Examinee decodes words presented in isolation

1. match letters

2. point to letter w/3 distractors

3-4  identify upper case letters - receptive

5-6  identify lower case letters- receptive

7-9  identify upper case letters – expressive

10. select target word from 4 dissimilar words

11-14 identify lower case letters with font variations

15. select target word from 4 dissimilar words

16-24  sight words/high frequency words

25-32 sight words/high frequency words

33-40 high frequency words with irregular vowels; /s/ variations; dipthongs

41-48 irregular vowels; multisyllabic words

49-76 less frequently used words


Examinee reads short sentences in a timed situation and circles yes if the statement is factual or no if the statement is false. Sentences increase in complexity.


Examinee listens to a short story playes on an audio tape and retells the story.

1. 2 sentences

2. 2 sentences with one compound

3. 2 sentences with quote

4. 2 compound sentences

5. 2 sentences with detail

6. 3 sentences with detail

7. 4 sentences with detail

8. 4 sentences with time details

9-10  5+ sentences with detail


Examinee listens to directions as he examines a picture with man details. The examinee follows the directions which involve pointing to items in the picture.

Picture 1

1-4  1-step directions

5 1-step direction; identification based on action

6  1-step direction; spatial relationship

7  2-step direction

8  1-step direction w/negative

Picture 2

1 1-step direction w/negative

2  2-step directions; order

3  2-step direction; spatial relationship; negative

4-5  1-step direction; descriptor

6 2-step direction

7 1-step direction; negative

8 2-step direction; sequence; spatial relationship

9  2-step direction; sequence; spatial relationship

10  2-step direction; sequence

Picture 3

1 2-step direction; sequence

2 2-step direction; sequence; spatial relationship

3 2-step direction; action; spatial relationship

4  2-step direction; spatial relationship

5  2-step direction; sequence; descriptors

6  2-step directions; descriptors; sequence

7  3-step direction; sequence

8  2-step direction; descriptor

9  2-step direction; directionality

10  4-step direction

Picture 4

1 2-step direction; sequence; negative

2 3-step direction; descriptor

3 2-step direction; vocabulary

4  2-step direction; number concept; spatial relationship

5  2-step direction; mixed sequence; vocabulary

6  2-step direction; distractor; sequence; negative

7  1-step direction; qualifier; spatial relationship

8  3-step direction; vocabulary; directionality; sequence; descriptor

9  3-step direction; descriptor; sequence

10  1-step direction; qualifier; sequence

Picture 5

1 2-step direction; qualifier; detail; spatial relationship

2 2-step direction; qualifier

3 3-step direction; qualifier; directionality; sequence

4 2-step; qualifier

5-7 3-step; out-of-order sequence

8  2-step direction; qualifier presented in 2 statements

9  3-step direction; out-of-order sequence; choice

10  3-step direction; qualifier

11  3-step direction; out-of-order sequence

12  3-step direction; out-of-order sequence; vocabulary

Picture 6

1 2-step direction; qualifier; spatial relationship

2 3-step direction; descriptors; out-of-order sequence

3 3-step direction; spatial relationships; out –of-order presentation

4 1-step direction; qualifier in two statements


Examinee does mathematical calculations.

1-4  addition; linear

6-7  subtraction; vertical

8-9  subtraction; linear

10 addition; vertical

11  subtraction – 2-digit – 1 digit

12  subtraction – 2 digit – 2 digit; no regrouping

13  multiplication fact

14  column addition; mixed place value

15  division fact

16  multiplication fact

17  multiplication – 2-digit x1digit

18  subtraction; 2-digit w/regrouping

19  multiplication –2-digit x 1-digit

20  subtraction – fractions; common denominator

21-22  division – 2-digit into 3-digit, no remainder

23 subtraction – fractions; common denominator

24 division – 2-digit into 4-digit; no remainder

25 Addition of fractions; mixed fractions; no common denominator

26 multiplication with decimals

27 Addition of fractions; mixed fractions; no common denominator

28 addition of positive and negative number

29 multiplication of positive and negative number

30 division of fractions; no common denominator

31 root to 3rd power

32-33 algebraic equation

34 percentage of decimal

35 algebraic equation

36 division; mixed fraction

37 logarithm

38 square root; algebraic equation

39 square root; decimal

40 power; algebraic equation

41 cosine

42 slope and intercept

44 algebraic concept

45 triginometry


Examinee solves addition; subtraction, multiplication; and division problems in a timed test.


