Stephen J. De Marco, PE
IAB Vice-Chair
Inside this Issue
Executive Committee Guidelines
1. New Research Projects
2. Integration of New Universities into PSERC
3. Enabling Dialog Between Industry and University Member
4. Funding New Projects In Addition to Membership Funds
What Is the New RoadMap ?PIMS
I need a volunteer to be the editor.
1. Company fills out the web form with pertainate information about the new project they want to initiate.
2. The form, when submitted, goes to the X-Comm and the rest of the IAB for team development and expression of interest by other companies. Note, company originating the form should indicate if co-funding is being sought.
3. Response to initiating company by the Director within 3 weeks
Did You Know ?
I've been consulting with Bob Thomas and he has explained to me the general guidelines used by the Executive Committee for making decisions. I'm passing them on to you for your education as well.
1. New Research Projects
Each project should have a minimum of 70K/year.
Each project should have a minimum of 2 researchers. Additional funding should be provided for more than two researchers.
Collaboration among schools is important.
Each school should receive $120K/year as a 3 year rolling average.
2. Integration of New Universities into PSerc
Collaboration with current schools should begin as soon as possible but no longer than one year after new school joins the Center
3. Enabling Dialog Between Industry and University Members
Questions/topics for discussion should be initiated through the listserves and .
A form will be provided on the PSerc web site ( or to be filled out by industry for exploring new projects.
4. Funding New Projects In Addition to Membership Funds
The company fills out the web form with pertinent information about the new project they want to initiate.
The form, when submitted, goes to the X-Comm and the rest of the IAB for team development and expression of interest by other companies. Note the company originating the form should indicate if co-funding is being sought.
Response to initiating company by the Director within 3 weeks
What Is the New Road Map ?
A great deal of brainstorming and work was done in the New Orleans retreat in February. PSERC is being enhanced and there will be some evolutionary changes. The IAB will be asked to comment on this work in Iowa.
PSERC will focus on three areas (as before): Markets, T&D Technologies, and Systems. Interested IAB representatives will be asked to provide guidance and advice within each step, including formulation of the project proposal.
Additional management support will be sought to help PSERC be more effective. More on this in Iowa.
I am working with Bob Thomas to computerize the management system. We are developing PIMS - PSERC Information Management System.
See you all soon, Steve