Volumes 4.3.2, 4.3.3 and 4.3.4

2.1 The prices inserted in the Bill of Quantities and Price Schedule are to be the full inclusive values of the works described under the items, including all costs and expenses that may be required in and for the construction of the works described, together with any temporary works and installations which may be necessary and all general risks, liabilities and obligations specified or implied in the documents on which the tender is based. It will be assumed that establishment charges, profit and allowances for all obligations are spread evenly over all unit rates.

2.2 Save where the technical specifications or the Bill of Quantities and the Price Schedule specifically and expressly state otherwise, only permanent works are to be measured.

2.3 No allowance will be made for loss of materials or volume thereof during transport or compaction.

2.4 The prices do not include taxes and fiscal duties, as exoneration is explicitly given for the contract. Non-exonerated taxes and fiscal duties are covered in the prices of the Bill of Quantities, Price Schedule and Daily work Schedule, apart from those stated separately in the financial offer templates.

2.5 The units of measurement used in the annexed technical documentation are those of the International System of Units (SI). No other units may be used for measurements, pricing, detail drawings etc. (Any units not mentioned in the technical documentation must also be expressed in terms of the SI.) Abbreviations used in the bill of quantities are to be interpreted as follows:

mm means millimetre

m means metre

mm² means square millimetre

m² means square metre

m³ means cubic metre

kg means kilogram

to means tonne (1000 kg)

pcs means pieces

h means hour

L.s. means Lump sum

km means kilometre

l means litre

% means per cent

N.d means nominal diameter

m/m means man-month

m/d means man-day


Note: the numbering of prices under (a) and titles under (b) correspond to the numbering in the Price Schedule

Item No. / Description of Works / Unit / Quantity / Rate (Euros) / Amount (Euros)
ROAD - 3.5m wide
1 / Site setting out / Sum / 1.00 / 400.00 / 400.00
2 / Site clean-up and removal and garbage from site / Sum / 1.00 / 550.00 / 550.00
3 / Site office/storage / Sum / 1.00 / 740.00 / 740.00
4 / Insurance of works / Sum / 1.00 / 950.00 / 950.00
5 / Temporary water and power / Sum / 1.00 / 400.00 / 400.00
6 / Testing of materials and works / Sum / 1.00 / 400.00 / 400.00
7 / Traffic management / Sum / 1.00 / 400.00 / 400.00
8 / Mobilisation / Sum / 1.00 / 950.00 / 950.00
Demolition and Site Clearance
R999 / Scarify and reshape existing carriageway and compact / m2 / 1917.00
E412 / To reduce verges and dispose of spoil on an approved site / m2 / 511.20
E532 / Disposal of excavated material off site as directed buy the Engineer. Material other than topsoil, rock or artificial hard material. / m3 / 424.23
E422 / To excavate soft spots and supply and place approved granular backfill material and to be compacted to 98% modified proctor including disposal of waste off site. / m3 / 22.37
Sub-base, Base, Road and Paving Works
R125 / Import and apply quarry waste sub-base course to regulate formation level; compacted to 95% Modified Proctor Density / m3 / 426.00
R144 / Import and apply 150mm thick crushed stone forming base of road; compacted to 95% Modified Proctor Density. / m2 / 2130
R434 / Supply, place and finish 30MPa concrete (1:1:2 mix ratio) 150mm thk. to as concrete road surface / m3 / 251.77
G562 / Steel fabric to BS 4483. Nominal Mass 2-3kg/m2 (A193) / m2 / 1491.00
G142 / Formwork: / m / 852.00
R144 / 1.5m Hard shoulder cement bounded granular material (Stabilised crusher run) 150mm thick / m2 / 639.00
Drainage Works
E532 / Excavation for 1.2m earthen drain / m3 / 80.94
F680 / Construction of a 6mx5.5mx2m high reinforced concrete bridge / m / 6.00


Bill of Quantities Lot 3
Item No. / Description / Unit / Unit Price Euro / Estimated
Quantity / Amount (€)
SL1.1 / Unskilled labourer / h
SL1.2 / Skilled Labourer / h
SL1.3 / Vehicle Driver / h
SL1.4 / Equipment Operator / h
SL1.5 / Plant Operator / h
SL1.6 / Artisan / h
SL1.7 / Mechanic / h
SL1.8 / Foreman / h
SL1.9 / Laboratory Technician / h
SL1.10 / Surveyor / h
SL1.11 / Survey Assistant / h
Allow ….. percent of Subtotal for Contractor’s overhead, profit, etc., in accordance with paragraph 3 (b) above.
Bill of Quantities - Lot 3
Item No. / Description / Unit / Unit Price Euro / Estimated
Quantity / Amount (€)
SM2.1 / High yield Reinforcement Steel up to 25mm dia. / t
SM2.2 / High yield Reinforcement Steel over 25mm dia. / t
SM2.3 / Ordinary Portland Cement / t
SM2.4 / 40mm size aggregate / m3
SM2.5 / 20mm size aggregate / m3
SM2.6 / 10mm size aggregate / m3
SM2.7 / Sand / m3
SM2.8 / Mechanically stabilized soil aggregate sub-base / m3
SM2.9 / Crushed soil aggregate base course / m3
Allow ….. percent of Subtotal for Contractor’s overhead, profit, etc., in accordance with paragraph 3 (b) above.
Bill of Quantities - Lot 3
Item No. / Description / Unit / Unit Price Euro / Estimated
Quantity / Amount (€)
SE3.1 / Saloon car / h
SE2.2 / Four wheel drive vehicle / h
SE3.3 / Flat bed truck, 5-10 t capacity / h
SE3.4 / Dump truck, 10-20 t capacity / h
SE3.5 / Tractor, wheeled with trailer 5t / h
SE3.6 / Backhoe, bucket capacity 0.75m3 / h
SE3.7 / Backhoe, bucket capacity > 0.75m3 / h
SE3.8 / Motor grader 200 HP / h
SE3.9 / Front end loader, capacity 3.0 m3 / h
SE3.10 / Crawler Tractor, 150HP / h
SE3.11 / Crawler Tractor, 350HP / h
SE3.12 / Concrete Mixer / h
SE3.13 / Poker vibrator / h
SE3.14 / Vibratory roller, 8t / h
SE3.15 / Compressor / h
SE3.16 / Jackhammer / h
SE3.17 / Water pump, 75 mm / h
SE3.18 / Mobile generator, 10 kVA / h
SE3.19 / Hydraulic Rock breaker / h
Allow …15 percent of Subtotal for Contractor’s overhead, profit, etc., in accordance with paragraph 3 (b) above.

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