Dear all,


Let us meet this coming Friday (Feb 27) at 6 PM to plan out forthcoming special activities and follow up on discussions from our last Meeting.

  1. Swami PratyagbodhanandaSwamiji’s meeting with Children on Sunday, 22nd March, 2015 during regularly scheduled Devagokulam.
  1. Deva Gokulam potluck dinner event on March 14 (Saturday) evening at the Temple.
  1. Sri. Dhira Chaitanya’s Program
  2. Friday (April 17) evening (public): Dharma (continuation from last visit) or other topic
  3. Saturday (April 18) morning (Devagokulam teachers): 2 sessions
  4. Saturday evening (April 18) (public): Value of forgiveness
  5. Sunday (April 19) morning: Devagokulam (same format like last visit)
  6. Sunday (April 19) evening (public): Raising a family (Satsang type event followed by potluck dinner?)
  1. Follow up on Items from our last meeting:
  1. We are requesting parents that are able to attend Gita Study Group to start in Iswara Room on the Main Level first (after you drop off the kids) and then move to Gita Room in the Lower Level. It is generally felt that parents would benefit from attending a part of Iswara group session ahead of moving into Gita Study Program (please visit for Iswara lesson plans: currently learning Iswara and Religious Discipline).
  1. Enrollment and Attendance

Usha Karanam suggested giving awards/certificates for attendance at the end of the year – this will encourage attendance

Meena Thota suggested that we give out graduation certificates at the end of the year

  1. Amar Chitra Katha (ACK) titles are available in a more friendly format on IPAD and Android platforms. There are also resources for learning and teaching Sanskrit. Teachers and parents are encouraged to take advantage of these resources.
  2. Meena Thota suggested that the Iswara group children lead the Bhajan sessions to set an example for younger children.
  3. It is suggested that Ganga Stotram will be choreographed into a song-dance item (5 minutes 30 seconds) during Brahmotsava (all children of all ages can participate in this event). Two other items are being finalized as Deva Gokulam contributions. Sushma Pradhan suggested setting 5-6 practice dates (one-hour sessions) and communicating to all parents in advance. This way parents can make choices about their children participating in programs and plan accordingly.

Look forward to seeing you all this Friday (Feb 27) at 6 PM.


prakash babu