Letter of Reprimand

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DATE: Date (example- March 15, 2013)

TO: Employee Name, Employee #

Classification/Title- Department/Division

SUBJECT: Letter of Reprimand

You are hereby reprimanded for unacceptable conduct as an employee of the City of Dallas.

Date & Description of Recent Incident(s)

This action is based on your violation of the following City of Dallas Personnel Rules, Section 34-36, in pertinent parts:

34-36 (b) Unacceptable conduct. The following types of conduct are unacceptable and may be cause for corrective discipline in the form of reprimand, suspension, demotion, or discharge depending upon the facts and circumstances of each case. The examples given are typical but not all-inclusive.

Rule Violations (refer to sample for formatting)

Date(s) of previous verbal/written communcation(s) regarding discipline (Verbal Counseling, Performance Discussion Worksheet, Written Counseling, Reprimand, Suspension, Mid-Year Evaluation, Year-End Evaluation, Performance Improvement Plan)

As an employee of the City of Dallas, your conduct is vital to the performance of the department. In order to provide the best possible service to our citizens, all Department and City of Dallas guidelines must be followed at all times. Future occurrences of this nature will not be tolerated and will be cause for severe disciplinary measures, up to and including discharge.

The Personnel Rules of the City of Dallas entitles you to appeal this action within ten (10) working days. In the event that you wish to appeal this action, your request for an appeal hearing must be made in writing, stating the type of action being appealed, the effective date of the action, why you believe the action is unjust and the remedy requested. A fill-in appeal request form is available on the HRSC site. You must request an appeal hearing within ten (10) working days. This request must be signed by you and must be received by Name of Recipient, Classification/Title at Number and Street, City, State ZIP within ten (10) working days. If no written appeal is received by above recipient within ten (10) working days, this action will be non-appealable.

Supervisor/Manager Name, Employee #

Classification/Title- Department/Division

I acknowledge receipt of this letter.


Employee/Date Witness/Date

c: NAME- Department Director

NAME- Assistant Director

Molly Carroll, Director of Human Resources

Manager NAME-Classification/Title, Department

Patricia Marsolais, Secretary to the Civil Service Board

NAME, Employee Relations Manager

NAME- Senior HR Analyst

Central Records File Room – Human Resources - 6AN

Departmental Employee File

“Dallas-Together, We Do It Better”

PER-FRM-538 Rev 1 12/28/2015