Gas purchases

made to cover GRTgaz’s

own requirements

Qualification Procedure

Templates of Items A.1, A.3.a, A.3.b

Letter of Acceptance of the General Terms and Conditions(A.1)

[letter to be written on your company letterhead]


Direction Système Gaz


6, rue Raoul Nordling

92277 Bois-Colombes


Re: Acceptance of General Terms and Conditions version No. 2014-0regarding purchases of gas to cover GRTgaz’s own requirements

Company ______, with capital of ______, having its head office at ______, registered [at the RCS of ______for French companies] under No.______, represented by Mrs/Mr ______, (position), duly authorised for this purpose, declares that it has read General Terms and Conditions version No. 2014-0, applicable from May 1, 2014, regarding purchases of gas to cover GRTgaz’s own requirements, has understood all its terms, and agrees and accepts them without reservation.

Signed at ______, on ______

(name and position of signatory)


Declaration of status for companies based in France(A.3.a)

[letter to be written on your company letterhead]

Company identification

(Name, legal status, registration number, …)


Direction Système Gaz


6, rue Raoul Nordling

92277 Bois-Colombes


Re: Declaration of status

I, the undersigned [surname, first name], representing the above designated company ______, acting in my capacity as [position], duly authorised for this purpose, do solemnly swear:

  • that the company ______has up to today fulfilled all its obligations relating to the payment of compulsory social security contributions, and to the declaration and payment of direct and indirect taxes for which the company ______is liable in the country where it is based.
  • that it fulfils the provisions of the employment code and in particular Article L8251-1.

Signed at ______, on ______

(name and position of the company’s representative)


Declaration of status for companies based abroad(A.3.b)

[letter to be written on your company letterhead]

Company identification

(Name, legal status, registration number, …)


Direction Système Gaz


6, rue Raoul Nordling

92277 Bois-Colombes


Re: Declaration of status

I, the undersigned [surname, first name], representing the above designated company ______, acting in

my capacity as [position], duly authorised for this purpose, do solemnly swear:

  • that the company ______has up to today fulfilled all its obligations relating to the payment of compulsory social security contributions, and to the declaration and payment of direct and indirect taxes for which the company ______is liable in the country where it is based.
  • that the work will be carried out with staff who are legally employed under French law or equivalent laws in the country to which they belong.

Signed at ______, on ______

(name and position of the company’s representative)
