Prayer of the Faithful


Invitation to Prayer:

My brothers and sisters,

let us place before the God of the covenant

our prayers for the needs of the whole Church,

the salvation of all people,

and especially for those preparing

for the Sacraments of Initiation during Lent.

Collect Prayer:

God of the covenant,

as the ancient flood swept away the world's corruption

and watered new beginnings of righteousness and life,

so we implore your mercy,

that throughout these forty days

you would unseal for us the wellspring of your grace,

cleanse our hearts of all that is not holy,

and cause your gift of new life to flourish once again.

Through Christ our Lord.


God of mercy,

whose Spirit drove Jesus out into the desert to fast and pray,

lead us, we pray, into the lenten season,

that by the grace of the Spirit we may repent of our sins

and be renewed in your love.

Through Christ, our Lord.


Almighty God,

who sent your Son to proclaim the good news of our salvation,

hear our prayers and grant that your Spirit will strengthen our faith

to believe in the good news of Jesus,

and come to the glory of his resurrection.

Who lives and reigns for ever and ever.

Prayer of the Faithful

First Sunday of Lent - February 18, 2018

Deacon or Reader:

1.For the Church, sent by the Spirit to be a prophetic voice of salvation

in the wilderness of this world;

for Christians who are experiencing the desert of persecution;

and for the clergy and parishioners of St. Patrick, Lansdowne

and St. Brendan, Rockport.

We pray to the Lord.

2.For the fruitful undertaking of our prayer, fasting and almsgiving;

for the catechumens and elect of the Church, who will be called to the waters of Baptism

and the Table of the Lord at the Easter Vigil;

and for a generous sharing of our gifts with others.

We pray to the Lord.

3.For a deeper response to God’s covenant with us and all living creatures;

for a greater respect for all life, from conception to natural death;

and for the cleansing of all sin and renewal of our Baptismal commitment during Lent.

We pray to the Lord.

4.For the sick and home bound of the parish;

for all young people, especially those preparing for Confirmation or First Communion;

and for all facing economic difficulties.

We pray to the Lord.

5. For peace in a world divided by power and religion;

for the victims and families of the recent shootings in Florida;

for those who are tempted to respond to evil by violence or force;

and for those who rely on their own strength and power.

We pray to the Lord.

6. For the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners;

for those who have died recently;

and for all who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

We pray to the Lord.

Prayer of the Faithful

First Sunday of Lent - February 18, 2018

1.Deacon:Let us pray for the Church, sent by the Spirit to be a prophetic voice of salvation

in the wilderness of this world:

Reader:For Christians who are experiencing the desert of persecution;

for peace in a world divided by power and religion;

and for the clergy and parishioners of St. Patrick, Lansdowne

and St. Brendan, Rockport.

We pray to the Lord.

2.Deacon:Let us pray for the fruitful undertaking of our prayer, fasting and almsgiving:

Reader:For the catechumens and elect of the Church, who will be called to the waters of

Baptism and the Table of the Lord at the Easter Vigil;

for a generous sharing of our gifts with others;

and for the cleansing of all sin and renewal of our Baptismal commitment

during Lent.

We pray to the Lord.

3.Deacon:Let us pray for a deeper response to God’s covenant with us

and all living creatures:

Reader:For a greater respect for all life, from conception to natural death;

for the victims and families of the recent shootings in Florida;

for those who are tempted to respond to evil by violence or force;

and for those who rely on their own strength and power.

We pray to the Lord.

4.Deacon:Let us pray for the need of our parish and community:

Reader:For the young people of our parish,

especially those preparing for Confirmation or First Communion;

for the sick and home bound of the parish;

and for all facing economic difficulties.

We pray to the Lord.

5. Deacon:Let us pray for the spiritual and physical well-being of all parishioners:

Reader:For those who have died recently;

and for all who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

We pray to the Lord.