Estimated mister the present is to postulate to the position offered by internet. At present myself fulfillment in the area of investigation of SQM and I have been part of the equipment of support to it set in motion of the New Plant NPT 2. It plants automatizada, monitored and controlled through PLC' s since main room of control by means of automatic system of control In Touch.

My fortresses itself summary mainly in two: ability and capacity in the data processing area and knowledge of the industrial processes of the chemical engineering. Though only I possess 3 labor years of experience I have qualities that offer myself aggregate value such as; experience if there is worked 11 years ago in the phase set in motion of Miner Hidden Ltda as teamwork, set in motion in plant of SQM, autodidactismo and abilities in it takes of decisions, in compensation with the experience required.

I invite you to visit my curriculum professional in http: www.pagina.de/fbaxterq where they will be able to know my achievements reached, my perspectives of development, the functions of my present job and my espectativas future of income.

Francis Baxter Quiñones

Chemical Engineering



NAME : Francis Marcello Baxter Quiñones

C.N.I. : 11.468.740-5

ADRESS : Avda Argentina 01850 Depto 102, Coviefi

PHONE : 55-56-242770 – (55)-413228 / 09.310.6448

FECHA DE NACIMIENTO : 06 de Septiembre de 1969

STATUS : Married (+ 1 soon)

PROFESIÓN : Technical Programmer in Commercial Applications. PROFESIÓN : Chemical Engineer

Please you read My CURRICULUM ON LINE www.pagina.de/fbaxterq

E-Mail: /


BASIC SCHOOL : Escuela Peggy Art 1975-1978

Escuela Desarrollo Artístico 1978-1982

HIGH SCHOOL : Liceo Experimental Artístico 1983-1986

UNIVERSITY : Academia de Idioma y Estudios 1987-1988

Profesionales (A.I.E.P.)

UNIVERSITY : Ingeniería Civil Química 1991-1998

Universidad Católica del Norte

Ingeniería Civil Industrial 1997-1998

Universidad Arturo Prat


-  UNISOFT First University Fair of Software U.C.N. - Ing. Inform.

-  Advances in Computation and data processing U.C.N. - Ing. Inform.

-  Energetic Integration U.C.N. - Ing. Qca.

-  XII Journeys of Transferencia of Heat, Energy and Matter U.C.N. - Ing. Qca.

-  Rational use of the Energy in the Chemical Industry U.C.N. - Ing. Qca.

-  Industrial SQL Server ARTARON S.A.

-  In Touch System V 7.1 WONDERWARE


- Basic Teacher in the course “Engineering Introduction”

- Basic Teacher in the course “Computaer Introduction”

- Basic Teacher in the course “Basic Computer”

- Basic Teacher in the course “Matemathical Aplly”


Centro de Estudio Medición Computer Operator

y Control de Calidad (CESMEC) “Proyecto Minera Escondida”

año 1989-1990 Quality Control

Statistical analysis.

Centro de Estudio Medición Development Computer Programmer

y Control de Calidad (CESMEC) “Proyecto Codelco Chile, División

Verano 1991 Chuquicamata”, Monitoring and Control in

Samples of boring.

Centro de Estudio Medición Development Computer Programmer

y Control de Calidad (CESMEC) Area Laboratorio Químico.

Verano 1992 Control y certification of Chemmical


Nuñez Geomensura Assistant Geomensor Engineer

Verano 1993 Computers advising.

Verano 1994 Development Computer System

Topografic Measures “Proyecto

Minera Mantos Blancos

1994 a la Fecha Computers advising, Sale,

installation and assembled of Hardware.

1999 a la fecha Centro Investigación de Procesos - SQM

Processes Alternatives investigation, data processing Development of Applications oriented to the environment of the Engineering of Processes extractivos in not metallic and Control and Monitoring of productive processes


-  Development of Computers System

CESMEC Ltda. Sistema Control de Costos

Ref: Srta Jaquelin Galvez

SOCOAL Ltda. Sistema de Control Vehicular

Ref: Sr. Rodrigo Alvarez

FUERZA AEREA DE CHILE Sistema de Control para

Presupuestos por Programa

Ref. Cmdte Sr. San Roman

NUÑEZ GEOMENSURA Sistema de Control para

Levantamientos Topográficos

Ref: Sr. Juan Nuñez

- Inglés Medio (Conversacional y Escrito)

- Licencia de Conducir Clase B y C



Plataformas : DOS, Mac, Windows 95/98/NT

Software : Lotus, Qpro, Dbase, Flow, Clipper, Fortran, Basic, Visual Basic, Excel, Microsoft Word, Graficadores, DiskManager, WordPerfect

Industrial Softwares : WonderWare, Intouch, Factoy Suite

-  Development of computer systems

-  Infection Problems Control

-  Recuperation of Information, other

-  Programming and Design of Pages WEB in htlm


-  PC Repair

-  Installation of parts and pieces for HardWare

-  RE - Power of Personal Computer

-  Setting and Assembled of computers