1-2  copy examiner’s drawing

3-4  stay within boundary

5-6  trace letters

7 copy model

8-12 write dictated letter

13-14  lowercase letter

15-21 spell sight words

22  u

23  ai

24  le

25  wh

26  ed

27  number word

28  oo

29  number word

30  ar = er; ly

31  re; ar; plural

32  pl; ai

33  ture

34  sounds of g

35  ou; gh

36  eau; ful

37  c = /k/; al

38  double consonant; er; ence

39  two letters for /s/

40  silent consonant

41  cr

42  sion

43  multiple spelling

44  g = /j/

45  final x

46  double consonant; age

47  double consonant; able

48  kn

49  double consonant; gance

50  prefix

51  str; ph

52  prefix

53  53

54  c = /k/; qu; tance

55  sc; ient

56  double consonant; tion

57  common useage

58  c = /s/; double consonant; ate

59  multi-syllabic; qu; final y


Examinee combines 3 words into a logical sentence that relates to a picture in a timed task.


Examinee supplies the missing word in a short passage using pictoral or contextual clues.

1-3  match rebus to realistic picture

4-10  match phrase to picture

11-13  use picture clue and contextual clue to supply missing word

14  recall

15  verb usuage

16  recall

17  picture clue; vocabulary

18  picture clue; vocabulary

19  verb usuage

20  verb

21  relationship

22  action

23  relationship

24  relationship; stated concept

25  relationship

26  rhyme

27  relationship; vocabulary

28  relationship; recall; prior knowledge

29  relationship; cause-effect

30  prior knowledge

31  vocabulary

32  stated concept

33  stated concept

34  stated concept; prior knowledge

35  vocabulary

36  vocabulary; prior knowledge; inference

37  spatial concept

38  stated concept; noun

39  qualifier

40  action

41  vocabulary

42  stated concept

43  vocabulary

44  vocabulary

45  preposition

46  vocabulary

47  vocabulary


The examinee applies mathematical concepts in story problems read by the examiner.

1-2  value of set with use of manipulatives

3-8  value of set with pictorial and distractors

9 subtraction with pictoral

10 negative

11 value of sets; pictorial

12 geometric shape

13 spatial relationship; value of set

14 subtraction with pictorial, under 10

15 subtraction with pictorial, under 10

16 subtraction with pictorial; under 10

17 addition with pictorial sets; under 10

18 addition with pictorial; under 10

19 time to hour

21  subtraction sets under 10

22  addition sets under 10

23  negative

24  identification of coins

25  value of set of coins

26  temperature

27  value of sets of coins

28  multi-step problem with distractor

29  value of set of coins

30  multi-step problem with distractor

31  multiplication

32  multi-step problem involving change

33  combination of coins to yield specified set; prior knowledge

34  division

35-36  multi-step problem involving change

37 miles traveled on specified number of gallons of gas

38 fraction; ruler

39 addition of fraction

40 miles traveled on specified number of gallons of gas

41 perimeter

42 rate

43 percentage; linear measurement

44 future time

45 time traveled

46  weeks in a year

47  multiplication with fractions

48  fractional part of a yardstick

49  percentage

50  relationship

51  volume

52  interest rate

53  volume

54  area of triangle

55  rate of increase

56  hypotenuse

57  compounded interest

58  circumference

59  slope

60  probability

61  circumference

62  altitude and base

63  radius


1  name

2  c-v-c word

3  common noun

4  descriptor + noun

5  descriptor + noun

6  sentence based on picture

7  noun with sentence modeled verbally

8  sentence based on picture

9  noun with sentence modeled

10  sentence based on pictre

11  action with phrase provided

12  sentence with action based on picture

13  sequence

14  sequence

15  relationship

16  series

17  sentence using “because”

18  sequence

19  sentence on provided topic with specified phrase used

20  descriptive sentence

21  sequence; conversation

22  sequence

23  main or topic sentence

24  sentence using “however

25  sentence using “for example”

26  sequence

27  completion of sentence to finish though

28  sequence

29  sequence

30  sentence using “despite her anger


Examinee recalls stories previously presented. Examiner provides a sentence or phrase as a cue.